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2016 F-150 evo all can not program new key

I have 2016 F-150 my remote starter is Evo-all programed with Autostar fob. I got new Auto star fob or remote and I tried many ways to program it but it did not work at all. When I connect to Flashlink to my computer it does mention there is 1 key only. Please I need help ?


Ford f150 2011 Evo all standalone that-for4

Evo all 06/2023 Sn 001A07511495 Ford f150 2011 Evo all standalone that-for4 Doesn’t no program, I have been trying different times and ways and I don’t get it. Only get that the red and blue lights flashing 10 times but the blue light never come back, waiting long time and it doesn’t flash back. Of course using 2 working keys. I tried using a video that says, press the programming button after uses the second key but it didn’t work either. I tried without connect the red connector but it didn’t. Then I don’t know what more to do. Could you help me please. Thanks.


Ford simbob (130Pts.)


My 2017 Ford explorer (interceptor) has no PATS can I skip this programming

Since the police interceptor version of Ford Explorer has no anti-theft PATS can I just skip the first part of programming? It seems to just hang there without going any further.


Blue plug on For4 T-harness

I would like to add an rf kit to my installation and wanted to confirm if i can plug and go or need an adapter. I have an Evo-all installed with a for4 t-harness. is the blue female plug on the t-harness for the rf kits such as rfk442 or is the RFA2A adapter required?


Ford Munito (1680Pts.)


Decryptor Limit Has Been Reached For This Car.

Hi guys. Hi Derek, this box it's locked, I can't flash it and Decrypt. Could you please reset it? Thanks you so much! S/N: 002B04 689843


Need 2 keys for programming the remote start?

Are 2 original keys really needed for production work on the 2015 ford transit


doors unlock with start and radio stays on after starter shut down

I have an EVO-All installed in a 2016 Ford Focus standard key as stand alone unit using FORT4 Harness. the car will start with lock - unlock - lock but the doors unlock when starter engages and remains unlocked unless i manually lock it. when the unit times out or i stop it with the command the radio stays on. unit is 001A07414606 green/ purple is cut. green-white going to 0volt side and green-red going to 12volt side white black tapped into grey-yellow white tapped into purple-grey. Any help would be appreciated Edit: I turned on lock after start in the settings and it relocks now. when shutting down it will unlock then lock twice and radio still remains on


Ford Seb (160Pts.)


eve one 912 sur mustang 2006

Bonjour je suis en train d'installer un module Evo one 912 sur une mustang GT 2006. Le véhicule c'est une boite manuelle , et sur le produit, c'est indiqué compatible avec les boites manuelles. J'aimerais obtenir une réponse car j'ai commandé le produit, je suis un garage et j'ai donc proposer le montage de ce produit à un de mes clients . En l'attente sebastien


Ford Seb (160Pts.)


Ford Mustang GT 2006 EVO ONE RM912 Pas de démarrage a distance

Bonjour, Suite à la pose d'un module RM912 sur une Ford Mustang de 2006, Transmission manuelle avec clé standard, impossible de programmer la fonction à distance pour le démarrage Etant un garage j'ai suivi le schéma de cablage fourni sur le site pour mon modéle, Guide 85601, les télècommandes repondent bien, le boitier clignote en permanence en alternance de 3 couleurs. Sur cette mustang, faut il passer par Flash Link pour programmer les fonctions ou un branchement supplémentaire est il nécessaire ? Cordialement.


doors unlock with start and radio stays on after starter shut down

I have an EVO-All installed in a 2016 Ford Focus standard key as stand alone unit using FORT4 Harness. the car will start with lock - unlock - lock but the doors unlock when starter engages and remains unlocked unless i manually lock it. when the unit times out or i stop it with the command the radio stays on. unit is 001A07414606 green/ purple is cut. green-white going to 0volt side and green-red going to 12volt side white black tapped into grey-yellow white tapped into purple-grey. Any help would be appreciated Edit: I turned on lock after start in the settings and it relocks now. when shutting down it will unlock then lock twice and radio still remains on


device flash limit

Device flash limit reached. Could you please reset it? Thank you. Service# 001A06 599017


Unable to locate purple/yellow wire for key sense in Thar 4

EVO ALL standalone, guide 94891 for 2014 F150 instructions shows purple/yellow wire (assume A16) in THar-For4 harness to be connected to yellow (A1) for key sense. Able to locate yellow pigtail(A1) but not purple/yellow pigtail in harness. I assume that the key sense connection is required to allow key programming to proceed since programming has failed. This harness was purchased in 2018, are there different variations of the Thar-for4 harness? Thanks,


Ford Munito (1680Pts.)


