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How long does it take to get past the second step in programming

How come my module all lights simultaneously flash during 2nd step


EVO ALL Stuck in Yellow and Red Light Flashing

Hello, I am installing this on my 2012 VW Tiguan. I followed the process guide 92511. After decryptor and returning the vehicle, yellow and red LEDs flash, instead of staying on like explained on Step 13. Now it says my unit (SN 001A07 559614) has recheaed its limit and I am really stuck. Can you please assist? Thanks, Andrew


How long does it take for the flashlink to dcrypt the immobilizer?

How long does it take for the flashlink to dcrypt?


Vw teramont 2021 evo-all

I'm trying to install an Evo-All module on a Teramont, which is the European version of the VW Atlas, model year 2021. Could I encounter any issues if I follow the instructions for the Atlas? The blue LED doesn't blink rapidly after turning on the ignition. The car schematics are identical.


Evo-all for atlas 2021 can’t programmed

I bought the evo-vwt6 kit and followed the instructions at I opted for the steering wheel heating version. I loaded firmware version 61.28. I followed the programming instructions, but on step 5, I never saw a rapidly flashing blue LED. What might I have done wrong? I read on forums that this could be a sign that it's not detecting the CAN bus. I also found discussions about VW removing the CAN bus from the steering column. Please help me find a solution to this issue.


Dcryptors limit has been reached for this car.


Once evo-all is programed (successfully), nothing else happens. No lights or attempts to start. What would cause this?

Key version w/o tb-vw or r-link, thar-vw6, evo-all 001a07 239027


17 Tiguan PTS no dcryptor option in flashlink programmer

Trying to get everything prepped before install, have evo-vwt1 with tb-vw and when trying to program the module, it auto-fills the "installation method" step with "key in a box" and says 1 sacrificed key no decryptor. I want to use the decryptor, but theres no combination of settings that enables it as an option. running newest software and firmware, do i need to start the install and try to pull key data first? i didnt want to continue because i wont use this kit if i need to burn a key for it to work


VW Tiguan 2012 not pass key bypass programing.

2012 VW Tiguan, I installing EVO-ALL, used THAR-VW2 diagram, I start with prograning procedure, 1-6 pass, in stage 7 red light tree times flashing,I reconect wires on OBDII, now it flash twice. this problem in wiring or programing? thanks.


Neutral safety switch for a manual transmission so I don't have to use the sequence

I'm wondering if it would be possible to put in a neutral safety switch in my manual transmission so that I can remote start it I the same way as with a automatic transmission. I am using the Evo one with a t harness. Vw jetta tdi push to start 2012


Blue light won't flash in step 5 in guide 65321

Hi On my 2012 vw jetta manual transmission push to start. I connected everything it told me to connect on the wiring diagram but when I turn the ignition on the blue light turns of but won't flash Please help


Solid yellow and red light

So im installing the evo all with the tb-vw module in a 2008 vw rabbit. ive been fighting with this thing for a few hours now trying to get the thing to read the key so i can use the dcryptor. ive manage to get past the setup 3 diffrent times but each time i end up with a solid yellow and red light when i apply power back to the evo all. when i go to start it, the yellow will go off then the red starts flashing and wont stop till i unplug it. any advice would be great. also ive tried factory resetting, flashing diffrent firmwares and ive now hit the limit on dcryptor and i believe im one flash away from the limit


Blue light turns off Step 4

Hoping someone can help. Volks Atlas 2021 Standard Key, Evo All Stand Alone instal with RF remote kit. Followed evo-all_ig_sal_bi_vw-atlas-2019-key_a_94061.pdf Ensured CAN High and CAN Low connected correctly, I went straight to the OBD port, used number 6 for CAN High(C3 Gray) and number 14 for CAN Low(C4 Gray/Black), but on step 4, once i turn the ignition to the On/Run position the blue light turns off. I even flipped them and still the blue light turns off. Ensured diodes are plugged in correct direction, Cut transponder wire position 2, D4 to connector side, D6 to wire side. I master reset the unit, hold down button, plug 4 pin, release when red, press button, lights alternate, disconnect. EVO All Date 09/2019 SN 001A07 067090 Help me please!!!


setting up two remotes on the App

I have two cars that have two evo starters 2. my wife has one of them in her app, and i have the other one in my app. can we set both cars/remotes on both our apps so either of us can start either car?


two blinks from red LED after step 11 Guide # 82421

I am using the following on a 2017 VW Golf Alltrack PTS w/automatic trans: EVO-VWT1 kit with harness, VW-TB, EVO-ALL, RF-Kit 411 and R-Link. when setting up the unit in fortin flashlink I get no other options for installatiom method than "key in a box" and when attempting to program the unit with the R-Link installed I get all the way to step 11 and then the the flashing blue light turns red, then starts blinking two red flashes, pauses, two flashes and so on. I cannot get anything to work to get past this.


two blinks from red LED after step 11 Guide # 82421

I am using the following on a 2017 VW Golf Alltrack PTS w/automatic trans: EVO-VWT1 kit with harness, VW-TB, EVO-ALL, RF-Kit 411 and R-Link. when setting up the unit in fortin flashlink I get no other options for installatiom method than "key in a box" and when attempting to program the unit with the R-Link installed I get all the way to step 11 and then the the flashing blue light turns red, then starts blinking two red flashes, pauses, two flashes and so on. I cannot get anything to work to get past this.


