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Mazda 3, 2018

The unit does not read the key, when the ignition is turned on nothing happens, the blue indicator continues to light Mazda 3, BN, 2018


PTS vehicle w/manual transmission can be driven w/o the key when remote started.

Hello, I installed a EVO-ONE stand alone on a 2023 VW Jetta GLI PTS manual transmission. I had to bring the key to my girlfriend this morning because she succeeded (unintentionally) to leave with the car that she had remote started with the OEM key (3x lock). In the past, she once forgot to bring the key, but when she pressed on the brake pedal to release the parking brake, the engine has stopped. But this time the engine kept running, and she had no message stating that the key was not in the vehicle in the cluster. -The module has been programmed with Flashlink manager and a Flashlink 2 on March 27th 2024 with the most recent firmware at this time. -The battery of the sacrified key has been removed, and it has been tied far enough from the transponder antenna located on the steering column. -The module was installed in accordance to the guide #99681. Is there any chance that a firmware reflash could resolve this issue? Thanks!


Went through the the install and the car wont start and the key wont start it either?

Installed an evo-all on a 2014 buick verano. Installation was fairly easy. Thought it was flawless until my oem key wouldnt start the car. Also the key doesnt work to start either.


What’s needed? 2017 Audi S3 PP DSG Virtual cockpit

As title states what do I need to order to install remote start capabilities. Which system EvoRS, Evo One, T-harness AUD1 or 2, bypass modules, etc. Thanks in advance!


2006 infiniti g35 wiring diagram not specified

Good day all

I looked into vehicle finder for a guide for a 2006 infiniti g35 interlligent key. Fortin website gives me guide#78031 or this link

when i look at the the connection. It only gives me a connection to a pathfinder and altima/maxima. 

my question is. Do i follow the connections for the maxima/altima since they are the counterpart of G35? 

Also notice the lock and unlock wires are both going to an empty pins? How do you tap that wire? Do i need to get pins for that plug? 

btw, im gonna be using evo-one with rf642  

thanks in advance guys!


2004 Ford explorer not seeing inputs from lock

I installed my EVO-One and was trying to program it to see the keys and this is when i first noticed that the evo was not seeing the inputs from the factory key lock and unlock, luckily i was able to get around it by starting the car with the key, and it accepted it, so further down the road i now have it fully programmed and installed, i turned on the feature that when you start the car and step on the brake it locks the doors, which it does, then when you shut the car down the doors unlock, which it also does, so the Evo is able to control the locks fully, but it is unable to see the command from the car, do i have to have a seperate remote because i really don't wish for that, am i missing something? like i said it sees the car start, it sees it shut down it controls the locks fully, but when i push the button the evo doesn't respond to the inputs at all. is it a setting that i messed with by accident?


After following procedure for bypass on Evo-all correctly decryptor says empty key data?

Tried multiple times and every time after getting the rapidly flashing blue light and after the alternating red and yellow when I go to decrypt it says key data is empty?


I purchased a single use token. It was never emailed to me

Hello, i purchased a single use token this morning and still have not received a email with the code? I would like to know how many days to expect before I receive the code?


Audi 2013 S4 DSG - Fortin ALL getting stuck on step 7 with 3 x red flashing lights

Just installed a Fortin ALL with the Audi T Harness on a 2013 Audi S4 DSG. UK right hand drive car. When I go to try and get the unit to read the key data I am just getting 3 red light flashes on step 7, everything is fine up until that point and the car operates as normal. When I then put the flashlink back onto the PC software it says invalid key data. Any ideas? I have checked all wiring, also checked status of CANBUS with zero issues showing so I know that wiring is good. Serial no for module is : 001A07445150


money return for not recieving my keys

On sat nov 25th i order a key and never recieved a key then i ordered another 1 and never got it either, i have sent an email this morning and still no reponse. sales order number 67606 and 67608 i would like my refund along with the extra charges that were also incured against my account.


Subaru hofs1 (350Pts.)


Key will NOT turn off fully nor remove from key tumbler

2023 Subaru Forester Standard Key Base model have Evo-One installed using Sub1 and Sub3 T-Harness etc .... everything works as far as remote start 3x start doors lock unlock etc Issue is key will NOT turn fully off to be removed Both remote started, insert key turn to run OR start car with key like normal can only turn key to accessory position {radio on}.....Need to pull battery terminal to allow key removal.......Remove all Fortin items and car back to normal. Please advise


Subaru hofs1 (350Pts.)


Key will NOT turn off fully nor remove from key tumbler

2023 Subaru Forester Standard Key Base model have Evo-One installed using Sub1 and Sub3 T-Harness etc .... everything works as far as remote start 3x start doors lock unlock etc Issue is key will NOT turn fully off to be removed Both remote started, insert key turn to run OR start car with key like normal can only turn key to accessory position {radio on}.....Need to pull battery terminal to allow key removal.......Remove all Fortin items and car back to normal. Please advise


f150 2016 just start once

hello i installed a evo all for3 for f150 2015. the firmware 4.01 i done the program and everything good but the car just start once when i start it again the car doesnt start just the car alarm start once.

i checked the hood every thing good the car came with hood pin. 

the SN: 001A07 390594


this my customer car i need help please