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evo start2 starts but no confirmation

Evo sart 2 no confirmation for any action taken ,Start door locks work but no confirmation. No battery voltage,no temp nothing on app. the only thing it says comande send.Door locks lock and unlocks when using the app to lock, Car starts locked or not locked. The unlock works fine no confirmation. Everything turned on on app only once had a confirmation only twice out of around 30 tries. cleared history nothing on app no more confirmation. confirmations on app setting are all on. 2009 nissan murano push start. oem remote 3 time lock works.


refus de demarrer

Bonjour, je possede un Altima 2009 Manuel. MA batteries est timber vide. apres une recharge complete , Mon vehicle ne demarre plus, et ne reconnais plus MA pedale d embrayage, malgre que j appuie dessus


evo start 2 with evo all

hi i am having issues with pairing the evo start with evo all any button i push on evo apps the green light on the anttena flashes then one amber light then nothing happen i reset the evo start to factory setting and reporogram it again still same problem the three times lock works fine . any help please


Nissan GEO V (130Pts.)


EVO ALL PROGRAMMING FOR EVO START 2 AUX1- AUX 2 and Trunk Open for DEFROSTER and Aux Functions

I have Installed EVO ALL AND EVO START 2 using T Harness in Nissan Rogue 2015 Push to start Sl. All the regular functons. But i would like to know EVO ALL PROGRAMMING FOR EVO START 2 AUX1- AUX 2 and Trunk Open for DEFROSTER and Aux Functions. What are the more programming options and wiring to be done for it to function. Or where can i find more details.


Decryptor required after changing settings?

I have successfully installed the EVO-All on a 2019 Nissan Sentra (PBS). I ran the dcryptor during that installation and the remote start worked perfectly. I just purchased an EVO-START 2, updated the RF Kit settings in FlashLink Manager, made the settings changes, and flashed the changes to the EVO-ALL. Is it necessary for me to re-run the dcryptor at this point?


evo start2 starts but no confirmation

Evo sart 2 no confirmation for any action taken ,Start door locks work but no confirmation. No battery voltage,no temp nothing on app. the only thing it says comande send.Door locks lock and unlocks when using the app to lock, Car starts locked or not locked. The unlock works fine no confirmation. Everything turned on on app only once had a confirmation only twice out of around 30 tries. cleared history nothing on app no more confirmation. confirmations on app setting are all on. 2009 nissan murano push start. oem remote 3 time lock works.


evo start2 starts but no confirmation

Evo sart 2 no confirmation for any action taken ,Start door locks work but no confirmation. No battery voltage,no temp nothing on app. the only thing it says comande send.Door locks lock and unlocks when using the app to lock, Car starts locked or not locked. The unlock works fine no confirmation. Everything turned on on app only once had a confirmation only twice out of around 30 tries. cleared history nothing on app no more confirmation. confirmations on app setting are all on. 2009 nissan murano push start. oem remote 3 time lock works.






Planning to install Evo-start2 on my 2009 nissan maxima having evo-all

Where i can connect yellow + Ignition wire. Rest of the wires are pretty simply but just want to know specific location where i can connect +Ignition wire. Any suggestions.


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