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Jeep G Trob (130Pts.)


EVO-All and CHRT4 - no connection type option

Greetings, Programming an EVO-ALL for install in a 2012 Grand Cherokee PTS, planning to use a CHRT4 T-harness for install. When programming the unit with the FLASH-LINK, firmware 59.02 in the section for selecting 'Connection Type', it only presents 'Wire-to-wire' that correct?



About this error Dcryptor limit reached for this car, please help me to reset,

The serial number 001A07 332292

model evo-all

date 12/2021

the flash manager shows 3/8 flash limit


Is therea way to program with only 1 key

Chrysler Pats 04 + , requires two keys to program, customer only has 1 key . Am I able to program with only 1 key?


Can you Please reset EVO-ALL Service# 001a06418188

Can you Please reset EVO-ALL Service# 001a06418188 Looking to complete installation in 2022 Jeep Compass


Evo-All when power is applied, the LED is permanently red

In continuation of the conversation about EVO-ALL:     MODEL: EVO-ALL S / N: 001A07 237679 Car: Jeep Compass 2018       Thank you, we managed to reset, but by sorting through the firmware, we exhausted the limit of changing the software. Please reset the software update limits as we are still working with this car. Thank you.


Jeep G M (16420Pts.)


2017 jeep compass

Hello. In the manual № 98391, in the programming procedure, in the 7th step, it is written that press the start-stop to turn ON the ignition. Then it is written again, press the start-stop to turn ON the ignition ... And when did we turn it off?


Jeep Liberty


I have a Jeep Liberty 2008. I bought the EVO-CHR.T2 model, but I couldn't get it to start with the Jeep key. Do you have an email for someone from support to help me with the installation? I'm from Brazil. Thank you Giovane


2019 jeep cherokee key model

when will the 2019 jeep cherokee key be ready im trying to use the 2018 programing with chrt7 harness with no luck cant get the module to flash blue to programing


Flash-link 4 says module is not compatible

2015 jeep, flashl-link module Service # 002504-080843 bypass serial 003907013761 Thanks


Jeep Grand Cherokee 2015 blue light wont come back on after turning the ignition off

this is a push to start jeep I followed the steps: 1. plug in holding button 2. let go on blue and then turn the igntion on 3. after i press the button when the igition is on the blue light shuts off 4. turn the igniton off and then it is supposed to be red and blue flashign but that hasnt happened for me


EVOALL will not learn key code in Jeep Gladiator

Hello. When I power up the EVOALL, I get to where the blue light is solid and when I turn the ignition on, the blue light shuts off. The module is then supposed to flash blue rapidly to learn the key code. The module lights do not turn on or flash. This is a stand alone EVOALL with the T harness. I am at a loss. I checked all of my connections. I have the latest firmware via FLASH-LINK. Thanks in advance.


EVOALL will not learn key code in Jeep Gladiator

Hello. When I power up the EVOALL, I get to where the blue light is solid and when I turn the ignition on, the blue light shuts off. The module is then supposed to flash blue rapidly to learn the key code. The module lights do not turn on or flash. This is a stand alone EVOALL with the T harness. I am at a loss. I checked all of my connections. I have the latest firmware via FLASH-LINK. Thanks in advance.


Won't enter programming mode

EVO-All unit being installed in a 2003 Jeep Liberty.  Using Guide #3317, page 7 gives the instructions for programming the unit.  I cannot get past step 1. Which states Press and Hold the Programming Button, insert the 4 pin Data Link cable (of which just only 12v and Chassis Ground are connected).  At this point the LEDs should start alternating flashing.

When the 4 Pin Data Link cable is inserted into the Fortin Unit all 3 LEDs continuously flash at the same time. Am I doing something wrong here or has this process to get into programming mode changed?


Thanks for any help.


RM912 doesn't programming

Trying to programming rf kit RM912, but during the process red led on remote and no confirmation after 12 sec.


RM912 doesn't programming

Trying to programming rf kit RM912, but during the process red led on remote and no confirmation after 12 sec.


2018 wrangler light stays solid blue through all steps, so it wont program

unit will not proceed past 1ST step light stays solid blue


EVO-ALL in 2004 Jeep Liberty will not program

2004 Jeep Liberty, no factory alarm, with transponder key. EVO-ALL is installed with a Compustar CS800-S. Used installation guide #3317, Connection #1, Program #1. Firmware flashed is 74.[38]. I can get the bypass to enter program mode (solid blue LED). When turning the ignition key to ON, the blue LED turns off and nothing else happens. The guide says the LEDs are supposed to turn on and off BLUE - RED - YELLOW in sequence, taking up to one minute. I waited 5 minutes with no lights turning on. Any advice?


What firmware for 2015 Jeep Cherokee?

I have an EVO-ALL with T-harness for a 2015 Jeep Cherokee. I'm having problems programming it to the vehicle. The lights on the unit aren't flashing per the instructions. I have firmware 68.01 as this was recommended in FlashLink. While troubleshooting, I noticed the website said minimum firmware is 74.24. Should I flash it to the latest 74.xx firmware instead?


What firmware for 2015 Jeep Cherokee?

I have an EVO-ALL with T-harness for a 2015 Jeep Cherokee. I'm having problems programming it to the vehicle. The lights on the unit aren't flashing per the instructions. I have firmware 68.01 as this was recommended in FlashLink. While troubleshooting, I noticed the website said minimum firmware is 74.24. Should I flash it to the latest 74.xx firmware instead?


Pairing. No flashing blights to pair key

Hello. I 've purchased the evo-all remote starter. I've purchased the flash link. Updated the software from the online app. When I plug it in I get the solid blue light, plug all the other connectors, key in ignition to run position, but I do not get the lights flashing to pair the key to remote starter. What is it that i'm doing wrong. Followed all the steps even checked on youtube and I get nothing. Please help. Thanks


flash. program

Hello. How can I get my module flashed, I thiught that when you would order for a specific vehical that it would be flashed already and it would be plug and play, 2017 jeep patriot,


Flash link not compatible with device?

When connecting my evo-all to the flash link through flash link manage I get a message saying flash link is not compatible with the device. What is up or what did I do wrong? It never gets to a screen to select vehicle just stays in the home screen with the error and the only think I can select is updating firmware to the flash link which I did. Please help.


factory alarm Problem with remote start

I have jeep grand cherokee 2013 (push to start) and install EVO-CHRT4 without the rf kit when I trun remote start it was sounding horn and hazard lamp and not stopping When trying to run the car with remotes, the alarm times work and the time does not work Update my device to 74.29 Park lights and hood pin are not installed Options: C1 D1 D6 I hope to solve the problem Best regard


Yellow LED flashes 5x after vehicle shutdown

using the fortin evo all as a bypass for a passive keyless entry on my 2014 jeep wrangler manual transmission. The device is set to be a bypass module and not a stand alone remote starter. Ive been able to bypass the clutch and program the device, but once i power down my vehicle the fortin module will flash yellow 5x and then it wont work till i reprogram it again. Initially it thought it was because if the clutch bypass, but that works so any help is appreciated.


Evo CHRT5 on 2015 Wrangler does not flash after turning key to on and off

I started installing my remote starter and everything goes according to the guide, i get solid blue after pluggin in the EVO to the immobilizer, step after that the evo stays on solid blue after i put the key in turn to on and then off. i dont start the vehicle obviously but the light stays blue a solid bue. I have the 4 pin black plug, 20 pin while, red plug and the 4pin white, in the instructions it says plug in the 2pin white connector which was not in the box. i ordered the right one for my Jeep, am i missing something? or do i need to do a different step.

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