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Honda Crv 2017 EXL tailgate problems

Hello. I bought a car in the USA, it arrived to me in Ukraine, and I encountered a problem with the EVO-ONE system Serial number #002B04 051298. Honda CRV 2017 EXL, push and stop system. The car sat for a long time and was transported to Ukraine, and the battery was probably disconnected. Remote start is now working. The car has a keyless entry system. The original remote has a remote start button, I first lock the car, then hold that button for 4 seconds and the car starts. But the problem is this: 1. The motorized trunk opening does not work both when the engine is running and when the engine is stopped, and under security and without security, the trunk lid does not rise or fall, and I cannot do this either from the remote control or from the button in the cabin or from the button on the the door itself. I went to the dealer, there are no errors on the door computer and motors, all fuses and wires are in order. If you open the lock mechanically manually from the passenger compartment, then the door can then be closed using the remote control or any button. But then it won't open. It was also noticed that if you disconnect the battery from the car and connect it back, the door can be opened in any way, either remotely or with a button. But then it also locks. 2. It was also noticed that if, with the car closed, on the outside of the trunk you press and hold the trunk open button several times, the remote start system turns on and the car engine starts. In general, i can now get into the trunk only in two ways, either through the interior, or by disconnecting the battery. Unfortunately, we do not have service stations in Ukraine that have programmers for FORTIN. It turns out that I can only rely on Bypass programming. I will be very grateful for your answer and help!


Dcryptor limit has been reached for this car


2016 crv wont start after program

I went throught the installation, held button and plugged in then hit 3x then turned ignition on and waited for blue flash then ran decrypter and installed and the car will not start with 3x lock.... they sent me a new module and same thing. Am i doing something wrong?


T harnes for evo all 2010 honda crv?

Is there a compatible T harnes for evo-all on a 2010 honda crv?


page cannot be displayed when selecting Remote Start option on Flashlink Manager

Cannot Access Remote starter (Online Mode) option On Flashlink Manager. Keep getting "Page Not Found" with no other text on the page. I can However access Remote Start (Offline Mode) By selecting Configuration--Special Unit--Unit Options. Is There a Server Issue? is Anyone else havng this problem?


Cannot get evo one to remote start on 2010 honda crv

2010 honda CRV, successful update and bypass options chainged per manual for the EVO ONE + THON1 HARNESS.. tried 1000 different senerios and still can't get it to remote start. Any help would be greatly appreciated.


2016 CR-V Push-Start Thar-one-hon3 - what is horn/parking lights wires used for?

Got everything working without needing routing and taping into the factory harness for the horn and parking lights wires that are shown in the instructions. What are they actually used for ? It's for a remote start only with the factory key fob. I don't mind wiring them if needed in my case but would rather leave the factory harness intact if possible. Thanks


where is the steering lock module for the us ver. Indiana 2019 crv push to start?

Can't find the steering lock module in the US made 2019 Honda crv push to start Evo one. any help?


Honda JR (130Pts.)


EVO One Module Not powering up after Parking Lights, horn and Door Lock Connection

I just purchased an EVO one with a THAR-ONE-HON1 T-harness for a 2011 Honda CRV. I successfully programmed the module prior to installing it in the vehicle using the Fortin Flashlink V4. I installed the T-Harness onto the vehicle without connecting any of the horn, parking lights or door lock provisions at first, so that I can perform the key bypass procedure. I was able to set this up successfully with no issues. I even tested that the vehicle would be able to be started via the 3x lock procedure. All was perfect.


I then proceeded to connect the parking light connection along with the horn and door lock connections. All of the instructions were used based off of the 57711 guide. I also used the activation code for the wirecolor website prior to splicing any connections. I also verified with the colors with my service manual and all was good. After splicing into the factory connections for the horn, parking lights and the door lock, I proceeded to attempt the remote start procedure and the vehicle. The parking lights and horn worked flawlessly, the door lock however would not unlock. I had to manually open the door to unlock it. I then proceeded to turn off the vehicle, I figured maybe it was a glitch.


