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Evo Start 2

Bonjour J'ai un Toyota Avalon 2019 avec un evo start 2 et le démarreur fortin evo one. Le tout fonctionne bien. Je peu barré et débarré via l'application également. Mon problème est avec le Statut du véhicule dans l'application. La demande statut ne fonctionne pas souvent et les informations de température sont erronées. Par exemple, il fait -10 mais il indique 20 degré dans l'habitacle alors qu'il n'a pas fonctionné de la nuit et on ai le matin au réveil. Le voltage lui me semble plausible. Je sais qu'il y a une façon de réinitialisé l'antenne evo start 2 mais je ne me souviens plus de la fonction et de la bonne procédure. J'ai tout de même essayer de débrancher l'antenne, de rebrancher en maintenant le bouton sur l'antenne jusqu'à ce qu'elle clignote orange rapidement puis jai essayé chaqu'un des mode de clignote bleu 1 a 5. Il y a un mode que je crois que c'est pour vérifier le signal ignition. J'ai réussi a refaire fonctionné le démarreur en mode 2 flash bleu puis appuyez sur le bouton. Jai pas tenté de redémarrer le moteur mais les door lock fonctionne. Cependant maintenant j'ai 8 volt de batterie et -37 degré donc j'ai empiré ma situation car la même le voltage est erronée (batterie sur la charge et en santé). Qu'elle est la procédure de réinitialisation factory reset de l'antenne evo start 2 que je puisse enfin avoir une bonne communication avec l'application et de bonne donné? Merci


antenne evo start

Bonjour jaimerais savoir si il a une facon de faire un reset de code si on vient d'acheter un vehicule et sa dit le code sur l'antenne est deja utiliser mais que nous avon pas les information de lancien proprietaire


evo start2 starts but no confirmation

Evo sart 2 no confirmation for any action taken ,Start door locks work but no confirmation. No battery voltage,no temp nothing on app. the only thing it says comande send.Door locks lock and unlocks when using the app to lock, Car starts locked or not locked. The unlock works fine no confirmation. Everything turned on on app only once had a confirmation only twice out of around 30 tries. cleared history nothing on app no more confirmation. confirmations on app setting are all on. 2009 nissan murano push start. oem remote 3 time lock works.


2017 lincoln navi door locks not working on evo start 2

I just installed a evo all and evo start 2 on 17 navigator, I followed the 2015 guide since there was no 2016 and 2017 available everything works but the only issue right now is on the evo start 2 app I can remote start but the lock and unlock does not work is there anything i can do to fix that . thanks


IOS app bug EVO START 2



Hello, I just have EVO START 2 installed on 2010 lincoln mkz. I can remotely controll the car from the app on ios. However, when I send commands, the first command will do lock,unlock,start, etc. other commands after the first one will not work. I have to close and reopen the app so it can work again. 


refus de demarrer

Bonjour, je possede un Altima 2009 Manuel. MA batteries est timber vide. apres une recharge complete , Mon vehicle ne demarre plus, et ne reconnais plus MA pedale d embrayage, malgre que j appuie dessus


is it possible to upgrade EVO Start from Otodata

I live in New Brunswick half the year and I am unable to use the EVO Start APP for my car when here, when I am in Quebec it's not an issue.


FAQ Chitos (450Pts.)


Has anyone used the EVO ES installer App

Has anyone used the EVO ES installer App How dose it work, and will it work with EVO Start LTE. Thanks People


Evo-one & Evostart2 for 2022 Toyota Corolla sedan push start

Please help I did master reset Evo-one on 2022 Toyota sedan push start and did key transfer Dcrypter when put 3 times lock my car start but when using Evostart2 app i get green light flashing then orange light come one but Evo-one not get signal car not start. i just have a question do i need to program evo-one & evostart2 in the car together then return to PC do key transfer Dcrypter, because i did program only Evo-one in the car the return to PC do key transfer after that try 3 times lock it work then program Evostart2 after but doesn't work try do reset Evostar2 & reprogram again still doesn't work. Evo-one SN: 002B04 248953 Thank you very much.


Does evo start 2 not work anymore?

I have two vehicles that have this evo start 2 installed and worked well but I’ve noticed that recently nothing on the app itself connects to them. The remotes will start no problem. It’s just through the phone app


Mazda Mmk005 (130Pts.)


