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why is the car not starting with remote starter

hello I have installed an evo one 942 with a T harness toy14 on a 2023 toyota rav4 hybrid. It was working a couple time and during my final checks the remote starter will not start vehicle. It accepts the signal, locks and unlock vehicle but won't start or turn ignition on. when I push the start button on remote the park lights come on for a few seconds and then nothing. the red led does flash when locked and remote started. Help Please


Toyota DMPNJ (210Pts.)


2007 Toyota RAV4- No immobilizer

I’m installing an Evo One in a 2007 Toyota Rav4. The car does not have an immobilizer. What are the steps to program the module? I’m not finding it anywhere. Thanks


Toyota Moike (580Pts.)


2022 rav4 lane departure lights up installed evo one 441 push start

2022 rav4 installed evo one with rf441. vehicle starts and stops but when you start driving the lta(lane departure is getting triggered


Low battery causing horn to go off on 2017 RAV4 hybrid?

Our 2017 RAV4 hybrid was parked for a few weeks causing the battery to run down as it has a tracker installed. All of a sudden one morning the horn faintly started to go off intermittently. There was no one around it. Is it possible that it was the Evo that’s installed in it was causing it to go off? Thinking that someone was messing with the battery? If so is it possible to disable this as it keeps going until the battery is basically completely dead. We have since charged the battery and are driving it every few days and there has been no issue since. Thanks


Toyota akm (850Pts.)


2019 Rav4 push start not following the step to start

Yesterday i followed the steps and car was able to start with factory remote 3 lock on my 2019 RAV4 PUSH START using Toy13 Harness. Today i was planning to add Evo start and it is not following even key start option nor Evo start 2. Light is yellow/amber on evo one module. Please let me know what i am missing. Evo one serial number is 002B04 248000. Thanks for help.


Hood pin wire 2017 Toyota RAV4 Hybrid

Where would I need to tap the pink/black wire from the Evo one for the hood pin switch on the interior? I believe it's on the body control module but I'm not sure which connector or wire. I would rather use the factory hood switch if possible rather than installing the aftermarket one and not have to run a wire through the firewall. Thanks


RFK442 not programming with Evo One for a 2009 RAV4 using HAR-ONE- TOY1 harness

I have programmed and installed an Evo-One using THAR-ONE- TOY1 harness in my 2009 Toyota RAV4, automatic transmission, standard key (dot key). Module S/N: 002B04211739,   Bypass Firmware: 79.49, Remote starter firmware: 1.25,   I have double checked the wiring connections, and seems everything is good.   Image 1:, Image 2: I can start the car remotely using the OEM keys. I would like to use the RFK442. I have tried to programming/pairing the RFK442, unfortunately I could not able to proceed after steps 3, page 2 in the following RFK442 programming manual. The problem is: at step 3, the antena LED blinks once and then goes away (but the instruction says "The LED will turn ON").  At step 4, when I press the brake paddle 4 times, the antena LED doesn't response or no rapid flashing (instruction says "The LED will flash rapidly"). It seems like the RFK442 can not communicate with the Evo One.  I appreciate if you have any suggestion to overcome this issue and complete programming the RFK442 with the Evo One.  


RFK442 not programming with Evo One for a 2009 RAV4 using HAR-ONE- TOY1 harness

I have programmed and installed an Evo-One using THAR-ONE- TOY1 harness in my 2009 Toyota RAV4, automatic transmission, standard key (dot key). Module S/N: 002B04211739,   Bypass Firmware: 79.49, Remote starter firmware: 1.25,   I have double checked the wiring connections, and seems everything is good.   Image 1:, Image 2: I can start the car remotely using the OEM keys. I would like to use the RFK442. I have tried to programming/pairing the RFK442, unfortunately I could not able to proceed after steps 3, page 2 in the following RFK442 programming manual. The problem is: at step 3, the antena LED blinks once and then goes away (but the instruction says "The LED will turn ON").  At step 4, when I press the brake paddle 4 times, the antena LED doesn't response or no rapid flashing (instruction says "The LED will flash rapidly"). It seems like the RFK442 can not communicate with the Evo One.  I appreciate if you have any suggestion to overcome this issue and complete programming the RFK442 with the Evo One.  


