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What system do i need to buy to remote start my 2013 audi q7 tdi

What system do i need i would like to use my factory remote.


Request to Reset Fortin Unit

My car Honda Accord 2013 Standard Key i want to set the unit serial number 002b04166354


2013 Ford Fusion remote start inop

I have a 2013 Ford Fusion with key ,installed with an Evo All unit with a T- harness 3 . The problem I have is that after the lock button is pressed 3 x you can hear unit chicking red yellow and blue lights come on like it trying to start vehicle. Then Im getting an red error code of 3 flashes , according to some research I believe that's a tach signal error. correct me if im wrong. All help and advice will be appreciated. Thanks


Honda drrck (130Pts.)


Takeover steps/procedures for 2013 Accord PTS

Hi. Is takeover possible on 2013 Accord PTS? If so what's the procedure? Currently it shuts off when I get in and push the brakes.


2013 Hyundai Accent

Hi there! I am having the next problem. When installing the Evo one on my 2013 Hyundai Accent the blue programming light turns off when I turn the car on and the light comes back on when I turn it off  have the can wires on the right ones do I need the can wires to use the remote start? What options do I need to change the serial number of my evo one is 002B04 247461 The wiring is correct and have verified continuity.  Voltages on the CAN wires are roughly 2.35 and 2.65. Could you help me please, what going on? Thanks you


2013 elantra gt

I installed an evo-one on a 2013 Elantra GT (PTS) today. The firmware says that the OEM remote will not operate while the engine is running ... But, it works normally ... It both opens and closes. What's the matter?


Compatible with EVO RS -ALL IN ONE - FORT 1 on 2013 Mustang manual transmission vehicles?

Compatible with EVO RS -ALL IN ONE - FORT 1 on 2013 Mustang manual transmission vehicles? I would like to know exactly how to remotely start the s197(13y) Mustang manual transmission.


Do you have to connect wires through the 20 pin connector and the 5 pin can connector?

I just want to have the remote start feature on my 2013 ford fusion standard key. What do I need to do to accomplish this? I have the correct t harness and an evo all.


Problem for instruction installation - 2013 hyundai santa fe evo one

Is no possible to information how installing evo one to 2013 hyundai santa fe push to start- i try on ios, google chrome, opera , iexplorer ... still no succes


evo one tried to install but the antenna did not came out the light when I put key on

i set it up everything but tried to set it up remote the antenna did not light came out how i need to do? 2013 toyota camry


yellow light stays on when I plug in the 20 pin, and get the key to program

we get to programming the key on y 2013 ford focus and the light stays yellow when I plug in the 20 pin and then its goes to red and yellow and it won't program.


2013 Honda odyssey EX Automatic Remote Start Installation Video

2013 Honda Odyssey EX automatic with factory installed keyless door entr and Regular Key start. 

1,Will EVO-One work  ? 

2, What Harness do we need to oder with EVO-ONE?

2. Appreciate link to Installtion video for this vehicle?



2013 hyundai santa fe ignition on but no crank

Remote start is in and programmed. Evo all is programmed. 2013 hyundai santa fe push to start. Hit lock button 3 times, ignition on vehicle never cranks. I have rechecked all connections and they are good. At the end of the evo-all programming it says the red led should flash 10 times, then blue should flash fast, then red flash fast. Then turn ignition off. The red flash fast never happens. I dont know of that's related or not.