2014 Ford Fusion HVAC doesn't turn on.

Hi there! I have already installed an evo one in a 2014 ford fusion, but the HVAC does not work. When the car is started by remote, only the blower starts working but it does not heat up. The HVAC only heats up when you insert the key and turn it to ignition. I have been reading some articles related to this topic and it is that the 2013 and 2014 Ford Fusions need a reprogramming so that the HVAC works with the aftermarket remote starters. Here is the information and the vin number of the car. Can you help me with a solution? Thanks in advance. 3FA6POG74ER381308


2011 Ford E250, stuck on solid Red and Yellow Lights during EVO ONE programing procedure

I finished installing the EVO One on my 2011 Ford E250. Made sure that all the wire were connected correctly based on Guide # 86051. I also installed a relay switch for the parking light the same way as shown in the wiring diagram. I used Flashlink to install the lattest 71.57 Bypass firmware and 1.26 Remote starter firmware. I tried many different troubleshooting steps such as disabled A11 according to the guide and changing the programable output to 2.2 to match the wiring diagram. I also tried older version of firmware to no avail. No matter what I do, it always gets stuck on solid Red and Yellow Lights during step 4 of the the programing procedure when the ignition is turned on. The car I have is regular key without transponder chip. I tried both the 2 keys and DCRYPTOR programing procidure but both has the solid Red and Yellow issue as soon as the ignition is turned on. Please let me know what I am doing wrong and how I can resolve this issue.


Harness compatibility

Your website states two compatible harnesses for Ford Escape Hybrid 2008-2012 model years

THAR-FOR1 & THAR-FOR4 and documents indicate these work with both the Evo ONE & Evo All module

The question is .. Are these true plug and play or are splices still need to be done ? 

What are the differences between both harnesses Thar-For1 Thar-For4 ?

Would also like to use a EVO-START Original one.  Is this still fully functionable in Ontario Canada?


Autostart works only when the key is in the car

I installed EVO fort4 kit in my 2012 Ford Fusion. I used my two factory keys and programed them per the instructions. The auto-start worked for about two months. Now it will only start when I have the key inside the car ( it does not need to be in the ignition) The key works to unlock and lock the car normal. Can you tell me what I need to do to get it working again?


Ford G M (16270Pts.)


2017 Fusion

Hello. I installed evo-all (001A07356265) on 2017 fusion. Doesn't start and blinks turn signals 2 times.


Ford MCA (130Pts.)


2016 Ford Transit No PATS Transponder Keys. How to Program EVO-FORT4 to vehicle?


not starting when pressing keys 3x

ford ecosport 2019 push stsrt I think I did all things correct. after pressing lock 3x, led lights going red yellow blue signal and honk, again red yellow blue signal and honk. but vehicle not starting. please help me to find the solution.


reciving key signals. not cranking or starting

Im using evo all module with fort 3 T harness. ford ecosport 2019 push start SN: 001A07 579754 Guide : 80381 I think I did wiring correctly according to the digram. when pressing 3x locks on OEM key LED lights going red yellow blue and blink hazard light 3 Tims and honk. this continues for two times. after that 3x red blinks. vehicle not starting or cranking. I can't find any solution for that on troubleshooting guid. Please help to figure out what is wrong.


Where do i find insaltion diagram for f350 diesel 2019


Flash limit needs reset please & TY SN#001A07585966

Hello, I am trying to correct an issue. Bought this as a set (LINKR-LTX) however I get no feedback/confirmation. this was set for the wrong car choice. I tried to change some settings and reached the flash limit and now nothing works. everything works as it should on my F250. however the transit connect never worked correctly.


Ford Focus + Evo-One clicking when driving

Hi, I completed the install of the evo one in my 2012 ford focus manual. Everything works in terms of remote starting, but when I’m driving ever time I hit the brake pedal the evo one click 3 times. This can become quite the annoyance in traffic. Is this due to programming, my manual ready mode is set to activate with foot brake and parking brake as I did not purchase the RF kit. If I purchase the RF kit would this stop the Fortin from clicking while driving as it would only start the ready mode sequence after I hit the remote starting button? Thanks


2009 ford fusion evo all thar for4 vehicle take over

Just installed a evo all thar for4 kit on my 2009 ford fusion the install went well and the unit remote starts but will not turn off with the brake pedal and allow vehicle take over,the only way that I can turn it off is via the button press sequence used to start it. Looking at the wiring diagram i think the only wire that I had to splice together was the 2 yellow wires unless im missing something which is entirely possible.


Manual Transmission Prog. & Wiring Ford Focus

Hi, Looking for some information before I pull the trigger on buying a Fortin remote start kit. I have a 2012 Ford Focus, Manual Trans. with Push-To-Start. When I enter the vehicle details it only has a guide for Automatic trans, but the EVO-ONE-411 is compatible with manual trans just no guide. Is there a T-Harness that works with the push to start & manual trans, and would this EVO-ONE-411 be able to be programmed for the manual remote sequence on this car? How much extra wiring is needed? I assume I also have to perform a clutch switch bypass with relays. Thanks for the help in advance, hoping to get this working before the snow starts flying :)

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