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Battery Drain day after install Subaru Forester 2022

Installed Evo-One on Subaru Forester 2022 PTS (US) with THAR-ONE-SUB2 T-Harness and Linkr-LT2. Battery keeps draining with fortin connected. T-Harness was a simple installation with 2 connectors behind cluster on the Keyless access ECU. All recommended setting selected. It seems the car is not going to sleep. Any idea to solve this problem?


VW 2019 Atlas Programming/CAN Issue

Recently tried to install EVO One in 2019 Atlas Push to Start. Latest Bypass Firmware Installed. T-Harness VW6 & TB-VW Installed. In the Instructions it mentions the CAN BUS is in the Steering Wheel Module Control. This is a Non-Heated Steering Wheel and does not have the CAN Wires present in the OEM Connector. No Orange/Green or Orange/Brown Wires - Pins 3 and 4 Using WireColor - I have found and connected the Wires to the Driver Door Harness and confirmed the CAN Lines are correct. Data CAN Bus (High) Orange / Green Steering lock module. 4 pin connector or driver door harness Data CAN Bus (Low) Orange / Brown Steering lock module. 4 pin connector or driver door harness During Programming - Step 1 - Released on Blue Light. Step 2 - Connected all Cables. Step 3 - Turn On Ignition. Step 4 - Press and release programming button once and wait for Rapid Flash of Blue Light and it never gets past this Step. I have confirmed CAN Lines and Transponder Wires. Just to also confirm - We cant use CAN BUS 2 from the OBD, Correct? Any other Ideas of programming issue? SN: 002B04 136811 Thanks


Manual 3x lock stops working after car sits but drone mobile still works.

Two manual cars was noticed that the 3x lock stops working after short time. If you enable ready mode then try the three lock start right after you get out of the car It works. If you wait 30 minutes or more it does not work with the 3x lock feature anymore. Lights flash three times which means the car is not in ready mode. Cars also have drone mobile installed. The app starts cars with no issues. One is a Honda Civic 2009 the other is a Subaru crosstrek 2019. Has this issue before seen before? Why does it work when you get out of the car for a short time but then it doesn't after the cars sets for awhile but still works with drone mobile.


DroneMobile X1

Do we see DroneMobile X1 being compatible with EVO-ONE any time soon? Not very many DR-5400 on the market for purchasing.


VW Atlas 2019 PTS

I have a 2019 VW Atlas Push to Start. I know a SW Engineer that works at the VW Chattanooga Plant that builds the Atlas and he said there was not differences or updates to the Remote/Keyless system from 2018 to 2019. Does anyone know if the 2018 setup would work for the 2019? He confirmed all the Connections and pinouts are the same.


Dodge Dart Manual Transmission 1 Key

2013 Dodge Dart Manual Transmission with only 1 Key. I know the Key is Disabled when Remote Start is Enabled. Without buying a RF-Kit. Can you use the Key to unlock the car and take over with no issues? Or does that unit have to see the Unlock command from the remote? Second question: To have the car in Ready Mode "Press Brake, Emergency Brake, Release Brake" will the Remote be functional to Lock the car once you exit? I didnt know with the "Press Brake, Emergency Brake, Release Brake" if the car continues to run until you lock it or not without installing and testing.


2017 RAV4 Defrost

2017 RAV4 Evo-All installed. Just wondering if Can-Bus can turn on the defrost on this car? Thanks

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