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2006 chevrolet impala using evo-all stand alone install - no lock/unlock and accessory connection

Hello all, good day. Just wanna ask if i do the evo-all stand alone install with rf642 on this 2006 chevy impala, will the lock and unlock and accessory work through the vdata cable? Without physical connection? i experienced this with a 2007 nissan xtrail, it has a data connection but lock/unlock doesnt work. I had to physically find and connect them. (Using. Evo-one) thanks in advance.


RF642W - Two way communication not working

In order to have a remote with each physical key, I purchased a 2nd RF642W kit. After pairing the remotes from the 2nd kit to the vehicle the remotes work in that they are able to preform all the functions. However, they don't appear to recieve 2 way confirmation. The most annoying part of this is when I press lock/unlock on one of the 2nd kit's remotes the vehicle locks/unlocks 3x before the remote says it did not work (even though it did). Is there a way to get the remotes from the 2nd kit to recieve the 2 way confirmations?


RF642W remote batteries dead within a week

I am having an issue with my RF642W remote. The batteries in the remote are dying within a week of being installed, even though I have tried using new batteries and changing them multiple times. The remote functions normally when the batteries have a charge, all buttons work and nothing is stuck down. The LED and chime on the remote also operate normally. Can anyone suggest any further steps I can take to investigate this issue or is this a symptom of failing hardware?


RFK942 Remote LED

When I start my G37S which uses the RF642W remote, the RF642W remote's green LED flashes once every six seconds when the car has been started remotely. On my Q50, which has the RFK942, when the car has been started remotely the LED of the RFK942 remote flashes once every 10 seconds. My question is, is there is a way to change how often the LED on the RFK942 remote flashes? This trivial and certainly no "deal breaker" since I do preferrer the RFK942. I was just wondering.


RFK942 not working after disconnecting and reconnecting the car battery

After getting the RFK942 working I did some maintenance on the car. I disconnected the battery to perform the maintenance required and after reconnecting the battery I attempted to lock the doors with the RFK942 remote. The remote sent the signal but doors did not lock (LED turned red). I thought that perhaps the antenna needed to be reprogrammed so I attempted to perform the programming procedure again. The antenna would not program (no blue LED) so I connected it to the Flashlink Manager to see if something had been turned off. The Flashlink Manager did not recognized that the antenna was connected. From this I am gathering that the antenna was damaged when I reconnected the car battery. Is this possible? If so, what can I do to prevent this from happening again? Would a different RF kit work better (for example the RF642W)?


Can the remote start from OEM keyfob be disabled when I install an RF-Kit to my EVO remote starter?

Can the remote start from OEM keyfob be disabled when I install an RF-Kit to my EVO remote starter? I'll be installing an RF-All 642W with my existing EVO-CHRT5 (that currently starts with the OEM 3x Lock button). Can the OEM 3x Lock be disabled so only the remote from the RF Kit will start the car? the 3x Lock hasn't worked great for me because my wife has a bad habit of hitting the OEM lock more than one to "make sure" the car is locked. If not, what mode would you recommend I use to minimize accidental remote starts? I think I saw Lock-Unlock-Lock, but hoping it can just be disabled.


Can the remote start from OEM keyfob be disabled when I install an RF-Kit to my EVO remote starter?

Can the remote start from OEM keyfob be disabled when I install an RF-Kit to my EVO remote starter? I'll be installing an RF-All 642W with my existing EVO-CHRT5 (that currently starts with the OEM 3x Lock button). Can the OEM 3x Lock be disabled so only the remote from the RF Kit will start the car? the 3x Lock hasn't worked great for me because my wife has a bad habit of hitting the OEM lock more than one to "make sure" the car is locked. If not, what mode would you recommend I use to minimize accidental remote starts? I think I saw Lock-Unlock-Lock, but hoping it can just be disabled.


Key fob cover

This is just a general (and perhaps silly) question concerning the RFK942 and RF642W key fobs. I am looking for a means to protect my key fobs. I have my vehicle key fobs protected with silicone covers. Is there something available for the RFK942 and/or the RF642W?


how do I program RF642W fobs to work on Evo-one?

i have installed an Evo-one on my 2019 mazda cx5 and the OEM key fob 3x lock start is working fine. I have also included the RF642W when i programmed / flashed the module. I am not sure what to do next to make the rf kit functioning. i am a bit confused with the quick guide. I dont get the same response from the system (as stated on the guide) when trying to do the steps on programming the fobs. not sure what I am missing.


how do I program RF642W fobs to work on Evo-one?

i have installed an Evo-one on my 2019 mazda cx5 and the OEM key fob 3x lock start is working fine. I have also included the RF642W when i programmed / flashed the module. I am not sure what to do next to make the rf kit functioning. i am a bit confused with the quick guide. I dont get the same response from the system (as stated on the guide) when trying to do the steps on programming the fobs. not sure what I am missing.


Should I connect the lt. blue wire

I’m putting an evo-all in my 2016 Cruze limited with an rf kit. The instructions say units from 2017 to December 2018 need to have the lt. blue wire connected. My unit was manufactured January of 2019. I wasn’t sure if the guide had been updated and therefore didn’t know if I should follow page 6 or page 7 of the guide.


Can the audible beeps from the FTX64-2W remotes be disabled?

Evo-all installed on a 2015 Ford F150 using the ForT3 harness and RFK642 2 way RF Kit using the RFALL. Absolutely works perfectly and has exceeded my expectations! Is there any way to disable the audible tones that play on the remote to let you know the vehicle has received the signal? I would much rather just watch the lights and not hear the remote. If not will the Fortin RM942 Or 442 kit do this? I would love to be able to shut off the remote beeps. I've searched everywhere for the answer for about a day before asking. I do like being able to see the green light confirmation that my vehicle has received the signal and the subsequent green LED that flashes every ten seconds so I don't want to go to a 1 way kit. Thanks.


08 Nissan Pathfinder - RF642W Lock Button Locks, Unlock Button Locks, Programming Settings or Wrong Wire?

2008 Nissan Pathfinder S - Standard Key - OEM Alarm Fortin EVO-ONE With NIS2 Harness Guide Followed: 75611 Unit was flashed to recommended/newest firmware prior to install. Service No: 002B07 200206 Everything is installed and working (As far as the Remote Starter Goes). When using the OEM Remotes the vehicle will lock and unlock as it always has. However, when using the RF642W remotes, The remote start works flawlessly (Push button, parking lights on, start/Crank, Run) The lock button locks the doors, but the unlock button also locks them (and does not unlock). The OEM Remote will unlock the door as normal with the remote starter running, but I would really like to not have to carry two remotes with me. Vehicle Running Oem Remote: Only Solid Yellow is on, No Blue Flashes RF642W: Lock - Solid Yellow, Blue Flash - Locks Doors RF642W: Unlock - Solid Yellow, Blue Flash - Locks Doors Did I miss a step? Enable/disable a wrong option? Any help is greatly appreciated. Thank You in advance.