Which harness should I use with EVO-ONE in 2022 Toyota RAV4 LE?

I'm going to get EVO-ONE for my 2022 Toyota RAV4 LE, H-key. In the spring I checked recommended solution: EVO-ONE and THAR-ONE-TOY12. But now the website suggests THAR-ONE-TOY14... Which one should I get? and what's the difference? I want to use it just with Toyota key for remote start, no separate module. Thanks in advance!


No remote start on 2017 Toyota rav4 push to start

I recently installed the evo all on my 2017 rav4 push to start using the evo all and thar toy6 t harness. The module took programming but i have no remote start. The module is attempting to start but no dash lights or remote start. Followed the instructions for t harness install and programming and no luck. Also used connector A which was labeled from factory.


Check engine light on after remote start, low fuel warning light, AWD malfuction

On DEC.8, 2021 I posted my question "H-KEY 2020 TOYOTA RAV4 LE EVO ONE WITH T-HARNESS REMOTE STARTER INSTALLED - SYSTEM MALFUNCTION" and got answer. I did what recommand to do, evnen hardwiring CAN HIGH/LOW  two wires and use RAV4 CAN connector plugged in ECU, no luck.

My rav4 remote start problem more like this after a few weeks oberservation

    Use OEM remote or RFK442 remote, the low fuel yellow light show up after remote started, When going in the car, key in the key cylinder and turne to ON position, press brake, key taking over. The yellow low fuel light disappear, and fuel display needle moving up to level. After a few times remote starting, when you try another remote starting, the check engine light show up, and screen also shwing "AWD System Malfuntion. 2WD Mode Engaged, Visit you r dealer"

The CHECK ENGINE light was P2067: generic fuel level sensor "B" circuit low. I am wondering that low fuel level sensor B dosen't powered up  when remote started, then ECU set the CHECK  ENGINE light. I reset it by OBDII, but it keep coming. If no remote starting, RAV4 going normal by the OEM key and no warning light.

Is this could be a communication issue between EVO ONE and RAV4 ? The IGNITION signal from EVO ONE should go power up fuel level sensor B when remote starting, but it doesn't. 

Any idea? Could you please look at 2020 RAV4 LE AWD(Canadian version) wiring diagram, see how.

Thanks in advance! 



Issues with Fortin EVO ALL on 2021 Rav4 push to start non-Hybrid

EVO-ALL firmware 79.69 push to start non-hybrid. Flashed with the recommended settings using the wizard and verified current settings: A1:A10 = on, A11 = off, A12 = on, A13:B3 = off, C1:D1 = on, D2:D5 = off, D6 = on, D7:G = off, H2 = on (for the RFK912 install). First attempt at installation, bypass was programmed successfully and 3x lock started the vehicle. Once I programmed the two RFK912 remotes, the vehicle would not turn on with the remotes. Reset the unit using master reset procedure (red light and hold until all colors flash) and reflashed the unit and ram the decryptor. Nothing worked on the second try but the unit recognizes when I press the RFK912. Vehicle starts and runs normally using the push button start. Ran through master reset, reflash, and decryptor a few times with the same results. Now I am getting a decryptor limit reached error for SN 001A07 272320. Please help - this is my second install on a RAV4 of the same year and the first install went flawlessly.


Issues with Fortin EVO ALL on 2021 Rav4 push to start non-Hybrid

EVO-ALL firmware 79.69 push to start non-hybrid. Flashed with the recommended settings using the wizard and verified current settings: A1:A10 = on, A11 = off, A12 = on, A13:B3 = off, C1:D1 = on, D2:D5 = off, D6 = on, D7:G = off, H2 = on (for the RFK912 install). First attempt at installation, bypass was programmed successfully and 3x lock started the vehicle. Once I programmed the two RFK912 remotes, the vehicle would not turn on with the remotes. Reset the unit using master reset procedure (red light and hold until all colors flash) and reflashed the unit and ram the decryptor. Nothing worked on the second try but the unit recognizes when I press the RFK912. Vehicle starts and runs normally using the push button start. Ran through master reset, reflash, and decryptor a few times with the same results. Now I am getting a decryptor limit reached error for SN 001A07 272320. Please help - this is my second install on a RAV4 of the same year and the first install went flawlessly.