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2010 Honda cr-v

Do I follow the wiring diagram provided from evo all or the schematic provided online, for example the wires for the - door lock and unlock are different not just in colour but the location on the plug as well.


Does start sequence unlock doors

2016 Corolla, "H" Key, Manual. EVO-One with T-Harness Just wondering if the doors need to unlock as part of the start sequence? Or if the doors stay locked during remote start? Thanks


2019 RAV4: EVO-ONE + THAR-ONE-TOY12 Doors remain unlocked During Remote Start Session.

2019 RAV4: EVO-ONE + THAR-ONE-TOY12 harness setup; All the doors unlock then the vehicle starts fine but the doors remain unlocked during remote start session.


Can’t open the doors once vehicle remote started

Hi there, can you please confirm the correct installation and programming sheets for my set up please. 2006 Nissan Pathfinder (Thai made) evo one t harnes 2 stand alone RF 64 2W I have eventually been able to program it, i can remote start with the Orem key and the RF 64,s. However once running I can't operate the doors until I turn off the vehicle.


642w remote can't unlock doors while remote start is working

I'm putting Evo-One with RF642w on 2018 Subaru Forester (standard key). Doors lock and unlock with RF when remote starter is off, but once car remote started RF can't lock or unlock doors - just beeps with confirmation. Factory remote works no matter what.

I noticed thread about wiring especially light blue wire on 20pin connector. Wire is correct. (Tried switching it to other side of red wire (door lock data) cut - then doors don't work at all). Now light blue A20 and white red D6 are on BCM side and white green D4 is after cut.


Cannot unlock passenger doors after remote start, EVO-ONE in a 2018 CX-5

2018 Mazda CX-5 with the EVO-ONE and THAR-ONE-MAZ3. The remote start works fine, but I haven't been able to find a combination of settings where I can unlock the passenger door after a remote start (with key or button on door handle), without setting the system to just unlock all of the doors all of the time. There is a setting that specifically mentions allowing this function, and it doesnt seem to do anything expect for some reason adding a honk to confirm the start up sequence is complete. Firmware for bypass/remote start are both up to date as of today. When I don't trigger a remote start and unlock the car with the fob/door handle, the car unlocks the driver door first and passenger doors second as normal.


2015 Ford Kuga PTS can't open doors while remote started

Hi! My Kuga have only keyless start but doesn't have keyless entry (Trend+ trim - one step lower than Titanium). Is there still no solution to open doors with oem fob while car is remotely started by evo-all standalone? When I press unlock button I see that fortin detect it by blinking with blue LED but nothing happens. I've connected A5 and A19 pins to unlock and lock signals of BCMkuga, turned option A1 on - no use.


2005 Toyota Tundra 4 DOOR Can't find doorlocks wires in kick panel

Cannot locate Doorlock wire colors in drivers kick and nothing from the door meters out high or low in regards to switching. Am I missing something here? I've tried 10 different sources and they all claimed different options and wire colors. Non of them panned out.


2015 Toyota Tundra Evo One remote start alarm goes off on remote shutdown

**This may be a duplicate post but has more info and i will try to hide the other post installed evo one in my 2015 tundra with OEM alarm. The truck does remote start fine (after the doors unlock and relock) but if it runs for 15 minutes, the alarm goes off. If I remote shutdown right after remote start, it works as it should. If i remote start and wait 5 minutes and remote shut down the alarm goes off. I have hooked up the keysense wire to the black wire as instructed in the diagram. Alarm is triggered when using RF 642 remote or OEM 3x lock. I did use a pre-wired kit that had both plug and play adapters for the Tundra. Updated to 74.49 via flash link but no change.


2015 Toyota Tundra Evo One remote start alarm goes off on remote shutdown

**This may be a duplicate post but has more info and i will try to hide the other post installed evo one in my 2015 tundra with OEM alarm. The truck does remote start fine (after the doors unlock and relock) but if it runs for 15 minutes, the alarm goes off. If I remote shutdown right after remote start, it works as it should. If i remote start and wait 5 minutes and remote shut down the alarm goes off. I have hooked up the keysense wire to the black wire as instructed in the diagram. Alarm is triggered when using RF 642 remote or OEM 3x lock. I did use a pre-wired kit that had both plug and play adapters for the Tundra. Updated to 74.49 via flash link but no change.


2015 Toyota Tundra Evo One remote start alarm goes off on remote shutdown

**This may be a duplicate post but has more info and i will try to hide the other post installed evo one in my 2015 tundra with OEM alarm. The truck does remote start fine (after the doors unlock and relock) but if it runs for 15 minutes, the alarm goes off. If I remote shutdown right after remote start, it works as it should. If i remote start and wait 5 minutes and remote shut down the alarm goes off. I have hooked up the keysense wire to the black wire as instructed in the diagram. Alarm is triggered when using RF 642 remote or OEM 3x lock. I did use a pre-wired kit that had both plug and play adapters for the Tundra. Updated to 74.49 via flash link but no change.


doors lock right after commanded to unlock

I installed a evo all with autostart command start. everything is connected correctly the only option i have set on the bypass module is C1 and F3 D2D communication. everything works as it should starting, lock, but the doors quickly lock after being commanded to unlock. Also when I disconect the bypass module from the vehicle it locks the doors.


2015 Toyota Tundra alarm triggered on start and won't unlock with keyfob during remote start session.

truck starts with factory keyfob lock press 3x. after it is running, it will not unlock with the keyfob. also, if given time for the alarm to activate, triggering a remote start with factory keyfob lock x3 sets off the alarm. i received unit pre-programmed from a seller. thanks in advance for your help!