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Evo-one & Evo-start LTE

Hello can you please kindly help me. I have Evo-one & Evo-Start LTE installed on 2022 Toyota corolla push start last summer everything worked perfect with auto door lock & relock when i walk away, 3 days ago i try to set bluetooth PKE setting signal sensitivity on Evo-start LTE now door lock work away doesn't work any more, also look at option 9 in remote start for active or passive arming and try but no luck. do i need to do master reset and start over again ? Thank you very much and have a great day.


Dcryptor does not complete - No connection avalaible msg after 1hr+ decription


I have followed the guide religiously several times now and have even performed a "Master Reset Procedure" a couple of times along the way.

Everything seems to work according to the guide:

    Programming: I obtained the red and yellow flashing lights before heading to the computer to run the "Decryptor." Decryptor: I received the Flashlink updater status: "Connected," as well as the same for EVO-ONE.

I tried two different computers (one with a very fast internet connection).

After a very long time (1+ hour), an image appeared saying "No connection available" and the following message:

The application is currently unable to load files from the server. Please try again later. If the problem persists, please contact customer support.

And here I am…

Flashlink service number: 002505 118533
EVO-ONE: 002B04 663520 (number printed on the machine*)

*However, when I click on the "Bug Report" (top-right), I obtain a pre-filled form that shows two serial numbers:

    EVO-ONE Bypass model: 002B04 663520 EVO-ONE Remote Starter model: 002B07 663520

Please help!

Oh... While at it, I should be getting close to my EVO and other limits... if you could reset them please.


2013 Hyundai Genesis Coupe auto- Alarm going off after remote starting

Had the EVO ONE installed for about a year with all the functions working. The engine locked up and after the dealer replaced it everything still works except when you remote start about 20ish seconds past and the car alarm will go off. I've tried changing some settings, the master reset ( plug in the big connector and let the button go when its red then hold again until it cycles) then flashing it again still no change. I checked the wiring and found no breakage or cuts. 2 things I've noticed is that if I'm trying to do the KEY BYPASS PROGRAMMING PROCEDURE after I get solid yellow and I plug in the rest of the connectors and turn the car on the light does not change, tried about 4 times, but when I do the PROGRAMMING VEHICLE WITHOUT PATS DATA WIRE (even thought I did the PATS wiring like the diagram said) I get through all the steps no problem and end up with the original issue. 2nd thing is when I remote start it unlocks then locks and starts (like it should) then after a couple of seconds it locks again which I feel like its arming the alarm because I tested unlocking the car after that second lock and around the time the alarm would normally go off it doesn't but what happens is the car relocks its self then after some seconds the alarm goes off again. Also note if I turn the alarm off the cycle of the car locking itself again then the alarm going off will continue forever until I either disable the remote start or put my key and turn it to the on position To me its sounding like the EVO one isn't acting like the "key" which points to the key bypass Issue and I cannot seem to find a forum about the problem I am having


Evo-one & Evostart2 for 2022 Toyota Corolla sedan push start

Please help I did master reset Evo-one on 2022 Toyota sedan push start and did key transfer Dcrypter when put 3 times lock my car start but when using Evostart2 app i get green light flashing then orange light come one but Evo-one not get signal car not start. i just have a question do i need to program evo-one & evostart2 in the car together then return to PC do key transfer Dcrypter, because i did program only Evo-one in the car the return to PC do key transfer after that try 3 times lock it work then program Evostart2 after but doesn't work try do reset Evostar2 & reprogram again still doesn't work. Evo-one SN: 002B04 248953 Thank you very much.


Please help key transfer reached limit

I try so many times and want my car it start then did master reset unit after return to Pc do Dcryptor and get limit has been reached can you reset Please. Evo one SN: 002B04 248953 Thank you very much.


2015 outlander euro

Hello. I also tried the master reset as you told me. I tried another device, which I tried on Ford before (001A07391859), but "take over" is not possible... it says on the monitor that the immobilizer system needs service.