Evo Start 2 not working with Evo one with T Harness Thar one Maz3


I recently bought Evo start 2 for my Evo one which I have been using for more than 2 years on my Mazda cx 3 2019 with T harness. At that time I did not choose the app start option while programming the Evo one. Can some please help me where should i be connecting the Yellow wire. Does it goes into the A1. Also none of the other options like door unlock are not working. Do I have to reprogram the Evo one again. I know that the firmware should be atleast 1.21. When i push start from the app the green light on the evo start 2 is turning on but nothing is happening.

I have followed the following steps and it was not working.

Ignition ON - OFF - ON (While holding the brake?)

Press and release brake 4 times

Press and hold the Evo start button until green

Turn OFF Ignition

Thank you for reading any kind of help or suggestions is much appreciated 


Evo all with T-Harness adding Evo Start 2

Hi, I'm looking to add an Evo Start 2 to a Evo all with T-Harness and wanted to confirm that the yellow wire on the T-Harness is in fact the same one that needs to be connected to the Evo Start 2.


evo start 2

I bought an EVO-START2 to add to my EVONE + THAR-ONE-MAZ3 installation. After re-flashing do I need to do the whole decrypt process again? Also do I connect the yellow wire to A1 or E5 onto the harness? Thanks.


Toyota akm (850Pts.)


Evo Start 2 Installation on other car without code

Planning to install Evo Start 2 on other car. For app installation, i don't know the code. Please let me know how to proceed as it is couple of year old and i don't have a box / original code. Thanks for help.


Toyota akm (850Pts.)


Evo Start 2 Installation on other car without code

Planning to install Evo Start 2 on other car. For app installation, i don't know the code. Please let me know how to proceed as it is couple of year old and i don't have a box / original code. Thanks for help.


Wrong lock status on app

Hi, I have and Mazda3 2019 (with push start and presence key) and installed an Evo One + Thar-One-Maz5 + Evo Start2. Everything works fine, except the lock status on the app is not correct - when I leave the car it auto-locks (because I'm taking the key with me), and if I check in the app it shows as unlocked. If i send a lock command, the command is sucessfull and the status changes to locked. Going back to the car, I'm able to unlock it by just touching the handle as usual. I'm not sure if this info is useful, but during the setup I first forgot to connect the yellow wire between Evo Start2 and Evo One and paired both like this. When I noticed it was not working, I've checked all again, found the error, connected the yellow wire and paired again. The remote start by the app worked then, just left with the issue in the lock status.


is there an advanced Evo

Hello, is there an advanced Evo with which I can open the door of a 2020 Camry without stopping the engine after starting the vehicle using the remote?


Evo all with Start 2 For Corolla 2022 Push Start

I havs install evo all with start 2 for mobile support. The module is programmed when i press lock key on remote the blue led indicates with each click and after red led turned on same is with remote start app but my car is not starting. is anyone here help me to troubleshoot pls?



Je viens d'acheter un Véhicule avec le EVO-START2 J'ai eu un nouveau code activation mais sa ne fonctionne pas... sa me dit qu' il est expiré mais je ne peux plus rejoindre l'ancien propriétaire donc voici ma question ???? Qu'est-ce que je dois faire maintenant ???? Quel est le procécus ???? Nathalie


Evo start 2 app doesn't work north of Toronto.

Even 25km north is well not work. Not Aurora, barrie or orillia. In Toronto it's fine.


Evo mobile app alowed to used on Kuwait

I buy evo start 2 I want use on my GMC Sierra 2021


Evo Start 2 says running for a few seconds then says off but car is running

Installed Evo all with twvw1 harness and Evo start 2 yellow wire from Evo start 2 connected to purple/yelllow wire from Evo All (ign + out) Evo start will say "Engine On" but the tach needle doesn't change, and then it says that the engine is off the next status request I send. But the car is running. It will show that the voltage is 14+ and the temp rising in the car. But shows the engine off.


evo-all flash jaune et rouge apres avoir programmer l'antenne evo-start 2

J'ai achete evo-all pour avoir un demarreur a distance sur la cle oem mais il manquais de distance alors jai acheter l'antenne evo start 2 toute fonctionnais il decollait apres 3 lock mais apres avoir programmer l'antenne evo start 2 mon module evo all flash rouge et jaune meme apres avoir deconnecter le connecteur 4 pin mais quand je clique sur verouiller ou deverouiller les porte la lumiere de lantenne allume verte mais il ce passe rien


7 secondes de démarrage

Avec l'application ou avec la clef (barre-débarre-barre) l'auto démarre 7 secondes et s'arrête et flash les lumières 3 fois. Il y a une 2e tentative et même résultat. Ça fait 3 ans que le démarreur fonctionne sans problème. Merci.


Is there a way too use aux function on evo start 2 app for ignition kill so it doesnt start the car

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