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Joshua Swenson

À rejoins en date due:

Feb. 14, 2016





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Categories not working on the Q&A

In case you didn't already know, when I click on a category on the left I get 0 results regardless ...Voir plus


Hello installed Evo-All SN:001A07 583704 stand alone and alarm mode in G2 everything works, in G3 no horn chirps Thanks!

When G2 is turned off and G3 is turned on everything works but no horn chirps on lock and unlock


2020 Subaru Forester install questions

1. In this thread from a while ago, it was said that enabling 3x lock is not recommended for a 2019 ...Voir plus


Help with Omega RF install

I bought two of these.  One for an EVO-ONE, one for EVO-ALL.  I managed to get the EVO ...Voir plus


Thinking out loud about this 2008 Focus install

I saw a couple of other manufacturers have a T-Harness that works with the 2008 Focus, but not F ...Voir plus


Remote start needs to be enabled on a 2008 Focus?

Looking into doing an install on a 2008 Focus. Came across this thread: https://fortin.ca/en/qa/10 ...Voir plus


Omega RF Kit Install Question

I'm about to install some Omega kits and came across this discussion from a few months ago:h ...Voir plus


my evo all module will not stay connected to the flashlink manager

I kept stalling out on step 7 Evo All standalone install w/ THAR-MAZ1 2016 mazda CX-5, so I decide ...Voir plus


Changing options after installation

Hi all, Just wondering if there is a general rule as to what needs to be unplugged if we need to c ...Voir plus


No Yellow Light on Step 5

2016 Mazda 3, STAND ALONE THAR-MAZ1 THARNESS INSTALLATION: can't get past programming step 6. Yello ...Voir plus


Relay only needed for OEM fob remote start?

2020 Kia Forte, standard key. I saw on another site that you only have to hook up the relay if you ...Voir plus


Question about diagram in 73971

Hi all, Looking at the install for a 2020 Kona, diagram 73971. On page 6, lower left corner on th ...Voir plus


Other RF123 (130Pts.)


Omega OL-RF RF Kit not working with EVO-ALL


09 focus remote start works great! However the heater fan does not run untill the key is turned on.


Idle Mode without an RF kit?

Is idle mode available with an EVO-CHRT4 that can be activated with just the OEM remote somehow? ...Voir plus


Troubleshooting reverse lights

Hi all, At some point, my reverse lights stopped working this summer. I don't recall if it was be ...Voir plus


Antenna cap popped off of AX-RF2. Options?

Hey guys. I've been using my remote start for about 6 months now and it's been a terrific experien ...Voir plus


How to jump a car with a remote start installed?

Is it advised to disconnect some harnesses from the EVO unit in case your car needs to be jumped/bo ...Voir plus


Unable to unplug black 4 pin connector

I am unable to find/activate a release for the 4 pin black connector plug on the EVO-ALL. Any more ...Voir plus


EVO ONE programming light blinking and other questions

So I got my EVO-ONE connected to my 2009 Mazda 5 with a FTX 44 2w remote. I was able to remote sta ...Voir plus


Mazda guides still not correct?

Really appreciate Matvey's info from this thread. Made me double-check a few things. I have a 200 ...Voir plus


How to trim the extra wires?

Wondering what other people do with the extra unused wires from the harnesses. I've been trimming ...Voir plus


EVO-NIST1 - Shuts down if you don't open the door

Hello, I recently install an EVO-NIST1 on a 2010 Maxima with a Fortin 2-way RF kit. I noticed when ...Voir plus


Connecting an AX-RF2

I found a guide for the AX-RF2 / Fortin FTX44 ( ...Voir plus


Can you use the Flash-Link with an AX-ONE?

Wondering if you can flash an AX-ONE with EVO-ONE firmware if you hooked it up to a FLASH-LINK? Th ...Voir plus

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