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Toyota Rigo (130Pts.)


why does my programming procedure not go beyond the third step on my 2021 toyota sienna Hybrid?

I cannot complete the programing seven steps I spent two days checking connections and reconnecting making sure everything is right I even soldered the wires to make sure they are making good contact but seams that the module its failing> would you be able to help me?


EVO-One with THAR-TOY16 Programming stuck at step 7

Hi Fortin support team: Vehicle: Lexus RX350h 2024 (Hybrid vehicle) EVO-One GUIDE: #116181 Rev:20240513 Firmware: both 88.33 & 88.34 EVO-One S/N: 002B04659051 Programming stuck at step 7: The BLUE LED will not turn OFF, The RED LED will not turn ON. Unable to add RFK942. What should I do?


Stuck on Step 4

2012 Nissan Rogue Intelli-key using T harness NIS 2. I cannot get passed step 4. The yellow light never flashes it doesn't change at all after pushing button any amount of times. I went through the troubleshooting guide and I don't have power on yellow wire, I also reversed the can-bus wires which didn't help. The fob was placed 40 feet away inside the house next to the spare keys we have for this vehicle.



intalling EVO CH5 on my 2009 Chrysler Sebring. When i go to progam it to the vehicle i press the black button and plug the black connector with igition off. All 3 LEDs flash at the same time and will not go to just blue like it says it is supposed to program. I cant find the trouble shooting section to find answers


programming issues s/n 002B04273087

once decripted, all i get is a solid amber light when reinstalled and the key is on. unit will not let me into any typeof programming. no remote or function. I have no conformation from the antanna or parking lights. it will however make the interior lights blink once i have started it with the key and i push on the brake. I am using the nis2 T harmess and the rf remotes.


2010 ford escape KEY-OVERRIDE-ALL

I'm installling the KEY-OVERRIDE-ALL with a DEI remote start. When I attempted to program prior, I would see the LED start flashing, but programming didn't complete. Now when I attempt to program, the LED on the module stays on and the security light on the dash flashes rapidly. I've confirmed I have 12V on Red, Ground on Black, Ignition on Yellow, and remote start staus on Blue. Is there anything else i should try on this module? The module was purchased new in December and hasn't been installed in another vehicle.


Kia n h (230Pts.)


Why won't my Evo-One move past step 4 on programming?

I have verified the correct firmware, proper voltage on yellow wire A1, and correct can-bus wiring.I have constant 12v with a good ground. When I turn the ignition to run the blue led that is supposed to flash 10x's turns off. I installed accordind to the install guide provided through fortin's website.I have followed the troubleshooting guide and get stuck after confirming all 5  steps

The first 3 steps in the programming are very straight forward. If you cannot pass these steps verify the following:
1- Firmware: Ensure you have flashed the correct firmware to the module as indicated in the installation guide.
2- Power & Ground: Verify the module is receiving a constant 12 volts and has a good ground.
3- Yellow Wire (A1): Verify this wire is on the correct ignition wire. Their should be 0 Volts present during the first 3 steps.

If the Blue led does not flash common issues would be the following:

1- Yellow wire (A1): Not connected to correct ignition source.
2- Can Bus Wires: If these are reversed or connected to the wrong can bus wires the module will not program.


2017 Ford Focus Programming Issues

I am having some difficulty programming my EVO-All FORT4 with my 2017 Ford Focus. The T-Harness is all hooked up, and the device has been flashed with the correct module. When I attempt to pregrade both keys, nothing happens when I press the program key at the end of the sequence. When I attempt to program a single key, it doesn't change from red to yellow. Any and all help would greatly appreciated.


During programming on step 14 guide 65601 only redlight flashes not red and yellow


2017 EvoOne with TharFor3 T harness, blue light won't blink on programming

Thank you in advance for any help! I am a long time using of the EVO ALL and have done a few EVO ONE. A bit stumped on my 2017 F150 though. Using EVO ONE with the THAR FOR 3 harness. All plugged in. Following wiring diagram for the A1 and A16 (put them together) on the white 20 pin connector. When I go to program it, I can't get it to "blink blue". Therefore, I can't get any further in the programming procedure. Followed the directions in the Guide. What could I be missing? Joe


F150 2012 programming

I have a f150 2012 i done every thing 100% In the programing phase I made every thing i enter the first key after the second key and after the first key then the blue and red started flashing after that only the blue led appeared and the still on without the key but if i unplugged the red connector the car turn off please can you help me in the programing


F150 2012 programming

I have a f150 2012 i done every thing 100% In the programing phase I made every thing i enter the first key after the second key and after the first key then the blue and red started flashing after that only the blue led appeared and the still on without the key but if i unplugged the red connector the car turn off please can you help me in the programing


F150 2012 programming

I have a f150 2012 i done every thing 100% In the programing phase I made every thing i enter the first key after the second key and after the first key then the blue and red started flashing after that only the blue led appeared and the still on without the key but if i unplugged the red connector the car turn off please can you help me in the programing
