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2015 Corolla with an automatic transmission flashes 4 red flashes.

I have a 2015 Corolla with an automatic transmission start button. 

Installed with THAR-TOY6 T-Harness & EVO ALL

The device flashes blue when opening or closing the doors, but when trying to operate it with the remote, it flashes 4 red flashes.

Flash blue once before red flashes

Please see the attached video.


2020 Toyota Corolla sedan will no remote start

So basically I had it working for a couple years already and now I went to add a rf kit and it won’t remote start. I’ve reflashed, followed the instructions to a tea and had zero issues but won’t remote start. I try 3 times lock and the hazards just flash a 4th time and nothing happens


Remote starter cranks but won't start after unlocking car when battery was disconnected

I disconnected the battery on my 2016 corolla L, and used the key to manually lock and unlock the car. I seem to have Jiggled something in the lock, because since then the starter cranks but won't start (bypass issue).


2018 h key remote not working after install

OEM remote worked for lock unlock before making tpms connection. After making the connection it no longer does anything. Not lock unlock or start. I soldered the connection so it's not an electrical connection. I didn't melt anything together while soldering. I confirmed it is the thin blue wire of pin 28 on the connector labeled 4. My next step is to find some kind of pin that fits into the orange 6 pin connector to short pins 4 and 6 together, so that would effectively return it to the factory state with no break in the tpms wire. The connector that plugs into the fortin one. And thoughts while I'm searching for a simple way to do this?


press 3 lock no working and nothing

Toyota Corolla 2022 hybrid , EVO-ONE. initial set up of remote start not working. everything is wired, I completed all the steps. closed doors and pressed lock button on toyota key faub three times, nothing happens, no automatic start occurs


Toyota Corolla 2020 (automatic), h-key, initial set up of remote start not working

Toyota Corolla 2020, h-key, initial set up of remote start not working. everything is wired, step 7 of red and yellllw led's alternating is working. after steps 8-11 being completed, closed doors and pressed lock button on toyota key faub three times, nothing happens, no automatic start occurs


2021 toyota corolla h key manual transmission

Hello there everyone, is there any solution or diagram for a 2021 toyota corolla h-key manual transmission? I can only find one for automatic? Do i just add the clutch bypass wire? And is it the same ready mode instruction as other manual transmission? Im going to use evo-one with 3x lock or rf642. Thanks a lot.


2016 Toyota Corolla Automatic Headlights

2016 Toyota Corolla, H-Key, Manual. No OEM Alarm, No TPMS (and no wire for TPMS, no wire to pin location on plug). Installed EVO-One with Toy-8 and RFK942. Setup via wizard. Only wire T'd was for clutch bypass.

Completed a recent install but have a couple of issues I am hoping to resolve.

1) Automatic headlights won't turn off when setting reservation mode. Tried on door close, and also on lock. Believe it needs a door pin pulse which is connected via the harness. Is there a setting I am missing somewhere?


2) Once the Evo was installed, neither of my factory fobs work (even when not remote started). Unplugged the Evo (but left harness) and still no fobs work. Nothing lights up on the evo when pressing factory fob.

 ***Update***: Found a bent pin in my T-Harness when troubleshooting. I was able to straighten it back out, all fobs are working again. Stil have the issue with the headlights.

Thanks all for the help


2011 Toyota Corolla key programming error

Hello, installing evo-one with t-harness on 2011 toyota corolla with g-key. I'm trying to get the key programmed using a grey key instead of black key because no other keys are available. Is that why the led won't flash 10 times rapidly and no lights to come on while the ignition is run position? and the red led next to the prog button keeps flashing. Any help would be much appreciated.


2021 toyota corolla h key manual transmission

Hello there everyone, is there any solution or diagram for a 2021 toyota corolla h-key manual transmission? I can only find one for automatic? Do i just add the clutch bypass wire? And is it the same ready mode instruction as other manual transmission? Im going to use evo-one with 3x lock or rf642. Thanks a lot.


Does start sequence unlock doors

2016 Corolla, "H" Key, Manual. EVO-One with T-Harness Just wondering if the doors need to unlock as part of the start sequence? Or if the doors stay locked during remote start? Thanks


2020 corolla hybrid start wire & override switch

Today I installed the EVO ALL in my 2020 Toyota Corolla GR Sport Hybrid, unfortunately the hybrid start wire was too short because I wanted to mount the module all the way on the left behind the cover for easy access. However upon testing all still seemed to work (blower goes on, which for me is the most important, both in winter and in summer). My question is what exactly does this wire? I can simply extend the wire, but I feel a bit hesitant cutting and soldering the original wire (it is very thin, so I don't want to use a splice connector). I guess this is for the car to be able to start if the battery becomes low because of the blower (and lights and radio) going on? Also was wondering what the override switch does, suppose only as an emergency for when the EVO for some reason fails? There are a lot of spare wires, from the big white connector they seem spare I/O, but from the smaller white connector there are 2 orange wires which don't appear in the instructions. Wish the instructions explained all the connections a bit more.


2020 corolla hybrid start wire & override switch

Today I installed the EVO ALL in my 2020 Toyota Corolla GR Sport Hybrid, unfortunately the hybrid start wire was too short because I wanted to mount the module all the way on the left behind the cover for easy access. However upon testing all still seemed to work (blower goes on, which for me is the most important, both in winter and in summer). My question is what exactly does this wire? I can simply extend the wire, but I feel a bit hesitant cutting and soldering the original wire (it is very thin, so I don't want to use a splice connector). I guess this is for the car to be able to start if the battery becomes low because of the blower (and lights and radio) going on? Also was wondering what the override switch does, suppose only as an emergency for when the EVO for some reason fails? There are a lot of spare wires, from the big white connector they seem spare I/O, but from the smaller white connector there are 2 orange wires which don't appear in the instructions. Wish the instructions explained all the connections a bit more.