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Ford f150 2011 Evo all standalone that-for4

Evo all 06/2023 Sn 001A07511495 Ford f150 2011 Evo all standalone that-for4 Doesn’t no program, I have been trying different times and ways and I don’t get it. Only get that the red and blue lights flashing 10 times but the blue light never come back, waiting long time and it doesn’t flash back. Of course using 2 working keys. I tried using a video that says, press the programming button after uses the second key but it didn’t work either. I tried without connect the red connector but it didn’t. Then I don’t know what more to do. Could you help me please. Thanks.


Which remote start for 2007 F150 with EVO-ALL?

I purchased an EVO-ALL to install in a 2007 Ford F-150 thinking that was the only device I needed. Now that I have it and I'm looking at the wiring diagram, I'm pretty sure I also need a separate remote start unit? Is there a device that I can use with the EVO-ALL I just bought, or do I need to give up and use a different EVO device? All I want to do is be able to remote start.


Evo All as bypass on an Avital 4105L

I made the entire connection of the "Evo all" as a bypass on an Avital 4105L and it doesn't work, I don't know what could be wrong, I did the installation according to the guide.


D2D or W2W Fortin EVO All with FORT1 T-Harness and AVITAL 4105L for 2011 F-150

Hi, I purchased the THAR-FORT1 Kit which comes with the EVO ALL and FORT1 T-Harness. I also purchased the FlashLink updater and will set the EVO ALL to D2D. I would like to pair all of this with an Avital 4015L remote starter for my 2011 F-150 (I do not want to use the factory remote start protocol as my truck doesn't have power locks). I would like to only use the D2D cable to connect to the Avital 4015L in order to cut down on wire clutter. I would like to know if the D2D cable is the only cable I need to connect between the these two. I was looking at the wiring diagram for the EVO ALL with the FORT1 T-Harness and on the left side of the remote starter every cable is optional if D2D is used but on the right side there is parking lights which I don't care for so I wont be hooking up and Ignition. Doesn't the ignition communicate through D2D? Wanted to know if I am on the right track here before I start the install. Thanks!


D2D or W2W Fortin EVO All with FORT1 T-Harness and AVITAL 4105L for 2011 F-150

Hi, I purchased the THAR-FORT1 Kit which comes with the EVO ALL and FORT1 T-Harness. I also purchased the FlashLink updater and will set the EVO ALL to D2D. I would like to pair all of this with an Avital 4015L remote starter for my 2011 F-150 (I do not want to use the factory remote start protocol as my truck doesn't have power locks). I would like to only use the D2D cable to connect to the Avital 4015L in order to cut down on wire clutter. I would like to know if the D2D cable is the only cable I need to connect between the these two. I was looking at the wiring diagram for the EVO ALL with the FORT1 T-Harness and on the left side of the remote starter every cable is optional if D2D is used but on the right side there is parking lights which I don't care for so I wont be hooking up and Ignition. Doesn't the ignition communicate through D2D? Wanted to know if I am on the right track here before I start the install. Thanks!


What parts to need need for a keyed no remote 2019 F150 to remote start with my phnoe without cutting any OEM wiring?

2019 F150, Keyed. No remotes. Just want remote start from phone or from a supplied remote. Do not want to cut any of the OEM wiring.


2015 f150 push button : eco-fort3 no power after months of use

I have it hooked up to a LinkR-lt2. Worked fine for months and suddenly stopped working. Evo all module not getting any power


Ford smrick2 (190Pts.)


Why does it only honk now when I remote start

Installed evo all with my car telematics with 944 rf kit and has worked beautifully since 2019 with the occasional horn honking when I remote start but I had to remove module and wiring from dash for some audio upgrades now all it does is honk the horn when I try to remote start. Does not try to crank everything powers up as it should then nothing. Thats on first attempt 2nd attempt does even do that. I have since go in and tried to reprogram module as t


Ford smrick2 (190Pts.)


Why does it only honk now when I remote start

Installed evo all with my car telematics with 944 rf kit and has worked beautifully since 2019 with the occasional horn honking when I remote start but I had to remove module and wiring from dash for some audio upgrades now all it does is honk the horn when I try to remote start. Does not try to crank everything powers up as it should then nothing. Thats on first attempt 2nd attempt does even do that. I have since go in and tried to reprogram module as t


Ford Munito (1680Pts.)


2014 Ford F-150, 2 Keys programming.

Hi there. I have one question about Ford OEM keys.I am trying to program a compustar module on a Ford F-150. I only have one OEM key and the other one is made by a locksmith (it's not a clone and it's not a copy) But I can't finish the programming because the module tells me that I am using the same key or a cloned key. My question is: does Ford split any code between two keys? If you don't have both OEM, is it not possible to finish the programming even if the key made by the locksmith is not a copy or a clone? I need some information about this. Thank you very much in advance. Kind regards.