Evo-all mazda cx5 2018

Véhicule: Mazda CX5 2018 J'avais réussi a installer decryptor dans le module evo-all. Pour une raison que j'ignore, je me suis mélangé rendu à l'étape 17 et j'ai fait un master reset. J'ai tenté à plusieurs reprises de refaire la programmation sans succès. Depuis ce temps, j'ai plein de problème: le véhicule ne reconnaissait plus les clés, j'ai résolu le problème en refaisant les connexions. Ensuite, le check engine est allumé avec un code qui mentionne que le module ECM-PCM est en faute. Après avoir contacté le service à la clientèle, je comprends que le module evo-all est bousilllé puisque le véhicule le reconnait déjà et je n'arrive plus à programmer les clés, est-ce que je devrai en installé un autre? Est-ce que je me risque en achetant un autre module evo-all malgré que le module ECM-PCM est toujours en faute? Qu'est-ce qui aurait pu causer tous ces problèmes? Le seul soutien reçu, est que j'aurais dû acheter le EVO-ONE... Merci de votre aide, c'est très apprécié!



please i need EVO ALL master reset SN 001A07349178


E400 master reset

Please I want to reinstall my e400 in my new car Mazda 5 but i don't find the master reset procedure for it or can you please help thanks


Need help EVO-TOYT13 wont start, multiple attempts at programming 2020 Toyota Corolla

After multiple failed attempts at programming and Dcryption (all failed) I came to the Q&A section, see many issues on 2020 Corollas so I saw a response to do a master reset and start over. I factory reset the unit only to get an error message after the reset. "The current device cannot be flashed anymore." Serial number: 001A07 252153


remote start works only when im in the car

my audi a3 2018 push to start have the remote start and work just fine for 2 years but last week the remote start works only when im inside of the car … any recommendations I already did the master reset and everything but it seems to work just when I’m inside of the car


I am unable to factory reset my evo all

I am unable to factory reset (via instruction). Always stays solid red. Any ideas? Its a BRAND NEW UNIT and updated/reflashed/etc with no master reset lock. NO IDEA!


FAQ: How do I reset my EVO-ALL?

The master reset is very simple on the EVO-ALL, but be warned that a reset will also reset all the options back to default if Settings Protection was not enabled. So if you have any special options enabled (such as the all famous D1 and C1 for 3x lock start), or if the vehicle programming requires the use of the DCryptor, make sure that you have access to the Flash-Link Manager!

So here it is...

    Hold down programming button while plugging in datalink connector. Let go of button when LED is RED. Push and hold button again until all three LEDs start to alternate. Disconnect unit, it is now reset.


FAQ: How do I reset my EVO-ALL?

The master reset is very simple on the EVO-ALL, but be warned that a reset will also reset all the options back to default if Settings Protection was not enabled. So if you have any special options enabled (such as the all famous D1 and C1 for 3x lock start), or if the vehicle programming requires the use of the DCryptor, make sure that you have access to the Flash-Link Manager!

So here it is...

    Hold down programming button while plugging in datalink connector. Let go of button when LED is RED. Push and hold button again until all three LEDs start to alternate. Disconnect unit, it is now reset.


2009 toyota camry remote starter engine cranks but won't start.

Hello I recently ran into an issue where when I try to remote start the car, the engine cranks but won't start and my evo one won't master reset either and I really need help to get it fixed please. And my oem key doesn't unlock/lock the car or start the car either. The S/N is 002B04 327767


Evo one no longer recognizes antenna after bypass programming

Was having an issue where the car would not lock after remote start was performed. After trying to reset some of the settings and reinstalling the rf kit no longer worked. Tried master reset and it started working again but then bypass was unprogrammed so had to reprogram decryptor. After that it stopped working and no longer gives horn honk or light on antenna when trying to go intoprogramming. Lights show it is in programming on the evoone. Rf kit is OL-RF-15-SST. Remote start software is .44 per install guide.


2005 Honda Pilot EVO-ONE Omega OL-RF-15-SST no remote start


Ive installed an EVO-ONE with Omega OL-RF-15-SST RF Kit into my 2005 Honda Pilot and i have been unable to get the remote start feature to work. Lock/Unlock functionality work using the Omega remote and when i initiate the remote start function, the remote chimes to indicate it transmitted the remote start signal and the lights on my car flash 3 times and the red led on the EVO unit lights up for a second or 2 then goes out but nothing at all happens after that.

Update: After switching from bypass firmware 73.39 and 73.28 the remotes no longer work and the valet switch no longer works either, so i can try to reconfigure the rf kit. I dunno if my unit has a bug and needs to be master reset or what. I also have no rf kit options other than Fortin RF Kits, if that makes any difference. I have tried the suggested remote starter firmware and the OM 0.44 formware for Omega RF kits to no avail. any help would be appreciated.


