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Jeep Nev (130Pts.)


Jeep has power but does not crank?

I have programmed the unit sn: 001A07 415854 Evo All. Installed with wiring harness THAR-CHR4 (Both Yellow wires on the harness are connected together). Programmed the unit. All these went according to the documentation, correct leds and all.

My vehicle is a 2011 Jeep Grand Cherokee 3.0CRD Limited with Start Button

I do the 3x Lock Blue Led comes on every time I press the lock button. Then all power comes on, a few seconds later the red and yellow led is solid and the radio shuts off just like it does while it cranks but no crank??

What could I be doing wrong?

Many Thanks!!


2010 ford escape KEY-OVERRIDE-ALL

I'm installling the KEY-OVERRIDE-ALL with a DEI remote start. When I attempted to program prior, I would see the LED start flashing, but programming didn't complete. Now when I attempt to program, the LED on the module stays on and the security light on the dash flashes rapidly. I've confirmed I have 12V on Red, Ground on Black, Ignition on Yellow, and remote start staus on Blue. Is there anything else i should try on this module? The module was purchased new in December and hasn't been installed in another vehicle.


EVO-ONE Remote start works, DCryptor bypass does not.

2004 Lincoln Aviator with PATS

One key only, marked with an S

Programming method 3, EVO-ONE.

I cannot get the immobilizer bypass to allow starting after DCryptor is successfully programmed.

Wiring as follows:

    A1 = Lock A2 = Unlock (Do these need to be wired to Arm/Disarm?)


    Reset bypass unit programming. LEDs alternate rapidly. Unplug unit. Plug in unit (6-pin first) Hold key against ignition barrel Trigger remote start (Fortin 2-Way RF antenna) Start successful Remote stop. Stop successful. Repeat 3-6 successfully.

Unplug unit

Bypass Programming:

    Plug in unit, holding programming button Release on Red. Plug in all connectors press program button. Red flashes off and back on insert key, turn to on. Yellow light is comes on. Red light turns off. Turn key to off. Yellow light is off, red light remains on. Turn key to on. Wait. Red Yellow alternating flashing. Turn key off, unplug unit. take to computer, plug in, launch Fashlink manager 3 Unit red light is on Vehicle selected is Lincoln Aviator 2004 Open DCryptor Follow steps until successful message received. Unit red light remains on. Unplug unit from computer and reinstall in vehicle, 6-pin connector first. Attempt remote start. Start fails.
      Remote Starter engages accessory and then ignition functions. Faint red flashing on unit vehicle relays are heard. Normal startup lights are on. Starter is not engaged Parking lights flash 4 times. (Note this is not the same as 4x immediate flash, indicating Valet Mode)
    Door lock and unlock works fine.

Resetting the bypass allows for the remote start to function again, with the key held to the barrel.

Bypass options enabled:

A1, A2, A3, A4, A5, A6, A7, A8, A9, A10, A11

Additionally, this was tested with D2 both enabled and disabled.

Special Starter options enabled:

31.4, 20.2

Additionally I have:

    Tried the above methods while holding the unit closer to the ignition barrel Tested for voltage on the TX and RX channels, using both Key and Remote starts, on both the splice and the 20-pin sides, and observed the same voltage patterns. Attempted swapping the TX and RX channels. Tried all steps using firmware 71.31 and 71.28

Please provide any suggestions you may have, thank you for your help.


evo-all on an escape doesn't initiate a start signal

2016 escape with an evo-all unit. the unit will not give a start signal on remote start. it detects the remote 3x lock (ie. blue light x3) but no red light. as per another suggestion the unit will give a red light when i ground the dk blue wire(ground while running) indicating that the unit is progammed correctly. what should i be checking next?


Module has no lights, unplug it all, plug factory harness back, truck doesn’t start.

Installed system yesterday on 2011 Chevy Express. Worked when the dash was apart. Tucked it all out of the way and reinstalled lower dash. Then it wouldn’t start. Look at the module and no lights appear. Tried with the key and nothing. Took it all out and replugged the factory harnesses on the ignition switch. Tried with key again and still nothing. Doesn’t crank. Fuel pump primes. Checked fuse box and all fuses are ok. What did this short out?? Desperation as this is my work truck. Please help.


Programming evo-all 2010 Ford Escape

When trying to complete programming the engine doesn't come on. The dashboard lights up, the ignition seems to initiate, but doesnt turnover, and a security light in the bottom left of the dash flashes. The module flashes red about 10x and then all lights on the module go out completely.


2010 Ford F150 - PATS key error on first remote start attempt with EVO-All and Compustar CM-4200DX

I used the decryptor and the 1-key programming method on my 2010 F150. Everything seemed to go smoothly, took about 15 minutes to decrypt the key. I've got soldered/heatshrink connections throughout my installation. When I hit the remote start button on my Compustar CM-4200DX, the dash indicators light up like it is attempting a start, but the PATS warning light flashes rapidly (same as if you have an invalid/non-programmed key) and starter does not engage. The Compustar tries a second time, which again - all the dash lights come on as you would expect, but this time the PATS warning light stays on solid (just like it would if you used the key) and the vehicle starts up successfully. Not knowing if the Compustar module could "talk" to the EVO-ALL, I used the hardwire method for the install instead of data-link. I double-checked to make sure the EVO-ALL was getting a proper signal to the GWR, START, Ign, 12v+, and ground wires. Everything works just fine, except that the Compustar module has to try twice before the truck will start.



2015 chrysler 200 wont start. if i try multiple times it will, but only a few minutes. options are set, brake lights flash when attempting to start. has two fails then flashes park lamps 3 times. I also noticed if i hit start/stop button once to turn on acc it will remote start everytime. The pink white ign wire does not power up while trying to remote start. On the unit, the blue light flashes once per lock signal, then the red light comes on and the yellow follows. Tried master reset, firmware down grade to min, decryptor redo


2012 T&C Won't Start, Programming Successful

I installed a THAR-CHRT4. T-Harness Dark Blue wire to hood-pin -> ground Programming procedure worked. All remote functions work as before the install. When I hit the 3x lock, the blue LED flashes once each time I press the lock, then the red LED flashes 5 times and nothing else happens. What does the red LED flashing 5 times mean?


EVO ALL NO Crank but Ignition

Hello Whenever I try to use remote start with my viper 5806v and the Evo all, All i get is ignition. After about 35 second the ignition comes on and everything looks normal.But there is not even a single crank that is produced.Ive wired using D2D and Everything besides remote start work wonderful, like unlock, lock and trunk.I have changed the remote starter to automatic mode and turned the Tach sense to off but Nothing.Out of my 100 attempts it has not even cranked once.Thanks


2016 Chrysler 200 3 Flashes - No Tach Detected - Ignition on but no crank

2016 Chrysler 200 3 Flashes - No Tach Detected - Ignition on but no crank: I have walked through the troubleshooting guide and checked all of the programming/wire issues that could occur. Any other items to test or check to get the car to remote start? The car attempts to start twice before failing and providing the diagnostic codes.


2016 Chrysler 200 3 Flashes - No Tach Detected - Ignition on but no crank

2016 Chrysler 200 3 Flashes - No Tach Detected - Ignition on but no crank: I have walked through the troubleshooting guide and checked all of the programming/wire issues that could occur. Any other items to test or check to get the car to remote start? The car attempts to start twice before failing and providing the diagnostic codes.
