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Nodier Vallejo

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Dec. 20, 2017





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Ford f150 2011 Evo all standalone that-for4

Evo all 06/2023 Sn 001A07511495 Ford f150 2011 Evo all standalone that-for4 Doesn’t no program, I have been trying different times and ways and I don’t get it. Only get that the red and blue lights flashing 10 times but the blue light never come back, waiting long time and it doesn’t flash back. Of course using 2 working keys. I tried using a video that says, press the programming button after uses the second key but it didn’t work either. I tried without connect the red connector but it didn’t. Then I don’t know what more to do. Could you help me please. Thanks.


Volkswagen Jetta gli 2014 doesn’t start

Hello, I just installed an evo one on a Volkswagen gli push to start 2014, with a TB-VW. Everything went perfect from connection to programming, without any problems. only until I wanted to turn it on (lock 3 times) because it does the process and turns on the dashboard lights but never gives starter. I tried to do it with the key inside the car to see if it was the immobilizer but it didn't start either. Evo one 05/2022 Sn 002b04274931


honda hrv 2022 push to start, evo all takeover

hi... i have installed a evo all with a crimestopper remote start in a honda hrv 2022 push to start (takeover mode) I have flashed multiple evo all trying to understand the problem as I have checked all the connections and they are perfect as indicated by the installation guide. The problem is that when I enter the vehicle and press once the button turns off (taking into account that it does recognize the smart key) but if I press it twice in a row it does not turn off and I can drive it normally, but a message comes out that says Keyless Start System Problem, And if I turn the vehicle off and turn it on normally, the message still appears. Any solution for this problem or a special software version for it. Thank you for your help.


Chevrolet colorado 2006



I have programed a evo all )1a07248861) for colorado 2006 standard key, using it with a remote start crimestopper rsg4, everithing is fine with de programation, the door  lock and unlock is working fine.


but the problem is when i want to start it, the lighs turn on , the inition , accesory, etc. but the car never run with de starter and it doesnt starte,  the evo all stay whith de lihgs yellow and red solid and the lights never turn off.


i tried programing diferents evo all and the same thing happened with them.



I have programed a evo all )1a07248861) for colorado 2006 standard key, using it with a remote start crimestopper rsg4, everithing is fine with de programation, the door  lock and unlock is working fine.


but the problem is when i want to start it, the lighs turn on , the inition , accesory, etc. but the car never run with de starter and it doesnt starte,  the evo all stay whith de lihgs yellow and red solid and the lights never turn off.


i tried programing diferents evo all and the same thing happened with th



chevy colorado 2006 doesnt start

I have programed a evo all )1a07248861) for colorado 2006 standard key, using it with a remote start crimestopper rsg4, everithing is fine with de programation, the door  lock and unlock is working fine.   but the problem is when i want to start it, the lighs turn on , the inition , accesory, etc. but the car never run with de starter and it doesnt starte,  the evo all stay whith de lihgs yellow and red solid and the lights never turn off.   i tried programing diferents evo all and the same thing happened with them.  


Ford Ferhat (370Pts.)


3x lock not working after a long time parking

Hi, I configured my fortin evo-all with 3x lock configuration. The scenario I have; If my car parked for a while i.e. 1hr or more, 3x lock does not trigger start engine. To solve this, I start car manually with the key then stop engine, 3x lock start/stop working again. Somehow the module losing electric after a while or It has problem something different. Any suggestion? Best regards


Please reset Evo all, can’t be flashed anymore


Evo one doesn’t connect to flashlink manager 4 (lapto app) flashing red, yellow and blue

Evo one doesn’t connect to flashlink manager 4 (lapto app) flash red, yellow and blue, stop en red and again flashing, stop en red and after that said error, contact customer support Sn: 002B04246642 date. 12/2021


13 Rav4 wont remote start without key in ignition.

So we have installd a EVO ALL with a CS unit. The car will not start unless we leave the key in the barel. (H Key) I have double checked the wireing, and everything is connected correctly. Even tried to move the yellow wire (IGN) from IGN 1 to 2 with no help. Double checked the programing on the CS unit and made sure it was looking for fortin, and its and that the unlock before start was off. What am i missing here? SN:001A07283912


