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Which T-Harness do I need for a Volkswagen Arteon 2019?

There are multiple choices for Volkswagen. Which is the correct harness for my car? Volkswagen Arteon R-Line tsi 4motion S-A DSG Automatic Manufacture date: 14 May 2019 Thanks


Where do i find insaltion diagram for f350 diesel 2019


Toyota Brum (130Pts.)


2019 Toyota Rav4 Push Start

Hello.  I am trying to program this myself after spending a lot of time and money over the years getting it reprogrammed as it seems to lose memory when major service is done.  I assume that is likely a Toyota issue that can't be helped.

I have about 6 to 8  hours in trying to make this work with little success but am concerned about all the wear and tear on the clips and wires from taking it in and out trying to get it to work so its time to ask for help.Perhaps verifying which manual is it that I should be using please and thanks.  The instructions seems simple but I am missing something.  I did just notice that all the instructions mentioned modules made after 2019 and over while mine is 2016 despite my Rav being a 2019.  Was it obsolete when installed or is that irrelevant?#001A06 654416The instructions that show up when trying to program this is Guide 83841 but i have been looking at many others trying to get it to work. thanks


Audi JW (190Pts.)


THAR-AUD2 & Evo-All, How to Program

I just want to use the remote start function of lock button*3.
I have an Evo-All module and a Thar-Aud2 harness.
I connected this harness to the cable in the trunk side while looking at the installation manual, and I connected the extra remote control key.
And I connected the black connector while pressing the module's program button, but the lights on the all LED are flashing blue, red, and green. It's the same when I take my hands off.

Even if I reconnect all the connectors, the same thing happens.
The program doesn't work at all. What's the problem?
Do I not have to use a black connector to just use the lock button*3?

Please help me


What parts to need need for a keyed no remote 2019 F150 to remote start with my phnoe without cutting any OEM wiring?

2019 F150, Keyed. No remotes. Just want remote start from phone or from a supplied remote. Do not want to cut any of the OEM wiring.


Ford G M (16420Pts.)



There was a broken wire in the underwing connector going to the underhood button. We fixed it and the remote start worked. Thanks for support.


2019 Veloster PTS Manual, Bypass wont program

2019 Veloster PTS Manual. Wire to wire according to Bypass wont program when ignition is pressed twice. Any advice on troubleshooting would be greatly appreciated.


Honda G M (16420Pts.)


2019 HR-V

Hello. I installed evo-one(002B04337437) on 2019 HR-V(key). The starter turns, but the engine does not start. If I bring the key closer to the ignition, then it starts.


2019 Veloster PTS Manual 3x Lock Evo One

Getting conflicting information from local installers. Would prefer not to have an extra remote but if need be I will purchase one. 2019 Hyundai Veloster Push to start Manual.Looking at installing an Evo-one Will the 3x lock start work? Can I set the ready mode without another remote? Any help appreciated


2019 Mazda 6 not starting after successful programming with evo all

Hey everyone, I'm trying to install an EVO-ALL in standalone mode on a 2019 Mazda 6 with a T-Harness. I initially successfully programmed the module with the two keys, and then successfully completed the CAN procedure as well. Unfortunately I could not get it to start, the module would have the red and orange lights on but would make no effort to crank the car. I tried starting over by resetting the module, and now whenever I repeat the programming process I see a flashing red light, which supposedly means that the keys are already linked to the unit. Doing the CAN procedure now also results in all 3 lights cycling instead of the single blue light going off. Simply plugging the module in results in all 3 lights flashing. I'm not entirely sure where to go from here. I'd like to start over but I'm not sure how to do that.


US vs CA Model?

2019 Honda Pilot PTS EVO-ONE THAR-HON8 T Harness Install with takeover. Telling me to plug the grey 12 pin connector on the T Harness to Plug that is located at steering lock module under steering column. I looked this up and only the CA and Mexican built versions of the pilot have this Steering lock module installed. This is not on my Pilot. Can I get a picture of where I am supposed to plug this in if I dont have that module under my steering wheel as I cant find it for the life of me.Im assuming that with the wire thats coming from the EVO-ONE saying its a bypass and it being connected to a steering lock module on the other model, maybe some sort of immobelizer or something? Any help would be super appreciated! Thanks in advance!


US vs CA Model?

2019 Honda Pilot PTS EVO-ONE THAR-HON8 T Harness Install with takeover. Telling me to plug the grey 12 pin connector on the T Harness to Plug that is located at steering lock module under steering column. I looked this up and only the CA and Mexican built versions of the pilot have this Steering lock module installed. This is not on my Pilot. Can I get a picture of where I am supposed to plug this in if I dont have that module under my steering wheel as I cant find it for the life of me.Im assuming that with the wire thats coming from the EVO-ONE saying its a bypass and it being connected to a steering lock module on the other model, maybe some sort of immobelizer or something? Any help would be super appreciated! Thanks in advance!


