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EvoCHRT5 on 2006 dodge ram 5.9

2006 dodge ram 2500 5.9 diesel I have evo chrt5 and updater only thing I’ve done is connect yellow on 20 pin to yellow on t-harness and green/red on 20 pin to purple on t-harness and my truck is still the same but the evo has no power can anybody help me


Is evo-one compatible with gasoline 2023 Ram 2500?

Install instructions only list diesel pushbutton start.


2012 Ram 2500 Diesel Manual Transmission Remote Start

I have a 2012 Ram 2500 Diesel that I want to intall a remote start in using 3X lock function. Im going to use an evo one but I saw on the forum there is an additional clutch wire that needs to be installed? also it has to be programmed to manual mode and a sequence has to be followed in order to put it in ready mode. Is there any documenation covering the additional clutch bypass wiring because it is not mentioned in the installation manual of the truck. Will putting it in ready mode need me to press the lock button 3x instead of just one because I wont have an rf kit installed? Any other relevant information that is different from a automatic transmission install would be helpful as well. Thank you


2006 Dodge Ram Diesel

Hello i have a 2006 dodge ram 2500 5.9 cummins. I just got the EVO-CHRT5 kit for remote start only and tried installing it as per instructions and nothing worked. I found a youtube video where some plugged the t-harness in and spliced the two yellow wires together and spliced the purple wire with the green/red from the 20 pin connection. the truck horn cherps, and fuel pump turns on but gauge cluster wont work and truck wont turn on. I have the flash like and updated it with the newest version and activated the d.1 setting for diesel trucks. Any help would be much appricated.


2007 Ram 2500 Diesel Manual Transmission nothing happens

i have a 2007 2500 diesel with a manual transmission, i have the OEM key programmed but when i go to Remote start, all i hear is a relay click 3 times...also everytime i press the lock button on the key, the blue light is lighting up.... i have to make the comment, that when i program the EVO-ONE on flashlink, the "settings" that are saved on the EVO-ONE shows different than the ones i have programmed/saved. is there a "lockout" or something that i must do? for instance: i saved the turbo timer to be on for 4 minutes on the fortin flashlink, when i check to see "current settings," it shows that it is off. and so forth.


2008 GMC 2500HD EVO one Decryptor limit reached for vehicle.

I have to reprogram my evo one for my gmc truck again, i keep getting the following message..."THE DeCRYPTOR HAS REACHED MAXIMUM LIMIT FOR THIS Vehicle" service #002B01 006047  can someone please help me?  


2019 RAM 2500 Push to start GAS blue light goes out after plugging in the 20 pin con (step 3)

2019 RAM 2500 Push to Start GAS

(What I wired)

THAR-CHR6 Harness:  I wired from the EVO ALL  A1  to the purple and white on the Igintion BCM module. A10 to Lt.Blue of T harness, A20 to the Lt.Blue/Black of T harness, with an OHM meter I ringed them out (they are connected). I tied the red connector  D3 & D1 together and soldeir together at the T harness as discribed.  Can 1 LOW connection C4 from the EVO to the Yellow of CAN 1 connector on the truck. Can 1 High connection C3 from the EVO to the Brown and White of CAN 1 connector on the truck. 

(plugged it the remaining plugs by the steps discribed into the EVO ALL) 

Issue I have: I go though steps 1 & 2, however when I plug the 20 pin connector in the light the blue light goes out. (no lights are on).

I updated and flashed the EVO to Firmware 74.[38]  Hardware inside 7.0  however, the the orange box says Recimmended firmware is not loaded 63.[02]  then there is a green Update to that version aside it. 

What can my issue be. Thank in advance for any help! 


2019 RAM 2500 Push to start GAS blue light goes out after plugging in the 20 pin con (step 3)

2019 RAM 2500 Push to Start GAS

(What I wired)

THAR-CHR6 Harness:  I wired from the EVO ALL  A1  to the purple and white on the Igintion BCM module. A10 to Lt.Blue of T harness, A20 to the Lt.Blue/Black of T harness, with an OHM meter I ringed them out (they are connected). I tied the red connector  D3 & D1 together and soldeir together at the T harness as discribed.  Can 1 LOW connection C4 from the EVO to the Yellow of CAN 1 connector on the truck. Can 1 High connection C3 from the EVO to the Brown and White of CAN 1 connector on the truck. 

(plugged it the remaining plugs by the steps discribed into the EVO ALL) 

Issue I have: I go though steps 1 & 2, however when I plug the 20 pin connector in the light the blue light goes out. (no lights are on).

I updated and flashed the EVO to Firmware 74.[38]  Hardware inside 7.0  however, the the orange box says Recimmended firmware is not loaded 63.[02]  then there is a green Update to that version aside it. 

What can my issue be. Thank in advance for any help! 


2006 Dodge Ram Diesel

Hello i have a 2006 dodge ram 2500 5.9 cummins. I just got the EVO-CHRT5 kit for remote start only and tried installing it as per instructions and nothing worked. I found a youtube video where some plugged the t-harness in and spliced the two yellow wires together and spliced the purple wire with the green/red from the 20 pin connection. the truck horn cherps, and fuel pump turns on but gauge cluster wont work and truck wont turn on. I have the flash like and updated it with the newest version and activated the d.1 setting for diesel trucks. Any help would be much appricated.


How do I program the EVO-GMT4 to start my 2009 2500HD Duramax when it's cold until the "wait to start" light goes off?


2011 chevy 2500hd diesel not starting when cold

Evo all with t harness, works great when warm, it will wait and dash lights come on and then it wont even attempt to crank then turn off try a 2nd attempt and same result. In diesel mode set to 14 mins updated to most recent software.


Blue light shuts off when turning key to on position

2008 Dodge ram the blue light shuts off when I turn the key to the on position.

