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Evo Start 2

Bonjour J'ai un Toyota Avalon 2019 avec un evo start 2 et le démarreur fortin evo one. Le tout fonctionne bien. Je peu barré et débarré via l'application également. Mon problème est avec le Statut du véhicule dans l'application. La demande statut ne fonctionne pas souvent et les informations de température sont erronées. Par exemple, il fait -10 mais il indique 20 degré dans l'habitacle alors qu'il n'a pas fonctionné de la nuit et on ai le matin au réveil. Le voltage lui me semble plausible. Je sais qu'il y a une façon de réinitialisé l'antenne evo start 2 mais je ne me souviens plus de la fonction et de la bonne procédure. J'ai tout de même essayer de débrancher l'antenne, de rebrancher en maintenant le bouton sur l'antenne jusqu'à ce qu'elle clignote orange rapidement puis jai essayé chaqu'un des mode de clignote bleu 1 a 5. Il y a un mode que je crois que c'est pour vérifier le signal ignition. J'ai réussi a refaire fonctionné le démarreur en mode 2 flash bleu puis appuyez sur le bouton. Jai pas tenté de redémarrer le moteur mais les door lock fonctionne. Cependant maintenant j'ai 8 volt de batterie et -37 degré donc j'ai empiré ma situation car la même le voltage est erronée (batterie sur la charge et en santé). Qu'elle est la procédure de réinitialisation factory reset de l'antenne evo start 2 que je puisse enfin avoir une bonne communication avec l'application et de bonne donné? Merci


Evo-one & Evostart2 for 2022 Toyota Corolla sedan push start

Please help I did master reset Evo-one on 2022 Toyota sedan push start and did key transfer Dcrypter when put 3 times lock my car start but when using Evostart2 app i get green light flashing then orange light come one but Evo-one not get signal car not start. i just have a question do i need to program evo-one & evostart2 in the car together then return to PC do key transfer Dcrypter, because i did program only Evo-one in the car the return to PC do key transfer after that try 3 times lock it work then program Evostart2 after but doesn't work try do reset Evostar2 & reprogram again still doesn't work. Evo-one SN: 002B04 248953 Thank you very much.


Evo all with T-Harness adding Evo Start 2

Hi, I'm looking to add an Evo Start 2 to a Evo all with T-Harness and wanted to confirm that the yellow wire on the T-Harness is in fact the same one that needs to be connected to the Evo Start 2.


Toyota akm (850Pts.)


Evo Start 2 Installation on other car without code

Planning to install Evo Start 2 on other car. For app installation, i don't know the code. Please let me know how to proceed as it is couple of year old and i don't have a box / original code. Thanks for help.


Toyota akm (850Pts.)


Evo Start 2 Installation on other car without code

Planning to install Evo Start 2 on other car. For app installation, i don't know the code. Please let me know how to proceed as it is couple of year old and i don't have a box / original code. Thanks for help.


is there an advanced Evo

Hello, is there an advanced Evo with which I can open the door of a 2020 Camry without stopping the engine after starting the vehicle using the remote?


Evo all with Start 2 For Corolla 2022 Push Start

I havs install evo all with start 2 for mobile support. The module is programmed when i press lock key on remote the blue led indicates with each click and after red led turned on same is with remote start app but my car is not starting. is anyone here help me to troubleshoot pls?


Remote Start Stop Working

I have an EVO All installed with T-Harness in a 2022 Rav4 Hybrid PTS. Everything worked fine till I installed and try to use EVO-START 2. I later noticed that I did not programm the EVO_START 2. I did it and since then it never worked and even the 3x lock remote start stop working. I also tried to Master Reset. It seems to work while doing it on the module but when I connect the EVO ALL to FLashLink the module is stil programmed. Nothing was reset. When I start the car, the middle Yellow LED turns on. SN: 001A0785010


EvoStart 2 stop working on phone app , Toyota Corolla 2017 after 2 months , only key fob is working

Evo start 2 is not working on phone app , i can start by using key remote , but app shows nothing


protocole evo start2

Comment puis-je vérifier si mon protocole d,anterne EVOSTART2 est le bon avec EVO-ONE?