Suzuki Grand Vitara 2010, Evo all doesn’t program

hi, I just installed an evo all with a remote start crimestopper rs4-g5 on a regular key 2010 Suzuki Grand Vitara, the problem is that when I am doing the programming, it never goes beyond the fixed yellow light, (step 5) when I put the key in on position, the bypass never changes from the yellow light, I never get to program it. (bypass Evo all 2020) I tried programming with both keys (2 keys) and with neither function. Sn: 001A07 129726


kia forte 2018 automatic transmission, no data wire, evo-key.

I was trying to install a remote starter with an evo-key, for a kia forte 2018 automatic transmission and I found that this model has no data wire and this is the only wire that says the installation guide that should be used for the evo- key, then what do I do in this case. thank you .


toyota sequoia 2015 evo all does not start and does not lock the doors

Toyota Sequoia 2015, EVO All, I made the corresponding installation following the instructions, I did the programming of the module at the end and everything went well until i tryed to start the car and does not turn on, I checked  the ground connection of the remote start and it's all right, and follow the instructions of connection for the Evo all for the Toyoya Sequoia 2015 and the instructions say that with the connection of data link, do not need to give ground to the Evo all (dark blue cable , ground when the remote start is running) the only function that is doing is the unlock of doors, when I give this order the blue LED get on, but when I give the ignition order only the yellow led get on and when I give the option to lock doors No LEDs are turned on. You think it's better to make connections directly from the EVO all status output wires to the remote starter input wires.

(the module have been flashed FIRMWARE VERSION 79.[43] )



toyota sequoia 2015 does not start and does not lock the doors

Toyota Sequoia 2015, EVO All, I made the corresponding installation following the instructions, I did the programming of the module at the end and everything went well until i tryed to start the car and does not turn on, it keep givin starter, it seems that the module does not work, additional only unlock The doors but when I push block it, it does not, the only function that is making the module is the unlock of doors, need to be programmed differently or what can i do. Thank you


infiniti m35x evo all does not program

hello, I just installed an evo all in an infiniti m35x 2006, I have made all the corresponding connections but at the time of programming I find a problem, the instructions say that at the moment the blue light of the evo there is set flashing (last step) press the start button to turn off the vehicle and at that moment the blue light should turn off, but the problem is that it turns off but immediately the yellow and red light start to flash intermittently without stopping and so the evo remains all alone until I completely disconnect, what can I do, i checked the cam hight the cam low and the other connections and I notice all of them well.


Toyota Tacoma doesn’t start with 3 locks.

I installed a evo one in a Toyota Tacoma 2012 standard key, I made the all conections and I programmed the evo one fallowing the instructions, it gets ready de lock and unlock doors automatically are working, but the problem is that I’m trying to start the car with 3 locks and the car doesn’t start, the option 38-2 is active already. But the car doesn’t start with the 3 locks.


Alarm start sound when the car start with the remote starter.

I installed a remote starter crimestopper Rs1-g5 with a bypass crimestopper Honda-sl3 in a Honda Civic 2006 standard key, automatic transmission. The problem is, when I start the car with de remote starter, the car start, but the factory alarm start sounding and the flashing lights too.


dark blue wire, driver door trigger - does not work

I have a 2011 nissan rogue intelligent key, I installed an evo one, everything works perfect, except the trigger of the driver's door (auto lights shut down ) dark blue cable, connect this cable to the negative of the door trigger, exactly as the instructions say , but I have the problem that when starting the remote start the vehicle turns on but after 2 seconds it turns off, check the problem and I find that when the remote starter start the dark blue wire  gives a constant negative discharge and the sensor of the door trigger shows as if the door were open, I do not really understand what this dark blue wire is for and what function it has, disable it and the car lights normal, my question is what should I do or what is the problem, or I must configure thanks.

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