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2013 camry G-key. FOB doesn't work after remote starting vehicle

3X lock and vehicle starts. Now key FOB doesn't work while vehicle is running and have to use the key to enter the vehicle. 

I've install in 2 other vehicle and after vehicle has started, I can still use the key FOB to unlock the door. I can also click 3X on the lock and shutoff vehicle. But I can't do it with this camry...did I miss a wire? or is this normal operation?

thank you.


Camry 2011 Driver Door unlocks itself after remote start activated 1 minute

I have a Camry 2011 with keyless entry (standard key). I am having an issue with my driver door keeps unlock itself after remote start activated 1 minute. I have EVO-One (SN: 002B0147175) firmware 79.59 installed with T-Harness. I have spent 5 hours to look for a soluation to fix this problem, but no luck yet. Please help me. Any suggestions, it would be helpful. for firmware flashing, I have reached to the limit :(


2014 camry door trigger not working

Evo-one with thar-4 harness + rf kit, if system is armed/locked I can leave window open and when the door is opened without using remote the alarm does not trigger. Also when opening or closing the doors I get no blue led for canbus? I verified the light blue door data line is connected all the way from the evo-one to the t-harness at the ecu... is this a setting that I am missing?



Hi, I have installed EVO-ONE AND ASCL6 Carlink on my 2018 Subaru Outback Limited Push to Start , everything works the Carlink does remote start and shutoff the vehicle, but it won't open or lock the doors. Do I need to connect additional wires for it to be operational or program EVO-ONE in a Flash Link app?


EVO-ONE - 2020 Elantra Standard Key Manual Trans - Strange Lock/Unlock Behavior

Using an EVO-ONE with the THAR-ONE-KHY2 harness and RFK942 kit. Everything works except when the unit sends a lock or unlock command on the can-bus it looks like the BCM momentarily loses power in the middle of the lock/unlock pulse. The locks will do a quick double pulse (as in power being lost in the middle of the normal pulse) and you can see the dome light do a quick flash and the OEM hazards flicker for a moment. If the ignition is on and you press the lock or unlock button you can actually see cluster show a FUSE error along with some other warning lights that flash quickly during the "blip" of lost power. The interesting thing is when I enabled driver door priority this doesn't happen during the first unlock pulse. It's not the RF kit since it does the same thing when you do a remote start, you can hear the locks going haywire along with the dome light/hazards flickering for a bit just before it starts up. Tried different firmware versions with the same results, not sure what else to try other than disabling lock control through the canbus and hardwiring it.


2019 HR-V remote starts, but OEM remote won't unlock evo-one

Okay, after reprogramming the unit a third time, remote start works properly, but the oem remote will not unlock the vehicle. When I use the key to unlock the door, the car shuts down, is this because I am using the kley to open the door? Setting is on disable for kill engine when door opens. Any help? Evo-one with Honda T harness


2019 HR-V remote starts, but OEM remote won't unlock evo-one

Okay, after reprogramming the unit a third time, remote start works properly, but the oem remote will not unlock the vehicle. When I use the key to unlock the door, the car shuts down, is this because I am using the kley to open the door? Setting is on disable for kill engine when door opens. Any help? Evo-one with Honda T harness


Status des portes erronés sur Outback 2018

J'ai remarqué que le status des portes est erronés sur mon application Evo Start 2. Lorsque que je demande le status de l'auto à partir de l'application, celle-çi m'indique que mes portes sont débarrés, mais les portes sont belle et bien barrés ?


EVO ALL door trigger

Have trouble with door trigger stand-alone. The pink black is sending constant negative all the time weather remote started or shut off. Makes car think door is open all the time. Any help would be great thanx


Door Trigger 2013 Murano not functioning

Eco all in standalone mode. Everything wired correctly. With pink/black hooked up all lights stay on with door closed With wire disconnected remote start works but lights stay on when stopped. If driving vehicle says door open


Alarm works when door is opened

1-OEM Alarm goes off when I unlock and open the door in kia sportag 2015 Standard key, EVO One.


2- Lighting around the key entrance no longer works




19' Camry PTS - Trunk release and door open shutdown

Interior trunk button release button does not work but key fob release works. Evo all open door shutdown disabled but still shutdown when opening door.


19' Camry STD Key - door doesn't lock after remote start

Door does not lock after remote start. Function has been disabled through flashlink manager.