Where to connect the Yellow wire on the Evo start 2. Using EVO one and THAR TOY 8

Using the THAR TOY 8 and EVO ONE, wanted some clarification on where to connect the yellow wire from the EVO Start 2.


evo start 2

Is Evo Start 2, 2way or 1 way coomunication app?

When I start or close the car what notification I get when its started or shut.



2017 Highlander It Locks/Unlocks but DIDNT remotely start from Mobile.

2017 Highlander Push to start EVO All standalone with Tharness & Evo start2 It Locks/Unlocks but DIDNT remotely start from Mobile. I had evoall standalone with Tharness installed on the 2017 Toyota Highlander push to start working perfectly fine Purchased a evo start2 with flash Link Updator 4 Removed the evo all module and update the firmare to latest Save receommended options and save the options Checked the Option C1,D1 H & H2 are on on the module Try to decrypt thru decryptor, didnt succed Installed EVostart 2 Antenna in the car windshield NOTE: the antenna cable shown in installation guide is bit different from shown, have more connector and loose 4 cables red black yellow and green Using Connection1 from evostart2 guide for EVO ALl standalone Installation StepA:Connect 6 pin Antenna conector to Antenna Step B: Connect 4 pin female blue connector to 4 pin male black connector from T harness STep C: Connect Yellow wire from Antenna cable to Yellow wire going on A1 on 20pin white connector of T harness Program EVO All with EVO start2 and got a green light. (programming successful) Installed app on mobile and try to start, When trying to start from MObile, the evostart2 gets a signal, shows blue light in atenna , but do nothing I tried with OEM key fob for lock x3, it does nothing Factory Reset the module, flash the module using flash Link Updator 4 Turn on c1 d1 and d6 h2 Program the module again and works with oem remote Program the evo start2 Able to lock and Unlock, but not able to start from mobile Troubleshooting: I removed the yellow wire sttached to tharness DONT KNOW WHAT HAPPENS WRONG ALso checked grounding dark blue wire from 20 pin T harness to check if get red, NO D1 is enabled please help


Impossible de confirmer la réception de la commande.

Bonjour, Depuis la mise à jour de Evo Start à Evo Start 2, le démarrage via l'application ne fonctionne plus. J'avais pourtant déjà utilisé autant Evo Start que Evo Start 2 par le passé, sans problème. Je reçois le message suivant: "Il est impossible de confirmer la réception de la commande par votre véhicule. Il est possible que les portes ne soient pas verrouillées." Merci de votre aide, Charles


Impossible de confirmer la réception de la commande.

Bonjour, Depuis la mise à jour de Evo Start à Evo Start 2, le démarrage via l'application ne fonctionne plus. J'avais pourtant déjà utilisé autant Evo Start que Evo Start 2 par le passé, sans problème. Je reçois le message suivant: "Il est impossible de confirmer la réception de la commande par votre véhicule. Il est possible que les portes ne soient pas verrouillées." Merci de votre aide, Charles


Toyota akm (850Pts.)


Evo-start2 application on new mobile to start vehicle (code generation)

Hi, I have installed evo-start2 app on my cell phone and is working fine. Just want to know how to generate code to install on my wife's mobile. It seems i can't find code generation on app. Please let me know.


Toyota akm (850Pts.)


Evo-start2 application on new mobile to start vehicle (code generation)

Hi, I have installed evo-start2 app on my cell phone and is working fine. Just want to know how to generate code to install on my wife's mobile. It seems i can't find code generation on app. Please let me know.


Toyota akm (850Pts.)


Evo-start2 Yellow wire to +ignition (where to connect)

Planning to install Evo-start2 on my 2013 Rav4 having evo-one. Where i can connect yellow + Ignition wire. Rest of the wires are pretty simply but just want to know specific location where i can connect +Ignition wire. Any suggestions.

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