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Ram RCMAuto (160Pts.)


2013 ram 1500 chrt7 harness can not get module to work

ok Im still having programing issues, i can get to step 8 , i have only a solid blue light i have verified that i have 2.5v on each side of the can bus and i have 12v battery power on the yellow wire at the module with key in the crank position, yet i still only have the blue light on solid


Ram RCMAuto (160Pts.)


2013 ram 1500 tip key chrt7 harness

at step 8 I can get the blue light to turn on but it will not flash rapidly to move the next just goes out i do have 2.5V on both can bus wires. what steps can i take to diagnose what to do next?


Evo Start LTE with Fortin Evo All & 2022 RAM 1500!

Dear all, Can someone please share with me what are the 2022 or newers RAM 1500 Evo Start LTE functions are operational? For me I cannot get the Gas guage, roll windows, open trunk or use panic options and I wonder if that is a firmaware update or some other programming issues! Please advise.


2014 ram chart 7 problems

When programming when I get to step 7 when I turn the key the blue light goes out. When I turn the key off blue comes back on solid. I've verified the yellow ignition wire has power and the network is working.


why is my truck messed up

When i bought my 2017 ram 1500 it came with the remote start and i loved it never had an issue recently my fob died and i wasn't quick to change it it didn't bother me finally today i went and bought a tiny screw driver and changed the battery it worked and it was fine. it wasn't until my sister opened the door that i noticed that if i had my truck on and any of the doors were opened then my truck would turn off and it never did it before. how do i fix it?


why is my truck messed up

When i bought my 2017 ram 1500 it came with the remote start and i loved it never had an issue recently my fob died and i wasn't quick to change it it didn't bother me finally today i went and bought a tiny screw driver and changed the battery it worked and it was fine. it wasn't until my sister opened the door that i noticed that if i had my truck on and any of the doors were opened then my truck would turn off and it never did it before. how do i fix it?


2014 ram 1500 evo all chr7 install issues

Ok so not long ago i bought my first evo-all for my truck with a t-harness and intalled/programed everything myself with zero issues and it has been awesome. A few days ago a co-worker came to me and asked me to install the same kit on his truck which just so happened to be the same model and year as my truck so i agreed know it should be a simple deal. Unfortunatly after the install I have been chasing issue and having problems the constantly. It started with a problem were the truck would intermittently begin to start with the command start and crank for 1 second then suddenly stop with no error lights. I tried to fix this assuming the yellow postive wires connection was bad or loose so I soldered the joint, heat shrinked it and taped it up to make sure it was secure. i tested it after that and had three succesfull starts in a row. The next morning my coworker came to me and said it did the same thing were it tried to start for 1 second and then stopped. I went back in and varified all the connections and made damn sure my soldered joint was good. I then attempted to reflash the module and reload everything and now when i get to step 8 were you enter the key for the second time and then turn it to run and it should go from red and blue to blue flashing, it just goes to no lights at all. I tried this twice with no success so i continued on and dcrypted the module and tried to start the truck and the module doesnt sense the key.Im at a loss, can you help?


2016 Ram 1500 Blue Light won't come on

I am stuck at programming part for Ram 1500 Diesel. I am using THAR-CHR7 harness. At Step 7 where blue light is supposed to turn on, it never happens and only red light is lit. Checked all connections, reprogrammed it as well still nothing, I have Tip Key


Can an evo all be reset using flash link V4

Can the evo all be reset using the flash link V4 rather than having to use the wiring T harness connection.


Evo all & ascl6 program issue

2014 ram 1500 (standard key start) after successful programming, vehicle can be remote started by 3x lock only....H2 - fortin 2 is selected on in flashlink setting, ascl6 app protocol is set to fortin, RFA2A adaptor is connected but still no luck, both red and green led on ascl6 are on solid, been trying to get the evo all to pair with ascl6 with no success.


evo all led lights are stuck at step 8, will not go to step 9 

1 - Disconnect the Black 4 pin power connector from the Evo-All.

2 - Press and Hold the Programming button on the Evo-All while plugging back the Black 4 pin connector.

3 - The LED’s on the Evo-All will begin to cycle. Keep pressing the programming button until the RED and BLUE LED’s are On.

4 - Release the programming button.

5 - Press and Hold the programming button again for 5 seconds. The BLUE and RED LED’s will blink once.

6 - Release the programming button.

7 - Cycle the ignition to the ON position.

8 - The RED, YELLOW and BLUE LED’s will be ON.

9 - Seconds later the RED and BLUE LED’s will blink once to confirm that the MyCar ID has been learned to the Evo-All.