Eco Start 2 Not Working After Throttle Change

Hello, I got my throttle body changed on a 2012 Volkswagen Jetta. After that the Evo Start 2 had a blue light for a couple of days. The light is now gone but the remote start it is no longer working through the app or OEM key (3 lock clicks). Everything seems to be connected properly. Is there a way to reset or what else could be wrong? Thanks


Dcryptor has reached it's limit

I am trying to wire the Evo All remote start myself on my 2012 Volkswagen Jetta. I have completed all the wiring and successfully remote started the vehicle using the OEM remote. However, I am struggling to get my Compustar T9 remote to communicate to my Evo All. Two questions: First- can my Dcryptor limit please be reset? SN: 002504064234 Second- I opened the options and found the supported RF kits section and saw the option for FT D100. I read that the FT D100 is necessary for the Compustar RF kit to communicate with the Evo All. Do I need to buy this part in order for the Compustar RF kit to work with the Evo All? Thank you for the assistance.


Why am I getting 3 red LED blinks after step 7?

UPDATE: I plugged everything in and gave it a try. Car starts right up but dies immediately. Gives me the "no key" alert. dcryptor process will not complete for some reason. 2013 Passat standard key, standalone install. EVO-ALL (2/2019), THAR-VW2, and TB-VW (1/2017). Guide 62471 SN: 001A07 008702 Flashlink Firmware: 75.39 TB-VW wired into brown transponder wire. I have all of the harness installed as directed but when I start the dcryptor programming, all goes beautifullt until the end of step 6. When I release the programming button, I don't get the rapid 3-LED alternation. The red LED just continuously blinks 3 times. I've even tried resetting the


2016 vw tiguan tries to start twice but does not turn over.

i have the the module all programed and when i go to start the car with the 3x lock key. the red and yellow light come on and the car recieves brake signal and then it doesent start. it tries one more time with the same result.


All three LEDs blink after releasing programing button

2017 vw golf alltrack, build date 10/16. Using guide 82231. After 3 attempts evo-all appeared to take program. Hazard lights flashed, brake lights came on, car would not start. Removed evo-all and rlink, disconnected vehicle battery to clear any vehicle issues. Reconnected battery installed Rlink. At step 5 turning on key, no blue led lite on evo-all. After connecting data line and releasing programing button all 3 leds flash for 1 minute . Turn on key no blue led. Suggestions?


The blue led not stop blinking and the red led not on

I installed EVO to VW Tiguan 2016 push start botton, In the step 5 of programming, the Blue led not stop blinking and the red light not turn on


EVO-ALL will not continue programming after solid red light

EVO-ALL, THAR-VW1 Harness, TB-VW Standalone installation with Key Bypass, Automatic, PTS . FIrmware 75.38, Hardware v6 Guide #62501 During programming Blue light flashes rapidly indicating CAN bus activity when ignition is turned on. Press and hold programming button, Blue LED turns off and Red LED turns on Solid. After 3 seconds release programming button, and red LED begins to flash 3x and then repeats continuously. Nothing happens, the LED’s do not rapidly alternate, even after waiting 20 mins or more. Step 7 never completes, unit does not program. Wiring has been checked and rechecked. Any ideas why it doesn’t want to program?


EVO-ALL red light stays on during Step 2

Installing EVO-ALL into 2016 Passat using Stand Alone installation. Using Flash-Link Updater with Firmware Ver. 4.05, and have upgraded EVO to Firmware Ver. 75.38 (recommended). On Step #2 of decryptor programming procedure, I press and hold the progamming button while connecting the 4-pin datalink harness and wait for a blue light to appear... I only get a red light. I cannot advance in the procedure beyond this point. Re-flashing the EVO Firmware to Ver. 75.36 (older) did not change the result. I've reviewed several other similar posts, however, none of these seem to answer this problem at this early point in the process. Thank you


Key Bypass Programming

Installing an Evo-All, Thar-VW3 t-harness and tb-vw transponder bypass in a 2011 vw jetta with a standard key. After installing I am getting stuck at step 7, the key bypass programming. When I turn the key on, the red light on the Evo-All flashes 3 times repeatedly. None of the other lights rapidly alternate. Any help would be greatly appreciated.

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