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Toyota Sienna 2017 updated Firmware now won't remote start

Updated to .69 firmware now the van just flashes the park lights 3 times and on the Evo the red light flashes 3 times. Evo-all sn 001A07 022831i am also locked out of the module now because of troubleshooting, I get a "flash limit reached"


Toyota Moike (580Pts.)


programming rf kit 441 on 2008 toyota sienna with evo one 002B04170603

Rf441 with 4 button programming instruction please? 002B04 170603 Thanks, Moike


Sienna push-to-start takeover

evo all once offered a key takover for push to start siennas (3rd gen). How come its no longer available? It had been working flawlessly.


2015 Sienna PTS No Ignition

I am not using a T harness. I have double and tripple checked my wires and even tried reversing the TC and RX wire but when I do the 3x lock it flashes and clicks on the bypass but it does not power the ignition. The yellow light does not illuminate on the bypass. I was able to get the car to start 3 times out of 20 attemps. It was typically right after either programming the module or starting the car, shutting it down and then immediately remote starting it but I cannot consistantly replicate this. Im wondering if there is an issue with the module. I do not have another to swap it out with to try.

I have tried to see if there is a factory remote starter by pressing the lock button 3 times and on the 3rd holding it for 3sec and the car does nothing leading me to believe there is no factory remote starter on it.

The 12 digit service number on mine is 001A06846569


toyota sienna 2015 pts

2015 sienna pts evo all with autostart lock unlock trunk works fine but it dosnt start no any dash light on i mean ignition dosnt come on and yelow light in evo all dosnt come on only red light


2015 Toyota Sienna no key take over

I am looking at the options for a 2015 Toyota Sienna and I see that both the Evo one and Evo all modules do not allow for key take over. Does this mean that the vehicle will always shut down when the door is opened?


I need to know options programming Evo One for my car.

I have Toyota Sienna 2014 Push-to-start and I need to know options I have to program with FLU.


I need to know options programming Evo One for my car.

I have Toyota Sienna 2014 Push-to-start and I need to know options I have to program with FLU.


Evo-ALL + 2002 Toyota Sienna bypass wont program

I am attemping to install a ProStart 2-Way LCD Remote Starter, 6-Button onto a Toyota Sienna 2002 with Fortin EVO-ALL bypass module. I have made all the necessary connections to the remote starter, programmed successfully; doors, locking, unlock worked. Now I believe, my problem lies within the EVO-ALL bypass. I followed this guide: (connection 2, program 1) posted on the fortin website. When I went to program the bypass module it stayed at the red solid LED and would not flash red rapidly for 10 secs. My questions are:

1. The remote starter in the mode 4 function 4, it has 3 options: 1- way ADS (D2D), 2-way XpressKIT (D2D) and 1-way Fortin(D2D). So now, which one should I select? . I've try using 1-way D2D mode in the remote starter and hardwiring the bypass data link wires (red to +12V and black to ground(-)) and still doesn't programmed. I also tried switching the option to 2-way XpressKIT, bypass wont program.

2. Following the above question, would I need to use a flash link manager to change my Fortin bypass to Fortin2 (2-way D2D)? Is this an option?

3. The guide doesn't state that this vehicle need to connect the 5 pin CAN BUS connector. Am I correct?

4. What can I possibly do to resolve this?



Toyota Seba (280Pts.)


Do I need a flashlink manager for key-override-all?

I have a 2006 Toyota Sienna LE. I bought the key-override-all with crime stopper RS4-G5 remote start, do I need a flashlink manager. Or do I just need to program it.


EVO ONE with Sienna Push to Start - D6 Option won't save

I have an EVO ONE with the latest flash update for both the bypass and remote start module. Will be installing in a 2016 Toyota Sienna with the push button start option. The install guide specifies the D6 PTS option, however when selecting that option and trying to save with the flashupdater app, I get the error message "this device does not support that option" and the EVE ONE disconnects. Is that D6 option not required on the '16 Sienna. Thanks.


Do I need a separate RF kit for the evo-one on 2008 sienna

Hi I just installed the EVO ONE in my 2008 sienna. It looks like it accepted the key bypass okay because the red light flashed but I cant seem to get the module to do anything else. I specifically wanted to use the remote start function with the factory remote. I have set the c1 option on the remote side and the 38.2 option on the bypass side. I also cut the yellow wire since its an automatic. When i press the remote 3 times it just locks 3 times like it did before my install. Also no lights on the module come on. When I follw the steps to program the alarm it does not flash lights or respond in any wat. Do i need to buy a separate rf kit? thanks in advace


Sienna 2015 H-Key Doit laisser une clé ?

Bonjour ! Je vais être bientôt proprio d'une Sienna 2015 et j'aimerais y installer un demarreur à distance. Partout ou j'ai appeller on me dit qu'il est necessaire d'avoir une 3ième clé a puce qu'on laissera dans le vehicule pour faire marcher le démarreur. Est ce que le Evo one ou Evo All permette d'éviter de laisser une clé. J'ai regarder les plan et je vois qu'a un moment de l'installation on doit wrapper la clé à puce avec du fil ... est ce que c'est seulement pour la configuration ou bien la clé doit rester wrapper comme sa pour toujours ? Cela doit semblé banale comme question mais je suis un néophyte en automobile :) Merci !