10 - Cycle the vehicle’s ignition to the OFF position to Exit EVO-ALL programming.


evo-all will not program step 4 with all connectors in module

when i do the programming steps, i can get to step 4. when doing step 4, the yellow light never flashes when I hit the program button 4 times. it will only flash while hitting the button when the only connector in the module is the black 4 pin connector. I have the latest update and firmware. is there anything that i am missing?


2020 Ram 1500 Push To Start, Blue light does not flash on step 5

While on step 5 the blue light does not flash. Once the button on the eval all is pressed the solid blue light goues out but the blue light does not flash as indicated in step 5. The unit has been flashed to latest firmware 63.01. Wires are connected per the chart.


during the programming the blue light doesnt come on

when im trying to program the EVO-all i get to the step where the blue and red dhould be on but the blue doesnt turn on


All LEDs are blinking rather than alternating?

2012 Ram 1500 standard key. after installation and wiring ready for programming, i plugged the data connector I just had all LEDs blinking. the first unit was replaced and i have the 2nd now but still the same, is there a problem on the unit itself or just my vehicle?


how to reprogram evo-all

Purchased a 2017 dodge ram 1500 automatic with tip key start. Wasnt aware I had remote start until I accidentally started it with tip key. Havent been able to figure out how it happened. Tried looking only but cant figure it out. Tried lock 3x, blue lights flash but nothing. Any help would be great.


Hoe do you downgrade firmware?

How can i downgrade firmware on an evo all? the current 74.38 does not wait long enough for the grid heater. Ive heard .36 should help


Programming for diesel

I just purchased a chrt4 for my 2010 ram 2500 diesel. The ad stated it was not programmed so I purchased the flash link as well. Will I be able to program if for the diesel delay?


Programming for diesel

I just purchased a chrt4 for my 2010 ram 2500 diesel. The ad stated it was not programmed so I purchased the flash link as well. Will I be able to program if for the diesel delay?


all 3 leds continue to flash when data linc harness plugged in cant program

once installe on a 2017 ram 1500 tip key all 3 led continue to flash cant program


Cannot get program to load for the decrypter

1500 2017 std turn key


Solid red light does not turn to blue for step 7

have triple checked the wriing and I have 12V supply. Can High and low both 2.5V. Still when programming the module it doesnt get past step 7 with a solid red light not going to blue. Have pulled the key in and out numerous times while waiting for the lights on the dash to go out and still stuck. Anyone have any a answers that could help out?


2016 RAM 3500 CANBUS Problem

Today I tried installing the Evo-All to a 2016 Ram 3500 diesel using the T-harness. I made it to step 7 and could not get past that. 

In step 7 it says “No key = Red” and “Key in= Red and blue”. Whenever i put the key in, the red and blue will stay on for a few seconds then only the blue will stay on. Is this supposed to happen?

I then put it into the RUN position but it will not flash rapidly. If I put it back into OFF, the blue will go back to solid.I checked the CANBUS wires multiple times and made sure they were at the right spot. I even switched them. In step 8 it says “ignition off= red” and “ignition on= red and blue off”. I dont see a red light after step 7 but the blue does turn off when the ignition is on.  One thing I did notice though was that the CAN-HIGH wire Grey/White Pin6 on the guide is a different color on my truck; its sort of a tan color but it is still pin 6. The yellow wire DOES match up. Would this have to do with anything?

I followed the intructions on how to test the CANBUS connection and ignition( The ignition is good but whenever I put it in RUN, the blue light will not flash so im sure its a CANBUS problem i just cannot figure out what it is. I also tried resetting the module and it did not work. I updated  it to the latest firmware and even dropped it down to the one it says on the guide but that did not work either. I also tried waiting in between the steps and no luck. Any help is appreciated. 


Evo all programming 20019 ram 1500 push start

Install complete and verified go to program evo all and at step 5 instead of the blue light coming on the blue and red comes on checked everything twice called tech support and they said don't worry about it. i ignored the red being on and carried on to next step and all was ok. Has anyone else seen this issue i hope they repair this in the guides so installers dont have these issues


How to install dash LED powered off Evo All CHRT6 2019 Ram 1500 classic

On a Evo All CHRT6 with T Harness programmed for a 2019 Ram 1500 Classic Gas Key Start, How would you hook up an aftermarket dash LED to work off the Evo All? could you explain in detail colour wire, pin etc


2015 RAM 1500 Push to start never gets to step 5 (Stays solid yellow)

I have completed a master reset, and programming just the CAN-BUS works properly. When pressing the ignition button (push to start) the unit never goes red. (The documentation that came with mine shows a keyed unit, so I'm going by another guide I found saying to hold the fob up to the push-to-start button and push it twice.) I have reprogrammed the unit a number of different ways (including everything off but the two 'recommended') and still no luck. Right now I have A3 A7 D6 as the only ones enabled and it still just stays yellow. Thanks!

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