I then proceeded to attempt to remote start the vehicle again and this time the vehicle would not start. The module would not even light up, no color would show. The module seems to be dead now. I have verified all connections twice before splicing into the factory harness and then proceeded to verify another two times afterwards just to make sure that I did not accidentally wire anything incorrently. Everything is connected exactly as the instructions show. I'm not sure exactly what could've caused the module to stop working with everything being connected properly. Please help. Thank you!


2019 Honda CR-V PTS cant find steering lock plug

I completed the install but don't see any module or plug for the steering lock.


2005 Honda CR-V evo-one won’t program

2005 Honda CR-V: Evo-one will not program. I completed the flash link with the evo-one and everything is said to be correct. I'm using for both bypass and remote start from factory key. I installed wiring based on the online manual for the 05 crv following connection #2. main 6 pin harness: red to 12v (white) yellow to starter (black/white) Pink to ignition (black/yellow) with the added yellow wire from ignition A plug black is grounded orange accessory to accessory (black/red) white to blue parking lights A plug: yellow to pink ignition, light blue data to white wire on pin two of cylinder harness, and foot brake wire to foot brake (white/black) right above the brake pedal. D plug: the five pin at the key cylinder (blue/orange) was cut. The white green was attached at the key side and white red attached toward hood side as shown. I have power to the evo-one and following the manual to enter program mode by pressing and holding down program button and plugging in power I get the lights going through the flashing sequence, however I do not get the solid red. Am I doing something wrong here or not waiting long enough? Is wiring right? All wiring is soldered connections. I appreciate any help.


Why can't I program my EVO-ONE on my 2015 CR-V?

I am trying to install an EVO-ONE remote starter on my 2015 Honda CRV Push-to-Start. I am using the T-harness. I connect the 24 and 28 pin connectors correctly. When I hold down the program button and plug in the 6-pin plug, nothing happens. No lights turn on on the module. I know I am doing this part correctly. Previously, I had an EVO-ALL and got it set up correctly (but I ditched that effort because I couldn't get the Crimestopper remote starter to work and just bought the EVO-ONE). I did this process on the EVO-ALL (using the 4-pin data link wire) countless times without difficulty - this part was never the problem. Why don't I get any lights at all when I hold down the program button and plug in the 6-pin connector on the EVO-ONE? I have updated both the "bypass" side to 73.31 and the "remote starter" side to 1.24 using the Flashlink. I updated the bypass side, then I unplugged it from the computer. Then I plugged it back in and updated the remote starter side. On the bypass side, I have C1, D2, and D6 enabled. On the remote starter side, I have 38.2 enabled. None of that even matters because the module won't even light up when I plug it in! Of note, if I have the 6-pin main harness plugged into the EVO-ONE and turn the car's power on, it does flash some lights - so I know it is getting power.


This is my only concern: I am using the T-harness that came with the EVO-ALL + Crimestopper kit that I purchased online prior to giving up on that and switching to the EVO-ONE. The label on the T-harness says "THAR-HON3". It does not say "THAR-ONE-HON3". However, it appears to be the exact same harness as the THAR-ONE-HON3. It has all of the same connectors. Please do not recommend to me that all I need to do is buy the T-harness that is specifically called "THAR-ONE-HON3" unless you are absolutely certain that this is the issue because I have already spent more money than I should have trying to install a stupid remote starter on my vehicle. I only see one type of T-harness available on this website for my push-to-start vehicle, so I don't think that there is really a difference between the two. However, if you know for a fact that there is a true difference between "THAR-HON3" and "THAR-ONE-HON3" and that the "THAR-HON3" T-harness is incompatible with the EVO-ONE, I will buy the THAR-ONE-HON3 T-harness.


Sorry for the long post. I am just trying to anticipate any follow up questions and go ahead and address them. Thanks in advance for your help. I'm almost ready to throw all of this in the trash and buy a car with remote start on it.
