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Evo-All and Door lock Harness

I have bought Fortin Evo All with EVO-Toyt6 Harness

I'm going to install this module on Lexus IS200 (2016)

1) I'm interested whether on Evo-Toyt6 Harness "Evo all" and "Door lock" harness must be connected to each other or not?

I have uploaded an image

2) What will happen if not configuring this optional one? (3)


How to add LED light

How do I add an LED light that will stay on blinking when "Armed" and go off when "Unarmed"? I have the blue LED light for it, just not sure how to wire it. Essentially have it "on blinking" when doors are locked and "off" when doors unlocked. Evo-One kit is installed 2008 kia sportage


How to add Excalibur RFK 42 kit

Looking to upgrade to a 2 way kit, It says the Excalibur RF 42 five button 2 way kit is compatible with evo one, does it just plug in and take place of my current 1 way 441 kit? 2008 Kia Sportage Evo-One installed


Is there a pause or shut off to relearn tpms sensors

I have 2013 f150. Just changed out tpms sensors. 315mhz. They won't relearn. It may be my remote start blocking it. Is there a quick shut off? Or pause? I have an evo- all


Yellow flash error

There is power in the wires, and when I want to give a remote start command, the vehicle does not respond and gives me a yellow signal that flashes 4 and goes out.


Other mc141 (490Pts.)


cl7 and key fob

how do i get fortin key fobs to co exist with the cl7 telematics?. the port next to the one that the remotes are supposed to fit in are too small and i cant get to work with a y cable key fob wont work but i can hit button 3 times an put it into vallet mode when i put receiver in the cl7 harness. or do i have to get a fortin evo lte for both to work??? i want telematics but still want to use the fortin remotes to arm/disarm the alarm part with out the oem remotes dissarming since they are prone to relay attacks


How to lock car in operating mode

How to add this feature to land cruiser 250 (prado) 2025: The possibility of locking the car in operating mode by original car remote control. (Exit the car while it’s running and lock the doors by the original remote)


I need a reset to add remotes. evo all 6 - 001A06 54823

need to add rf442


I have a flasklink 4 updater that worked twice and now gives me the usb device not recognized/descriptor failed.

my flashlink 4 worked twice and now is inoperable usb device not recognized/ descriptor failed. I see its been a problem with others as well I hope is a resolution before I have to return it. thanks for the help


Too much programming.

I have a device that I have worked more than once to program and it goes red and then I can't program it because of my stupid car please reset and I'm sorry to repeat my order like this SN/ 001A07 611585


The device doesn't light up.

After I reset a device, the device doesn't light up, and I can't program it, and I tried to repeat steps, but there's nothing. I think programming entry doesn't work, and I want to solve this problem and the evo all type of device.


Flash Limit reset

Please reset my EvoAll SN: 001A07 470293 Thanks


Factory Reset

Please reset the factory due to a programming error. SN/ 001A07 611585


The device is not working and needs to be reset

I have a problem that the device suddenly doesn't work and when I check it for update or settings there's nothing and I think it needs reset. SN/ 001A07 595395


Can i get my updater reset please my number is 001A02015448



A problem related to replacing the car computer

I have two devices and I want to reprogram them to the factory prado 2018 I hope that the factory will be tuned for both devices, and they are sn/ 001A07595395 sn/ 001A07611585 I apologize to you and that the reason is that the vehicle's computer was changed and when I want to program it does not accept programming And thank you for dealing with us


Remote start works fine but Lock/Unlock wont work

I have 2008 kia sportage and have the 441 kit, remote start works but the Lovk/Unlock does not work, only works with old factory fob still. Also have Siren hooked up to E1 for positive and orange/black (horn) for negative but no sound either please help


Toyota mc141 (490Pts.)


No flashing lights during remote start

23 tundra Everything work except i get no flashing lights to confirm remote start works. Remote start works open close works trunk opens i can turn on the miror heaters and defrosters. And ascl7 telementry works and tells me remote start is runing door status ect. When i lock the car using the remote start the horn beeps which i love cuz i cant hear the factory remotes quiet beep throug the closed window. Any ways reflashed the module 3 times once in pro mode and twice in wizard mode. Is there a setting needing to changed or a wire that i need to check??


Toyota mc141 (490Pts.)


Siren install

Right now wiring is done per thar-one-toy16 harness i structions. I just ordered a siren and it says to connect the orange black wire to siren. Do i remove the orange black wire from the horn and reroute to the siren and connect black wire on siren to ground?? The aperntly horn doesnt chirp when remote start activates any way so im assuming orange black is reserved for alarm use?? Vehicle is 2023 tundra non hybrid


Device flash limit reset

My Evo all needs to reset FW please SN: 001A06 43558R


06 chevy silverado 1500 with viper 5704 remote start and evo all for bypass.

06 chevy silverado 1500 with viper 5704 remote start and evo all for bypass. what wire exactly needs to be cut and where would i need to add any relays if any?lock and unlock worked fine but no remote start. any help appreciated please


Toyota mc141 (490Pts.)


starter kill

how do you wire in starter kill wire to a 23 tundra cant find any documentation anywhere how to easily wire it would like the alarm to kill the starter. 41.22 has a no splice plug and play relay kill switch that ultimately i would like to control with the fortin evo not a physical switch


Other mc141 (490Pts.)


oem remote disarm

since the factory remote is prone to relay attacks and the fortin remotes are not can i set it up so that the factory key fob cant arm/disarm the fortin alarm?? i would like the only things that can dissarm the fortin alarm function is the fortin keyfob and the ascl7 module. id would be woried that if there is a relay attack the factory key fob would dissarm it.


steering wheel Turn problem

Hi i have a problem when i run my car by remote start I can't turn the steering wheel full turn but when I run my car by the button the steering wheel turn full normal is there any solution for this!!!! Please 

Watch this video on the link I uploaded to see the problem


steering wheel Turn problem

Hi i have a problem when i run my car by remote start I can't turn the steering wheel full turn but when I run my car by the button the steering wheel turn full normal is there any solution for this!!!! Please 

Watch this video on the link I uploaded to see the problem

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