Bypass service # 002B04253114

Remote Starter Service # 002B07253114 


Remote Start Stop Working

I have an EVO All installed with T-Harness in a 2022 Rav4 Hybrid PTS. Everything worked fine till I installed and try to use EVO-START 2. I later noticed that I did not programm the EVO_START 2. I did it and since then it never worked and even the 3x lock remote start stop working. I also tried to Master Reset. It seems to work while doing it on the module but when I connect the EVO ALL to FLashLink the module is stil programmed. Nothing was reset. When I start the car, the middle Yellow LED turns on. SN: 001A0785010


2015 Lexus IS 250 push to start remote start did work. but now yellow and red flashing on evo all

Everything was working perfectly til i tried to remote start again by lock ,lock, lock 3 times. Nothing happens but the evo all modules flashing yellow and red. TRY master reset and Dycrptor but Dycrptor said max reach. please help EVO-ALL SN# 001A07 252864


EVO-ONE: Lost my valet/antenna switch

Lost my valet/antenna switch and I need to master reset the module. Can I simulate the valet switch signal by jumping two wires?


Audi MaddMan (310Pts.)


dcryptor reset - Evo-All

Can you please dcryptor reset my evo-all Service# 001A06 831101. Hardware Vr:6 Firmware Vr: 4.18 Date 05/2018 It had been remote starting in my 2014 Audi Q5 with T-harness, the past few years. I recently purchased RM411 one way remote to extend range farther than factory remote. During programming on step 5 the yellow led will not light up or the antenna blue led flashing. Not sure if RF kit setting to H2 is ok, of if this matters. Tried both H1 and H2 in setting, no difference when trying to program. Firmware: 60.10 So, I master reset the evo-all to start over with settings and dcryptor. Received error message “dcryptor limit has been reached for this car”? Any suggestions for programming RM411, after getting remote start working with factory remote?


Issues with Fortin EVO ALL on 2021 Rav4 push to start non-Hybrid

EVO-ALL firmware 79.69 push to start non-hybrid. Flashed with the recommended settings using the wizard and verified current settings: A1:A10 = on, A11 = off, A12 = on, A13:B3 = off, C1:D1 = on, D2:D5 = off, D6 = on, D7:G = off, H2 = on (for the RFK912 install). First attempt at installation, bypass was programmed successfully and 3x lock started the vehicle. Once I programmed the two RFK912 remotes, the vehicle would not turn on with the remotes. Reset the unit using master reset procedure (red light and hold until all colors flash) and reflashed the unit and ram the decryptor. Nothing worked on the second try but the unit recognizes when I press the RFK912. Vehicle starts and runs normally using the push button start. Ran through master reset, reflash, and decryptor a few times with the same results. Now I am getting a decryptor limit reached error for SN 001A07 272320. Please help - this is my second install on a RAV4 of the same year and the first install went flawlessly.


Issues with Fortin EVO ALL on 2021 Rav4 push to start non-Hybrid

EVO-ALL firmware 79.69 push to start non-hybrid. Flashed with the recommended settings using the wizard and verified current settings: A1:A10 = on, A11 = off, A12 = on, A13:B3 = off, C1:D1 = on, D2:D5 = off, D6 = on, D7:G = off, H2 = on (for the RFK912 install). First attempt at installation, bypass was programmed successfully and 3x lock started the vehicle. Once I programmed the two RFK912 remotes, the vehicle would not turn on with the remotes. Reset the unit using master reset procedure (red light and hold until all colors flash) and reflashed the unit and ram the decryptor. Nothing worked on the second try but the unit recognizes when I press the RFK912. Vehicle starts and runs normally using the push button start. Ran through master reset, reflash, and decryptor a few times with the same results. Now I am getting a decryptor limit reached error for SN 001A07 272320. Please help - this is my second install on a RAV4 of the same year and the first install went flawlessly.


unable to add RF411 to my evo -one 002B04 158166

Unable to add RF KIT 411 to evo-one 0022B04 158166. tried a different evo-one and RF KIT worked fine. whats the problem with my first evo one ? evo -one remote starts fine just unable to add RF KIT. I tried master reset and still no go.


Blue light turns off Step 4

Hoping someone can help. Volks Atlas 2021 Standard Key, Evo All Stand Alone instal with RF remote kit. Followed evo-all_ig_sal_bi_vw-atlas-2019-key_a_94061.pdf Ensured CAN High and CAN Low connected correctly, I went straight to the OBD port, used number 6 for CAN High(C3 Gray) and number 14 for CAN Low(C4 Gray/Black), but on step 4, once i turn the ignition to the On/Run position the blue light turns off. I even flipped them and still the blue light turns off. Ensured diodes are plugged in correct direction, Cut transponder wire position 2, D4 to connector side, D6 to wire side. I master reset the unit, hold down button, plug 4 pin, release when red, press button, lights alternate, disconnect. EVO All Date 09/2019 SN 001A07 067090 Help me please!!!

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