How do I remove Fortin EVO-ONE, 2019 Mazda 6


My question is how can I remove the EVO-ONE with THAR-ONE-MAZ3 from 2019 Mazda 6 safely and take the car back to factory setup?

I looked everywhere to find a guide or video illustrate such a thing but I couldn't find one ):

Help please!


2019 4Runner alarm going off during remote start

Installed the EVO-ONE/TOY-9/RFK441 into a 2019 standard key 4Runner. Not every start, but most starts are followed by the alarm going off. It's keeping the customer from using the starter out of anxiety. Any ideas? Did I program the EVO wrong? Did I program the RFK441 remotes wrong?


Toyota G M (16420Pts.)


2019 lc150 turbo timer

Is it possible to implement a turbo timer for 2019 LC150? I want to install evo-all (stand alone) on it.


do you need to reprogram after new keys

lost my key and had to get both of my keys reprogrammed at the garage. now after 3 beeps the process initiates but truck doesnt start. 2019 ram 1500 classic turn key diesel


'19 Ram promaster

Hello, I am looking to get remote start only for my '19 Ram 1500 promaster. It does not have remote start or alarm now. It uses a standard turn key. According to the website it says I can use the EVO-ONE. Looking at the install instructions on page 5, it shows what looks to be a remote starter module of some sort?

Am I looking at the right instructions for this setup?

If so, do I need another part?


Also, is there a t-harness made for this yet?




no start intermittent

truck will not start with oem key fob. all electrical components non functional in truck. requires disconnecting battery to get truck to function again


Guide 93711 2019 Toyota Rav4 Hybrid--is option D4 required (hybrid mode)?

Install guide doesn't mention enabling option D4 for Hybrid mode, although the guide is specific for Hybrid. Is this an oversight, or is it not required for this vehicle?


THAR-ONE-SUB2 & EVO ONE on 2020 Subaru WRX PTS

I have installed the THAR-ONE-SUB2 in my US WRX per the instruction guide, page page 7/11 T-Harness - Automatic & Manual Transmission

1.) Why is the car not starting with the Yellow/Red and Yellow/Green separeted per the installation guide
2.) Does my US WRX have to follow the Canadian Vehicle steps, if yes why and if no what is the difference

Installation was simple as mainly 2 connectors and areplug N play. I master reset my Evo One, flashed the 2020 WRX firmware and follow the programming steps on page 8/11. When I get to step 5 to start the car, the car starts and shuts off immidiately, eventually not even turning the starter. The lights on the Evo One stay solid for Red and Blue and programming does not complete to follow up on the Dcryptor part. After a little troubleshooting I found that I can get the car to start if I reconnect the Yellow/Red and Yellow/Green wires I cut eariler making the car at least drivable again.



2019 RAV4: EVO-ONE + THAR-ONE-TOY12 Doors remain unlocked During Remote Start Session.

2019 RAV4: EVO-ONE + THAR-ONE-TOY12 harness setup; All the doors unlock then the vehicle starts fine but the doors remain unlocked during remote start session.


A/C don’t work cool

when I start the engine by lock lock lock the air conditioning does not work only work the blower but not cold if I push the start stop bottom yes work fine is a 2019 Nissan Titan sv rwd 5.6L gasoline


Golf 2019 window problem

Hey guys, problem that I'm having is that customer window won't work after the takeover, we have to cycle key to off , shut the engine, put ignition back on and now the windows will work. something you have already experienced ?


Golf 2019 std key , window problem

Hey guys, problem that I'm having is that customer window won't work after the takeover, we have to cycle key to off , shut the engine, put ignition back on and now the windows will work. something you have already experienced ?


Conseil Mazda-3 2019

Petit conseil à vous tous, lorsque vous installerez un démarreur sur un Mazda-3 ou mazda-CX30 2019 et+, la première étape que vous devez faire en entrant l'auto en atelier est de la brancher sur un chargeur immédiatement.Depuis quelques semaine je travails sur un mazda-3 2019 et j'ai finalementi due me rendre chez le concessionaire afin de faire effacer des codes en mémoire dans l'ordinateur. Ils mont confirmer que c'est ce que font tout leur technicien lorsqu'ils entrent une voiture pour autre chose qu'un changement d'huile. Bref, 3 heures de mise à jour dans la voiture, les codes sont effacé et mon problème du départ résolu ( Vérifié système airbag qui allume lorsque l'auto est démarré avec le démarreur mais aucuns code lorsque démarrer normalement ) Se sont des tab.... de code caché donc il faut absolument le scantool pour les effacer et il ne suffi que de 10 minutes la portière ouverte pour que la batterie tombe faible et que le bcm crée des codes. Je vous confirme que les gars au services sont déjà découragé des clients qui ne font que quelques km par semaine pour allé à l'épicerie l'hiver, eux ils vont avoir de sérieux problèmes de batterie

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