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Nissan Moike (580Pts.)


rf 442 programming guide for evo one

I've been trying to add rf442 to my nissan rogue , Once the atenna starts to flash I press the [+] button follow by the lock button, but the remote doesnt program. Am I pressing the wrong buttons? Thanks


Need help selecting an alarm for 2019 Nissan NV 200 Cargo Van

Hello Tech Support, I am in need of your help, kindly assist me with select an alarm that will be Plug and Play for my 2019 Nissan NV200 Cargo Van. I would like to have 4 buttons on the remote ( Cargo door, unlock , lock and remote Start/panic), remote start can also be accepted. Thank you in advance. My email is


Site states they are "not accepting consumers" so I cannot login after having registered.

Site does not allow me to login after selecting consumer. The harness is installed, but I cannot program now. Thanks, Jim


Nissan Moike (580Pts.)


rf 442 programming guide for evo one

I've been trying to add rf442 to my nissan rogue , Once the atenna starts to flash I press the [+] button follow by the lock button, but the remote doesnt program. Am I pressing the wrong buttons? Thanks


How long does it process the update

How long does it take to process the update after you plug it in to computer? It's be processing for almost 20 minutes.


Module wont connect in FlashLink manager

When i connect my FlashLink Lite into the USB port it connects and LED becomes solid red. So that is working. When connectin the 4pin to the EVO-ALL module it is saying in FlashLink manager that the module is not connected. However, the module is slow blinking blue so it atleast has power to the unit. Im running windows 10. And i already tried reinstalling bot the manager software and the driver software.


2014 maxima -evo all during prog. Module car starts when PTS is pressed

I am using the Evo All w/ standalone W/O T-Harness & oem remote 3x for 2014 Nissan Maxima (Push-to-Start). Once all the wires are connected I connect the 4-way link wire into Evo-All and I release the prog. Button once the LED is yellow- now it turns solid yellow- I connect the remaing connectors and press the prog. Button twice and it flashes yellow and once solid yellow again I press the PTS button for the 1st time, which should go ino Acc mode- but the vehicle starts running until I press the PTS button 1x more and fully shuts off. As soon as I disconnect the module the vehicle acts normal - Accesory - Ignition On.


Nissan Versa 2019 Standard Key Installation Help

Hi there, I am wanting to install a remote starter into my vehicle and want to confirm that it would be possible for me to do so. I looked at the vehicle finder and saw that the Versa wasn't avaible in the year 2019 so i was just going to flash the modular for a 2018 instead. Since there is no connection diagram for the 2020 standard key to reference to from the 2018. I looked at the diagram for a 2019 nissan versa note and 2018 Nissan Versa both standard key. My car doesn't have a transponder and i would assume that during the programming i would insert the white big 8 pin connector while pressing the program button, letting go on blue. Insert all remaining connectors, put the key to the run postion let the blue leds flash and once it stops flashing remove they key. 2018 Nissan Versa Install Diagram 2019 Nissan Versa Note Install Diagram


2019 Nissan Versa Note no transponder

Hi, My problem is related to both of these forms and i cant seem to get the car to start i have followed both of these guids and im still not being able to get the car to start I have the option A3 turned off. I am using the RFK 912 remotes to start the car in which they are both programmed. I have tried holding the program button until the blue lights come on. Plugging all the harness in, in both instances either pressing the program button and not pressing the program button. Either way I'm still not being able to actually get the car to start. The remotes are sending a signal and confirming but no status lights no dash lights nothing from the evo. The big connector is plugged into the back of the ignition barrel it's the giant plug with those 8 giant silver contacts The obd is plugged in. There is no transponder for the car so I didn't use that harness. In the flash Manager under pro mode in the remote starter tab I have tried options 2.1-2.4 to see if that makes a difference. None of them have made a differenceAm I missing a step?Update: After changing setting C1 I was able to remote start the car via the OEM remotes but not the fobs. The remotes are the rfk912 they are acknowledging the antenna by demonstrating a green light both on the remotes and on the antenna but they are not starting the carHere's is the serial number: SN 002B04252984


2019 Nissan Versa Note RF Kit Programming Option for flashlink manager

Hi there,  I am trying to get my RFK912 remotes to work on my nissan versa note but i don't know what option to choose in the Flashlink mannger. Everytime i go to look at the options flashlink manager advices me that wizard mode isnt avibaile for my vechile of choice and and tells me to go to the pro mode. In the pro mode i don't see an option to choose the kinda of anttenta that i have.


flash limit have reach need to reset

please reset it flash limit reach service#001A07335265


2017 Nissan Sentra KEY BYPASS PROGRAMMING problem

Hi there! 2017 Nissan Sentra SV 

I am useng EVO ALL, wire to wire conection.   KEY BYPASS PROGRAMMING PROCEDURE 2/2, step 8. The BLUE LED should Flash rapidly, after RED turn OFF. RED turn OFF, but BLUE keeps solid ON. Also, before step 7, some times, RED LED turn OFF before I press the START/STOP button twice to turn ON the ignition. All time I hold the OEM remote (without battery) close to the front of START/STOP button like the manual show. I can't move to the next step. By the way, does the manual said: NOTE, Parts required (Not included) 1X Fuse 1X multimeter 1X Diode. Where am I supposed to use that DIODE?   Please let me know how to fix it, thanks. 


I can not get the blue light to flash on the module on the first step of programming