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2009 rx350 key sense

i have installed EVO-ONE-942 and INT-SL+. The car lock, unlock, remote starts. Everytime i remote start the alarm set off. i follow Guide # 90081. i did hook up the key sense wire. but i didint see any 2 pin white connector shown in the guide. when i remote start the alarm set off so i have unlock and lock and the car stay running. if i cant find the key sense wire. can i change the setting to unlock before start then lock after?


Kia jfehr (130Pts.)


Tach sensor 2009 Kia Spectra

2009 Kia Spectra. THAR-ONE-KHY1. I need to know which wire to connect the tach signal to. Yes, in the Wire Colour diagram it does tell me which wire on the ECM, but no-where can I find which wire on the EVO-one it must be connected to. I have by-passed it currently using programmable option 20.2, but the start quality is pathetic; in cold temperatures it requires more crank time, causing excessive starter drag in warmer conditions. Adjust for warm temperatures and the crank is in-sufficient for the cold mornings. Advice for me?


Nissan Versa 2019 Standard Key Installation Help

Hi there, I am wanting to install a remote starter into my vehicle and want to confirm that it would be possible for me to do so. I looked at the vehicle finder and saw that the Versa wasn't avaible in the year 2019 so i was just going to flash the modular for a 2018 instead. Since there is no connection diagram for the 2020 standard key to reference to from the 2018. I looked at the diagram for a 2019 nissan versa note and 2018 Nissan Versa both standard key. My car doesn't have a transponder and i would assume that during the programming i would insert the white big 8 pin connector while pressing the program button, letting go on blue. Insert all remaining connectors, put the key to the run postion let the blue leds flash and once it stops flashing remove they key. 2018 Nissan Versa Install Diagram https://fortin.ca/download/79341/evo-one_ig_thr_bi_nis5-versa-sedan_2012_key_a_79341.pdf 2019 Nissan Versa Note Install Diagram https://fortin.ca/download/79331/evo-one_ig_thr_bi_nis5-versa-note_2014_key_a_79331.pdf


2011 Ram 1500 Stand Key Installation Help

Hi there, I am currently looking at the installtion guide for a 2011 Ram 1500 Stan Key. I am using the Thar-Chr4 T harness and i was wondering the yellow wire thats coming off the t harness does that need to be connected to anywhere. As its labeled + Igniton and its directed to the A1 slot of the EVO one


2011 Ram 1500 Stand Key Installation Help

Hi there, I am currently looking at the installtion guide for a 2011 Ram 1500 Stan Key. I am using the Thar-Chr4 T harness and i was wondering the yellow wire thats coming off the t harness does that need to be connected to anywhere. As its labeled + Igniton and its directed to the A1 slot of the EVO one


Subscription didnt activated

Can you please add my token i already paid for it . I have to work on the car thank you


Subscription didnt activated

Can you please add my token i already paid for it . I have to work on the car thank you


2008 Honda Odyssey

I have 2008 Honda Odyssey installed the Evo-one & Evo-Start2 with factory fob 3 times lock and App they are work perfect.

 i have one problem when use Evostart 2 app open sliding door only left sliding door work ,but right side doesn't work.

If i want both doors to work use the aux output (yellow/black) of the evo one connect to right side sliding door what colour wire of the car. i used guide # 86291 but didn't see it for sliding door wire, can you show me where it locate that wire and diagram?

Thank you very much.





wiring diagram unlock code

i am trying to unlock wiring driagrams and pic but i need a 16 dig code. i did not recive a card with the codein my box. is there another way to get the code


wiring diagram unlock code

i am trying to unlock wiring driagrams and pic but i need a 16 dig code. i did not recive a card with the codein my box. is there another way to get the code


Guide D'installation Kia Spectra 2007

Ou peut on avoir le guide dinstallation complet pour la kia spectra 2007?


Where do I get the wiring diagram and tip sheet?

I just getting evo all in one fortin sytem and went throuh the youtube and it said to came here woring and tip sheet. where is it located Thanks.


GMC D L3 (160Pts.)


Wiring diagram 2003 GMC Sierra 1500 Standard Key, EVO-ALL, STANDALONE


I have Evo-all Guide #61111 for GMC Sierra 1500 Standard key, but this is for Regular Installation using separate remote starter and Data-link.

I need the guide for a Standalone installation where the EVO-ALL is the remote starter with no data-link.  Or I need the rest of the pin-out for the 20-pin connector.  The pin-out does not indicate the corresponding pin for the main connections?

What is function is: OUT A5 / IN A6 / IN A7 / IN A9 / A10 / OUT A11 / A17 / A18 / A19 ??

Example, the RS7 OUT - Starter (+).  No 'Ax' corresponding designation for 20-pin connector, is A6 - starter, A7 - Ingition2, etc?

Please advise trying to install EVO-ALL as standalone remote starter in 2003 GMC Sierra 1500 with Standard Key, factory alarm, no heated seats, or heated mirrors, flashed with 70.18 firmware.
