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Mazda Bcrnb (130Pts.)


Mode prêt à démarrer sur véhicule push-start

Comment activer le mode prêt à démarrer avec Mazda 3 2016 avec bouton push-start? Les manuels n'indiquent que les étapes avec la clé insérée. How to config Ready Mode on a push-start Mazda 3 2016 with FTX-84? All infos only give steps with a physical key.


Mazda-3 2010 Manuel

Bonjour, j'aimerais savoir si ce serait possible d'avoir le guide d'installation d'un Evo-One pour un mazda-3 2010 manuel svp? Ça fait déja plusieurs année que je n'ai pas installé de démarreur dans cette voiture et c'est effacé de ma mémoire! Merci beaucoup !!


Can someone clarify how to pair a RF remote (in my case the RFK912) on a Push to Start Car (mine is a Mazda 3 2023)

I have the remote start working with the OEM key fob, and have the RFK912 antenna wired in and the Evo-One programmed to support it. But I can't figure out how to get the antenna into pairing mode so I can pair the RF remotes.



My evo one dcryptor limit reached error is showing .please help reset

sn 002B04 237806


Start air conditioning on remote start mazda 3 2021

Hi, exist some option to start the air conditioned on the car with the remote start o the mazda 3 2021?


Start air conditioning on remote start mazda 3 2021

Hi, exist some option to start the air conditioned on the car with the remote start o the mazda 3 2021?


Mazda 3 2018 - Evo One - Rear Defrost

I installed a Evo one in a Mazda 3 2018 push to start automatic with the Thar-One-Maz3 Harness with OEM remote (3x lock). I want to activate the rear defrost on remote start. I have activated the option 39. On wirecolor, it says that the rear defrost is "Positive". Two questions : - What option should I take for 25 ? (there are 6). - How I set the A13 wire to send positive signal ? - How do I wire the A13 ? Do I simply tap on the vehicule wire ? Thanks ! How can I activate the rear defrost ? On wirecolor, it says that the rear defrost is "Positive". I have activated the option 39. What


EVO-One for 2011 Mazdaspeed 3 - Remote start starts the vehicle but immediately shutsdown after 1 second.

After I put my vehicle in ready-mode for my manual, push-to-start vehicle, my car will remote start properly, however, it immediately shuts off after about 2 seconds. Parking lights don't show any indication on why it shutdowns either. What could be the issue? I also noticed that the wiring diagram for installation have flipped wiring colors for 7A (Back Clutch Switch 2) and 7B (Front clutch switch 1). It says the Back clutch switch should have 2 cables, a WHITE and a BLACK cable, however, in reality it has a GREY and BLACK cable. Same thing with the Front clutch switch; diagram says it should have a GREY and BLACK cable but it they're WHITE and BLACK in my car... I have tried both of these wirings actually, and the problem still persists. Even if this is not the cause of the problem, which one is correct?


(15 Mazda 3) Car cranks but ignition does not turn on, after steps 1-12

I can get through steps 1-12 (though the security light never displays on the dash), and when the ignition is supposed to turn the car on, the dash lights turn on, I hear a crank, but the car never starts. However, I do get the red and yellow lights flashing, so I tried connecting to the PC to use dcryptor, thinking maybe it will turn on after, but still no luck. Does anyone know what the issue is? I'm using THAR-MAZ1 with the Evo-All and following guide 62681. Everything is plugged in, and the only wiring done is the Lt blue to Lt blue on the 32 pin connector, and the Lt Blue/Black to the red on the 32 pin connector. Am I missing a connection, perhaps an ignition wire? Any help will be greatly appreciated. Thank you in advance.


EVO-ONE 2015 Mazda 3 Manual Transmission - Remote Start Will Not Activate

2015 Mazda 3 Grand Touring Hatchback, push-to-start, smart key, manual transmission.  I cannot get the module to start the vehicle with 3x OEM remote lock.  I've followed the instructions for manual transmission in Guide #68261.  My EVO-ONE serial number is 002B04 298695 and it is dated 09/2022.  Here's what I've done:

    EVO-ONE flashed with Firmware 85.12. Using T-Harness. Yellow loop wire NOT cut White wire labeled "for manual transmission only" on the T-harness is connected to the white wire coming out of the 20-pin connector.  These wires are just butt spliced with no other connection. DCryptor process to enable key bypass appears to have been successful from all FlashLink software messages. Remote starter option 33 is set to mode 2 for foot brake - handbrake - release foot brake Ready Mode process. Remote starter option 38 is set to mode 2 to enable 3x lock with OEM remote. Bypass option C1 is on for OEM remote status monitoring. I did not install a hood pin.  I am not concerned about remote starting while the hood is open.  Bypass option A11 is set to "off." Bypass options for foot brake, hand brake, door output monitoring are all set to "on."

