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2011 Nissan Rogue - Auto headlights stay on

2011 Nissan Rogue w/ Intelli-Key EVO-ONE with T-Harnesses. When headlights are set to AUTO and a 3x Start is triggered the lights stay on after the remote start either times out or is manually stopped via the key fob or brake input. Door trigger wire (Dark Blue) doesn't seem to have any effect on this. I even tried to ground it out directly to see if it would turn the lights off. Anything else to try?


2022 Nissan Armada restarts on its own after 5 seconds after turning off!

The car starts fine now with the remote start. But after turning the car off using the button on the dash, the car restarts on it's own after about 5 seconds. Then will turn off and stay off after pushing the dash button again. And now I also have a key fob error on my screen.


Nissan Tu Le (470Pts.)


what is the option to set for the car to locked and shutoff the parking lights after the remote start timeout (15mins).

Vehicle: 2018 Nissan Rogue Sport SN: 001a07 531903 Problem: remote start the vehicle (3x locks), car started with no issue. However if I don't make it to the car after 15mins, vehicle shutoff as expected, but the vehicle has unlock and parking light kept stay on and kill the battery. Is there setting on this unit to prevent this 2 issues. (locked after shutoff and turn off the parking light) Appreciated your help!!!


Nissan Green (130Pts.)


Could this remote start make body control module failures?

I had this remote start since 2018, Last week I went to local nissan dealer for a extra key and key programming, after they attempted, the technician told me the body control module was failure because the after market fortin remote start, so I needed replace BCM, were they correct? And can I put remote start module back?


2016 Nissan Altima PCM humming sound and park lights staying on

Installed compustar alarm with remote start using a EVO-NIST4 and diagram75491, d2d cable being used. For some reason the PCM is humming and the park lights are on, what can be the issue? Do I change out the power wire fuse to a 1 amp since it comes with a 30 but I am not using those, just the D2D as the diagram says.


compatibility of EVO -All with 2007 NIssan Pathfinder with regular key

According to your Site it shows as an option to use the EVO rs4 with Evo-All module. is that correct ? and can i use it as a remtote start or will i need to use the other Version which i think is a EVO ONE?? i also purchashed the T harness NIS5


2022 Nissan Rogue remote start push start

I am installing a remote start to a 2022 Nissan Rogue, the installation guide says that 1 key will be sacrificed in the installation and the key in a box, I don't understand what that means, nor about sacrificing the key, nor about the key in the box, I need if someone could help me with that, thank you very much


What's all the accessories I need to connect a Fortin EVO-ALL to 2012 Nissan Pathfinder Standard Key


Remote start affecting nearby vehicle?

Installed Fortin evo-all with LinkR-lt2 to a 2015 Nissan Rogue. Ever since the install my sisters 2017 honda fit has been going off(alarm) disconnected the evo- all and LinkR-lt2 and her car alarm still goes off but not as much.


Evo-All don't start the engine

Hi, yestarday i had installed Evo-ALL with T-harness cabel NIST1 on Nissan Murano 2009 year. When pressed three times Lock on OEM fob- on evo unit on each lock the blue led flashes. After that on PTS button goes to ACC and ON. And there is no starting of the engine. And everything goes to OFF. The evo unit at the end flashes the red led 3 times. This is the video: On car display its show to press the break pedal. And we tested it, If someone else is in the car and pressed the break and from outside press LOCK-LOCK-LOCK and the engine is starting. The doors are locked and from outside can not unlock it. If break pedal is pressed again, the engine stops and everything goes to off. Then i can unlock the car. The firmware is the latest 72.52 and try 72.48 the same issue. Can anyone help me!


Fortin EVO-NIST1

Hi, i bought Fortin EVO-NIST1 and my question is : Do i need to buy Flash-Link Updater ( ) to flash it

or it is flashed already for Nissan Murano Z51 2009 years(Pushed to Start/stop button equiped).

In discription is writen 

    1 x EVO-ALL control module.[1] [3] 1 x Warning label. [3] 1 x 20 Pin general purpose harness. [4]
    1 x 4 Pin Fortin 2-way data-link harness. [2] 1 x Factory Fit T-Harness with OBD interconnect. [4]


[1] A firmware update is required.

    [2] Using the 2-way datalink port with an equipped remote-starter, security-system or RF-KIT greatly simplifies installation.

[3] Updated firmware and installation guides are posted on a regular basis. We recommend that you update this module to the latest firmware and download the latest installation guide(s) prior to the installation of this product.

    [4] Secure Clip Harness.  


And if i need it can you send it to Bulgaria ?





2006 nissan xterra evo all with prostart ct3371- starts but doesnt stop until you press the remote starter again

so i installed an evo all with a prostart remote starter ct3371from canadian tire. lock and unlock works and it also starts and stops with the remote. but we noticed that when we start it, it doesnt stop running after 15-30mins. it will only stop running after we press the remote start on the remote fob again. i installed all the evo all and the pro start using guide 78161 which is for 2006 nissan xterra. i installed all the solid lines from the starter. and the evo all. i also installed the broken line connections lock and unlock from the starter to the car and the broken line driver door pin connection from the evo all to the car. i also connection the GWR from starter to evo all. only thing i skipped is the security LED connection which require cutting a wire thats why i skipped it. am i missing something? do i have to connect all the broken line connection from starter to evo all? thanks in advance for the help. i really appreciate you guys responding so quickly to questions. you guys are awesome. thanks again.


2006 nissan xterra evo all with prostart ct3371- starts but doesnt stop until you press the remote starter again

so i installed an evo all with a prostart remote starter ct3371from canadian tire. lock and unlock works and it also starts and stops with the remote. but we noticed that when we start it, it doesnt stop running after 15-30mins. it will only stop running after we press the remote start on the remote fob again. i installed all the evo all and the pro start using guide 78161 which is for 2006 nissan xterra. i installed all the solid lines from the starter. and the evo all. i also installed the broken line connections lock and unlock from the starter to the car and the broken line driver door pin connection from the evo all to the car. i also connection the GWR from starter to evo all. only thing i skipped is the security LED connection which require cutting a wire thats why i skipped it. am i missing something? do i have to connect all the broken line connection from starter to evo all? thanks in advance for the help. i really appreciate you guys responding so quickly to questions. you guys are awesome. thanks again.