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VW Jetta 2015 - No Key even after Decrypt seems to have worked fine

I have installed a EVO ALL on a Jetta 2015 TDI (Push Start - Automatic).  I have the EVO ALL, THAR-VW1 and TB-VW installed as per instructions (I decided to skip the trunk release wiring as I didn't find the feature useful for me case).   The EVO All is programmed with Diesel Option enabled and it went through the Decryptor without any issues.  

When I press the 3 lock sequence,  the dash lights up (I had a previous problem that now brought me up to this point) but the dash says 'NO KEY'.   The car starts if I get the key in the car,  but not if the key is not in the car.   I was wondering what could be the problem.  The only item that I was wondering is that I reprogrammed (changed options) on the EVO ALL but didn't run the decript after,  would this cause this issue?   The car is store off site so I will drive in the morning and try this.   But what other issues could this be?


Signs of a decryption issue (Bypass) on a VW Jetta 2015

I have installed a EVO ALL on a Jetta 2015 TDI (Push Start - Automatic). I have the EVO ALL, THAR-VW1 and TB-VW installed as per instructions (I decided to skip the trunk release wiring as I didn't find the feature useful for me case). The EVO All is programmed with Diesel Option enabled and it went through the Decryptor without any issues. But when I press the 3 lock sequence. It doesn't start or crank. I see the red light turns on, and then the yellow light turn on... and it repeats this procedure twice (as per the options programmed). The dash of the car doesnt come on (as expected) during the sequence. I will check the brake lights when I have time but I was wondering if there is possibly something wrong with the bypass. Thanks


2015 VW GTI Manual, remote start worked once but now just cranks

Just finished installing an Evo-one LTE in my 2015 VW GTI, manual with push to start (mfg. in 2015) using the TB-VW and Thar-vw1 I had some issues with the first iteration of programming but eventually hard reset the Evo module, reflashed it, re programmed with R-link. Installed back in the car and the remote start worked! Buttoned it all up, got the car in ready mode just to test it and it just cranks, but won’t start. my connections and programming were all fine if it started the first time so what would cause this?


Compatibility with 2016 Volkswagen GTI

I'm confused with compatibility regarding the 2016 VW GTI. I see options listed for the standard MK7 Golf and Golf R, as well as the MK6-generation GTI. Would the systems for the MK7 Golf or Golf R work with my GTI?


2007 City Golf evo one 411 install

I am going to be installing an evo one 441 into a 2007 City Golf manual, for the handbrake reading another question I am on my own for the clutch bypass which is easy enough, however the guide says that lock/unlock/arm/disarm/foot brake are not supported, I was under the impression this car is electrically identical to a 2002-04 mk4 Golf which has those features supported. I don't mind making the extra connections if need be however obviously rather have it all done via CAN So does the City Golf support lock/unlock/arm/disarm via CAN like the earlier 02-04 Golf or no? Thanks


Firmware for VW with Virtual Cluster

Hello. Tell me, are there plans to release firmware for WT Tiguan or Atlas with keyless installation and with a virtual cluster installed? maybe it already exists? thanks in advance for your answer


brake wire causing no start?

Having issue with starting it lights up, brake lights come on like its going to start but stops without cranking says "brake" on LCD On dash, and evo stays lit with orange light or lights , if i put a stick on the pedal and hold brake pedal down as i try to remote start, it works fine

2014 VW Jetta
DATE 12/2021
s/n 002b04248922
firmware remote start = 1.[26]  hardware 7.0
BYPASS = 75.[41]
hardware 4.0
using spare key
loaded suggested options on both with diesel option checked

I talked to 1 of your techs today on the phone about it not starting at brake and he said there may be another black & red wire for the brake but after looking at the factory wire schematic & taking the plug down again and physically looking at it,  there is only 1 red & black but there is a {black& violet} & {black & yellow} after the brake switch on the schematic, so im thinking going to one of those? at this point ive tried everything else i know to do.
i watch the lights on the evo as i hit the remote start it goes through all 3 lights then after stays on 2 orange lights or 1 glowing over to look like 2? and still says "brake" on the dash as its trying 

brake lights come on as its going through the process of trying to start also

so it looks and acts like its going to but fails, checked every connection with my fluke meter also, everything is wired correctly only wire in question i suppose is the brake
and i dont care about having to press on the brake pedal so if there are wires to connect or cut to just do away with this feature im all for it to get this project done
P.S. I never did get a blue flash after plugging in all the plugs and turning on ignition, just lights turned off so dont know if thats normal and not mentioned in the guide? or if something is still wrong?

thank you!


Re-wrapped extra fob, now neither works

Original VW starter installed by an installer into a Tiguan after I purchased it. Someone borrowed the car, forgot to take my fob, and decided to pull out the hidden fob from under the dash. The wire coil and black tape are gone; only two bare leads coming out from under the dash remain. I took the battery-less fob he pulled out and wrapped it 12 times with 24 gauge insulated wire, then crimped the two ends of that wire to the leads sticking out from under the dash. It does not do anything. I tried wrapping different numbers of turns up to 16, same. Worse, my main fob stopped working. It does not do anything. Tried replacing battery, same. Tried reset procedure (using physical key, unlock/lock), same. Anybody know what might be going on?


2010 Volkswagen Tiguan no heating with remote starter.

2010 Volkswagen Tiguan Evo-all stand alone wire by wire Remote starter work but no heating or climate control


Evo Start 2 says running for a few seconds then says off but car is running

Installed Evo all with twvw1 harness and Evo start 2 yellow wire from Evo start 2 connected to purple/yelllow wire from Evo All (ign + out) Evo start will say "Engine On" but the tach needle doesn't change, and then it says that the engine is off the next status request I send. But the car is running. It will show that the voltage is 14+ and the temp rising in the car. But shows the engine off.


2015 VW Golf Evo-One Manual Trans, TB-VW THAR-VW6, No Start, Ready Mode Error

I have a 2015 VW Golf. Installed and programmed Evo-One with TB-VW, and THAR-VW6. I run the car, and am able to enter ready mode by pressing brake, pulling handbrake, then releasing brake, and pressing start on the fob. The car responds, and I am able to remove they key. I get out and close the door, and the car seems to go into ready mode giving one flash of the parking lights. When I send the remote start command with the fob, the car starts the procedure and then gives me 3 flashes before even trying to crank. Is it possible there are any settings in the evo-one that may be causing the vehicle to lose ready mode before it starts. Thanks


2015 VW Golf Evo-One Manual Trans, TB-VW THAR-VW6, No Start, Ready Mode Error

I have a 2015 VW Golf. Installed and programmed Evo-One with TB-VW, and THAR-VW6. I run the car, and am able to enter ready mode by pressing brake, pulling handbrake, then releasing brake, and pressing start on the fob. The car responds, and I am able to remove they key. I get out and close the door, and the car seems to go into ready mode giving one flash of the parking lights. When I send the remote start command with the fob, the car starts the procedure and then gives me 3 flashes before even trying to crank. Is it possible there are any settings in the evo-one that may be causing the vehicle to lose ready mode before it starts. Thanks
