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Can the remote start be programmed if I only have one factory key

It says to program after first key use second key then remote start the vehicle I only have one factory key


Lincoln TK81 (130Pts.)


2007-2010 Lincoln MKX EVO-ALL FORT4/FOR4 No Start

I'm encountering a no start condition with EVO-ALL (SN: 001A07511504) and THAR-FOR4 T-Harness in a 2009 Lincoln MKX. It programs correctly (i.e. ending with 10 red flashes then rapid blue flashes). When remote starting it goes through the motions but the engine never cranks. I currently do not have A4 (green wire - unlock) or A5 (white wire - lock) installed from the 20-pin connector as from my understanding it's only required for a RF kit. I will be installing a MyCar module but want to ensure I have the basics working first before connecting the other wires to the BCM. NOTE: The unlock wire color seems to be incorrect for the 3B BCM connector in Guide # 89131 rev 20220805. The manual states Purple/Green but the actual color is Purple/Grey. Wirecolor also lists the unlock wire as Purple/Grey.


Evo one 2008 mkz regular install, need to know where to hook alarm

Need to know where to hook up my duel shock , and siren on evo one wire to wire. Guide 88581 also going to use compustar 901 remote. I believe I only have to swap the rx/tx wire.


D2d wire needed between evo-one and viper 5806v

Wiring evo one in via wire to wire as theres more information on fortin, then I was going to use the d2d port from the evo one to the viper 5806v. Believe it's the red port on the viper and the 4 pin black on the evo. Can someone provide a ebay link to the part needed. Theres so many variations.


2004 Lincoln Aviator

I am new to the Fortin line and i have been using the EVO-ALL and EVO-ONE mostly on newer cars and trucks. My question is will a EVO-ONE/REVO 1 rf kit combo do remote start on a 2004 Lincoln Aviator since it does not have CAN wires?

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