To enable ready mode, I depress the foot brake, engage the hand brake, release the footbrake, and exit the car while it is still running without pushing the start button.  The car just sits there and runs, nothing happens when I close the door and walk so that the smart key is out of range.  I also tried doing this with shutting the car off before exiting and was still not able to remote start the vehicle.

When I press the lock button on the OEM remote, the blue LED on the EVO-ONE blinks indicating it is reading the CAN bus messages.

When the car is running, the yellow LED on the EVO-ONE is steadily illuminated.

At no point does the red LED on the EVO-ONE illuminate.  It does not turn on after pressing the OEM remote lock button 3x.

When I press the OEM lock button 3x after the above ready mode process, absolutely nothing happens except the car horn beeps on the 2nd and 3rd presses like it normally would.

Thanks in advance for your help.



Manual transmission remote start without using ready mode? 2018 Mazda 3

2018 Mazda 3 manual transmission. I have the evo one with the t-harness. everything works as advertised. I want to only use the oem key, which means the only way I can use remote start is enabling option 33.2. With that, I lose the following abilities: 1. use parking brake in traffic (would cause ready mode to activate) 2. walk away lock ( car does lock it self after ready mode activation, but it is based on a timer instead of proximity) 3. shutting off the car while the door is open 4. shutting off the engine before engaging the parking brake 5. stopping the car only with parking brake 6. not over working the door lock motors 7. ability to unlock the car to grab something without starting the engine (you must remote start/remote stop to keep ready mode if you want to do that) Parking the car in neutral does not concern me, but having these restrictions to enable remote start every time frustrates me. Is there a way to disable ready mode and make my installation work like an automatic transmission install? I would like to have remote start available every time. Is it possible to flash the automatic version of the settings to use on my car? Can I cut the yellow loop on the evo one? or both? I'm not sure if this will cause any electrical damage.


Mazda 3 5dr (hatchback), Manual Transmission, RFID in keyfob.

Vehicle type:

2011 Mazda 3 (5 door/hatchback), manual transmission, key to start. Integrated key/keyfob (lock,unlock,panic), keyless entry w/RFID chip for factory immobilizer system.


Remote Starter, Factory Immobilizer bypass, OEM keyfob (lock-lock-lock to start), alarm functionality optional at a later date.


Ready to install Evo-One, Flash-Link and RFK442.


Few problems so far (have not started install yet or any flashing of Evo-One vehicle specific Bypass settings):

   I see a conflict between Fortin wiring guide #80431 and #29661. Same vehicle, Mazda 3 - Axela 2010-2013, but two different wiring schemes.  Which one is the more correct one, or, can you suggest a better one?


   On Fortins website, for this vehicle it states 'Automatic Transmission Vehicles Only'  In Guide #80431, pg 5, it gives Manual Transmission programming instructions as does with Guide #29661 pg6, both of which conflicts with Fortins webpage.. 


   With Flash-Link v4.51, when entering vehicle info, there is NO option for Manual Transmission.


   In Guide #94011, pg11 (Function #20) Engine Supervision: Tachless, Analog or Data-Link.

I see there is no option for a true Analog input; i.e Vacuum switch, or hardwire to coil (or even a much older method of wraping 6in of stripped wire around a spark plug wire). Is there not a true analog tach input?


   I also cannot seem to anything at all about 'clutch bypass'


So, Manual Transmission? Yes or No? 


   For the Flash-Link Manager software, the v4.51 does not reflect the instructions I found for possibly older software instructions of Flash-Link Manager User Guide v1 #68731, any updated Guide #?



Flash-Link Manager software v4.51 (when I click on Settings in the software it shows v4.51-1.1.15)

Flash-Link V4 module, Hardware V5, Firmware v4.08

Evo-One module date 07/2021, s/n (PM me for serial number), Firmware: for a moment it showed v1.25 then within a few seconds dropped down to v1.01


Thanks, Nick.
