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System no longer receive command from remote

Mazda 5 2014

EVO-ALL and E400

Remote FTX75


Everything worked fine for many years then the power fuse for E400 module burned, I changed it and tried to reconnect my 2nd remote using RF751W guide didn't worked but then the first remote only available fonction was unlock doors (i changed for new batteries and both remotes no longer work). 


Now when I try to link a remote after step 2 (using valet switch) the LED on the antena flashes rapidly. Then I select option 5 (five horn chirp and brake light flash) and the LED stop flashing. press the brake and release pedal once and press correct buttons on remote but there is no confirmation from antenna's LED.

I turn off the ignition and the parking lights falshes 4 times. (indication of a reset)


Any help would be appreciated.

Thank you



FAQ Sean (750Pts.)


Adding 2 way remote to one way starter

I have an Evo one with rfk441 installed, I would like a 2 way remote, looking at the parts list the rfk442 uses the same antenna, can I simply buy a rm442 remote and have 1 2 way remote and 1 1 way remote with my starter?


Informational: Interfacing Compustar T11/T12-style remotes to EVO-ONE

I'm not a Fortin rep but someone might find this useful -- I struggled with making these types of Compustar remotes work with the EVO-ONE. There are a few reports here of success with these remotes, and I had to do alot of experimentation to get satisfactory results, because these reports were somewhat vague and didn't cite which Firmware revisions were used when these observations were made. I can report that Firmware 7.1.24 (latest as of this thread) allows full function of these remotes without any drama, with the exception of a missing "remote start ready" (engine icon) indicator, which to me isn't any type of deal-breaker considering the capabilities of these units. Temperature, voltage, trunk, remote valet, alarm paging, etc. all work. The Fortin documentation states that FW 7.0.96 must be flashed for (supported) Compustar remotes, but this FW level is not sufficient to get full function from the (unsupported) T11/T12 remotes. 7.0.96 - Couldn't program remotes with Mode 1 or Mode 5. 7.1.16 - Remotes programmed immediately on Mode 5 and function, but temperature and voltage status reported erroneous numbers. 7.1.24 - Remotes programmed immediately on Mode 5 and all functions appear to work, with the exception of the "ready" engine icon which indicates a remote start is possible. IMHO, might be an issue for manual-transmission vehicles. Remote start functions regardless. To get this remote to work, flash the EVO-ONE to 7.1.24, and program the remotes with Mode 5. That's it. ** IMPORTANT ** -- There's no LED or valet switch on the antenna, even though the plastic housing looks like these features are there. This seriously confused me. I was trying to press that plastic square over-and-over thinking this was a valet switch, but it's a cosmetic feature, and does nothing, and there's no LED. I had to pop the antenna open to confirm this. Just flash to 7.1.24 and follow the instructions in the Compustar document from Fortin to program the remotes using Mode 5.


Which 2 way remote works with EVO Start 2 Antenna

Which 2 way remote works with EVO Start 2 Antenna. I know FTXDUO but its 1 way.. any 2 way remotes ? Thanks


Which 2 way remote works with EVO Start 2 Antenna

Which 2 way remote works with EVO Start 2 Antenna. I know FTXDUO but its 1 way.. any 2 way remotes ? Thanks


EVO-ALL + FT-D100+Compustar RF kit

I installed a few different car using EVO-ALL + FT-D100 + compustar RF kit which is working good until car battery is dead or replace. Factory 3x still working but compustar remote is not woking anymore. I need to reprogram compustar remote then working again. All FT-D100 is update firmware before I installed. That problem is not only one car, it seen all car same issue. Any idea? Thanks.


T9 not programming though Ft-D100 with EVO-ALL

I have a EVO-ALL installed in a 2014 ford focus hatchback with a key start, and i'm trying to add a compustar T9 rf kit to it. I have installed the FT-D100 (switching the blue and white wire before pluging into the unit) to go between the two and flashed the correct firmware for the unit. When I replug the 4 pin connector and go into the programing mode the lights do not flash. I do get all lights on when in the programing mode but it does not seem to see the remotes.


Evo-one and compustar t11 and g15 pro

This is more of anwsering my own questions that I had prior to installing my system. I have an eve-one installed and a compustar t11 & g15 pro rf kit. Both remotes programed as expected with the lock button. The g15 pro works 100% as expected, aside from not sounding off when the alarm is set off (but that's how it's supposed to work). On the t11 remote the voltage and temprature work great. The only thing that doesn't work as expected on the t11 is the engine icon, which should be lit when the car is able to be remote started, is not lit. The car still remote starts, you just dont get the engine icon that says it's ready to be started. In all though the compustar t11, g15 pro and the ant-2wdss antenna work great with the evo-one.


Evo-one and compustar t11 and g15 pro

This is more of anwsering my own questions that I had prior to installing my system. I have an eve-one installed and a compustar t11 & g15 pro rf kit. Both remotes programed as expected with the lock button. The g15 pro works 100% as expected, aside from not sounding off when the alarm is set off (but that's how it's supposed to work). On the t11 remote the voltage and temprature work great. The only thing that doesn't work as expected on the t11 is the engine icon, which should be lit when the car is able to be remote started, is not lit. The car still remote starts, you just dont get the engine icon that says it's ready to be started. In all though the compustar t11, g15 pro and the ant-2wdss antenna work great with the evo-one.


T9 not programming though Ft-D100 with EVO-ALL

I have a EVO-ALL installed in a 2014 ford focus hatchback with a key start, and i'm trying to add a compustar T9 rf kit to it. I have installed the FT-D100 (switching the blue and white wire before pluging into the unit) to go between the two and flashed the correct firmware for the unit. When I replug the 4 pin connector and go into the programing mode the lights do not flash. I do get all lights on when in the programing mode but it does not seem to see the remotes.


Adding a RF642W to Evo One

When connecting a RF642W to an EVO ONE, is there a programming step when connecting the RF antenna? Or do you just plug in the antenna and go straight to programming the remotes?


2006 Ram diesel starts but wont shut off

2006 Ram once T harness is connected truck will start with the key but wont shut off . when I plug in the modual to program it I cannot get passed step 6 the blue lights keep flashing . I did get it to start once with the remote but the glow plugs didnot come on . even if I unplug the modual the truck will not shut off unless I disconnect the T harness .