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Re-wrapped extra fob, now neither works

Original VW starter installed by an installer into a Tiguan after I purchased it. Someone borrowed the car, forgot to take my fob, and decided to pull out the hidden fob from under the dash. The wire coil and black tape are gone; only two bare leads coming out from under the dash remain. I took the battery-less fob he pulled out and wrapped it 12 times with 24 gauge insulated wire, then crimped the two ends of that wire to the leads sticking out from under the dash. It does not do anything. I tried wrapping different numbers of turns up to 16, same. Worse, my main fob stopped working. It does not do anything. Tried replacing battery, same. Tried reset procedure (using physical key, unlock/lock), same. Anybody know what might be going on?


Can EVO-MAZT1 in standalone mode be programmed with one key/fob?

I am looking to install the EVO-All with the THAR-MAZ1 t-harrness in standalone configuration in a 2014 Mazda 3 (push-button automatic), and the installation guide states that 2 key fobs are required to programm the evo-all, however I only have 1 key fob.

I want a confirmation whether the evo-all can be programmed successfully with a single key fob, and clarification on what that process would look like? Should I simply skip the steps for the second key fob or follow the steps using the first key? 

Installation Guide page 8: https://cdn02.fortin.ca/download/62681/evo-all_ig_tsa_bi_maz1-3_pts_2014-2017_door_v2_e_62681.pdf



Key takeover not sending update to RF642W keyfob

2009 Honda Pilot, Evo One, RF642W. All functions good, remote range good, but for some reason, key takeover is not updating the key fob. I've tested on both remotes. The green led blinks, indicating the remote start is active even after unlocking, inserting key, and driving away. The green led on the fob continues to blink while driving. All other functions are working, i.e., doors lock on remote takeover and brake pedal. A bit annoying to have the led blink and also concerned that this will drain the remote battery prematurely. The only way I can get the led to turn off is to press [-] twice to request status. In that scenario, the fob beeps twice indicating 'disarmed', and then the led turns off. I have to do this procedure every time I use remote start.


Nano Start V3 "START" button only cycles locks and turns on dome light

2012 Audi S4


I just programmed 2 new remotes to Nano Start V3, old remotes lost and unknown if system was working previously.


New remotes confirmed programmed and will LOCK / UNLOCK / TRUNK.


LED on antenna is flashing.

    When pressing "START", the door locks cycle and dome light comes ON pause  door locks cycle again. pause alarm chirps and hazards flash then doors cycle again. pause door locks cycle again. pause alarm chirps and dome light goes out. pause

LED on antenna is flashing whole time for operation and continues to flash after, also good to mention the OEM Audi fob is more than 10meters away from vehicle..

I'm not sure if I messed something up programming the key fob but seemed simple enough - Key ON/ hold button till LED flashes and release / press button once / press brake / press LOCK button on 2 new fobs / press brake / key OFF. Tested both remotes and confirm programmed..


What am I missing?




Nano Start V3 Replacement Remote

2012 Audi S4 push button start DSG.


Lost the remote fob and need to replace (lost in transit when railing car from montreal to outwest). Car is from Montreal but recently moved to British Columbia, closest distributer is 5 hours away.


I accessed the module under dash, it's a Nano Start, Hardware V3. Firmware V10.17.


I have the installation manual to program the unit not sure of which remote and where to buy online,

    What's the model# for the fob replacement? Is there a place to order the remote fob online?

(Also can this nano start have something added to use the oem key to 3x-lock-start?)


2016 Durango Key Fob Not Detected intermittently

Installed my Evo-CHRT6 kit (t-harness and stand alone) last night on my 2016 Dodge Durango (PTS) , intermitantly when i try to remote start the dash will say "Key Fob Not Detected". The evo has been flashed to the newest firmware, i have reprogrammed 5 times and decrypted 5 times, and continue to have the same issue. It seems to work 1 out of 7 times when remote started, when it does not work it causes the ignition button to not work for the run interval time (i have set it to 20minutes). Any thoughts or ideads about what might be causing this? Thanks


Subaru Jim (850Pts.)


Evo-one and 2015 Legacy does not respond to keyfob if delayed exit from car

I have installed an Evo-one in a US version of a 2015 Subaru Legacy standard key with the T-Harness. The issue at hand is that the OEM keyfob will no longer open or close the locks if you delay your exit. If you exit immediately, the keyfob functions as normal. If you delay long enough that the interior lights dim to off, the keyfob will not lock or unlock the doors. The only way to make them functional is to put the key in the ignition and turn the car on and off and then immediately lock the car.


2014 Tundra alarm goes off when 3x lock to start with Evo-One.

The truck starts but when it does the alarm goes off. When it does this, it disables factory remote and you have to use the key to unlock the door. Also, all of the dash lights come on and stay on until you kill the engine and restart. Installed 9 months ago and has been working fine until now.


EVO ONE - 2014 RAV4 - My car only start, but cannot stop by 3x Lock button.

Fortin website comment on EVO-ONE : "The module will monitor the OEM remote for 3X Lock and will start or stop the automatic transmission vehicle through High Power Outputs or data." and "Pressing the LOCK button 3 times (3X Lock) on the OEM remote will activate or deactivate the remote starter. "

=> But my car - 2014 RAV4 only start, but cannot stop by 3x Lock button.

Thank you,


2015 Tundra Evo One alarm/horn goes off every few starts. Not everytime. D2 is enabled

Also not able to unlock with OEM fob during remote start session. Blue led will flash twice when unlock is pressed but nothing happens.


2014 Tundra alarm goes off when 3x lock to start with Evo-One.

The truck starts but when it does the alarm goes off. When it does this, it disables factory remote and you have to use the key to unlock the door. Also, all of the dash lights come on and stay on until you kill the engine and restart. Installed 9 months ago and has been working fine until now.


Key can be removed while not in Park when stated from remote Ram 2013 tip start

When I start the vehicle without using the remote starter, vehicle would function normally and when I stop the engine, I can not reach the off position with the key if transmission is not in Park. When I use the remote start, I can remove the key when not in park and leave the vehicle in drive per example Second question, is it normal that after key takeover sequence that the first time I put the car in gear, the headlight turn on and then cluster and headlight would go off and on twice (blinking)?


Manette Intelligente Audi 3X Lock remote start

Est-ce que je pourrai debarrer les porte en utilisant ma manette OEM ? ou devrais-je utiliser la cle proprement dit?