2013 F-150 not starting after EVO-All Installation

After the installation, I programmed and everything went perfectly. I Had it set to 3 locks to start. Now it turns on the ignition and tries to start, but there is nothing. It's as if we are trying to start with an unprogrammed key. I went back over all my connections and everything seems fine. I also found a little note on your site about disabling option D2. I've done this but still have the same condition. Any help on this matter would be most appreciated. Thanks


EVO-ALL solid blue and red lights - will not program 2011 F-150 OEM keys

UPDATE: Added step-by-step procedures.

Issue: The blue and red lights on EVO-ALL remain solid during and after attempting programming with 2 keys.

System: EVO-FORT4; Firmware: 71.52; EVO-ALL S/N: 001A07355490; Vehicle: 2011 F-150 3.5L; Remote: Two standard OEM keys; Guide #: 94891.

Troubleshooting: Double-checked all connections. Double-checked settings. Re-flashed EVO-ALL.

Followed procedure:

    Program EVO-ALL and flash settings (firmware 71.52) Plug in all connections (ignition, immobilized, OBD) Manually connect "Key Sense" wire (A1, yellow, 20-pin connector) to the "Key Sense" wire (purple/yellow, either the 5-pin or 6-pin connector) Page 7; Step 1: Hold button down on EVO-ALL; connect black 4-pin data-link harness Page 7; Step 2: Release button when blue & red lights illuminate solid Page 7; Step 3: Connect other harnesses (white 20-pin, red 6-pin, white 5-pin) Page 7; Step 4: Insert key #1 to ON/RUN position Page 7; Step 5: Wait 3 seconds: remove key #1 Page 7; Step 6: Quickly insert key #2 to ON/RUN position Page 7; Step 7: Wait 3 seconds: remove key #2 Page 8; Step 8: Quickly insert key #1 to ON/RUN position; wait (blue light does not rapidly flash) Page 8; Step 9: Remove key #1
    Result: Vehicle locks cycle on and off (indicating key programming); however, EVO-ALL blue & red lights remain illuminated solid (no blinking). The truck responds correctly, but the EVO-ALL does not.

Note: There's a YouTube video showing that an initial data transfer programming step is needed prior to the step 1 in the guide (shown above): hold down the button on the EVO-ALL; release on blue; insert key #1; wait until EVO-ALL blue light rapidly flashes; remove key #1 to complete. This step is not in the provided guide. I attempted including this step after the 1st failed attempt, but the blue light never flashed rapidly. I received the same result below with and without this step.


The only manual connection I made is wiring the "Key Sense" wire (A1, yellow) on the 20-pin connector to the "Key Sense" wire (purple/yellow) on the other side of the EVO-ALL (either the 5-pin or 6-pin connector; can't tell with the harness).



    Is there another connection I missed? Should the A1 yellow wire be connected to the other yellow wire (instead of the purple/yellow Key Sense wire)? Other than connecting the 4-pin harness first, do I need to connect the other harnesses in a different sequence?

Any help would be appreciated!


Manual switch to disable power supply to EVO-ALL

Is there an example of how to wire a switch to completely kill the power supply to the EVO-ALL?

I live in an area with temps down to -40°, and trucks already have a hard enough time starting. I want to control and prevent any unnecessary power loss when the vehicle is not in service.

I know I could use the hood pin trigger wire (A8, dark blue) to manually disable function, but I'm not looking to cut-off all power to it, not just disable it.

I'm assuming the 12V wire (D6, white/red) provides power to the unit - would it be appropriate to wire a traditional toggle switch (without LED or indicator lights) in-line with that wire? Or is there a better way?

E.g. Ignition -> t-harness -> white/red wire -> toggle switch -> white/red wire -> EVO-ALL

Also, has anyone measured the actual current draw of the EVO-ALL after installation when not in use?

Reference: System: EVO-FORT4; Vehicle: 2011 F-150 3.5L; Guide: #94891, pg 5


2011 F-150 Parking Light Relay with EVO-FORT4

I know there's a few posts about this, but it's still not clear. I'm trying to figure out how to wire the parking light connection.

System: EVO-FORT4; Vehicle: 2011 F-150 3.5L; Guide: #94891, pg 5 (

The diagram shows the EVO-ALL (brown/white) -> parking relay (connected to 12V with 10 A fuse) -> 7.5 A fuse -> passenger BCM (yellow/blue).

1.) Is the fused "Parking Light Relays" pre-existing in the OEM F150 wiring?

1a.) If so, where is it located (it's a short wire and will not reach the passenger side)?

1b.) If not, can you please suggest a part number for the relay and fuses?

1c.) Is there already an in-line 7.5 A fuse built into the t-harness for the brown/white parking light wire?

2.) Other posts mention connecting to the light switch (yellow/orange) instead of the passenger BCM. The wire is not long enough to reach the passenger side - is it designed to connect to the light switch on the driver's side?

2a.) If the light switch is a better method, is an additional relay & fuses still needed (per above)?

2b.) If additional wire length is required to connect at the passenger's side, what is the wire gauge size?


Evo all- For4 in a 2014 F150. The factory alarm is tripped after the first auto start

The truck will remote start once without any issues. The second attempt at remote start sets the factory alarm off and will not start the truck. Not sure what I'm doing wrong. I have the flash link updater so i can change whatever settings you recommend. Any help would be greatly appreciated.


2011 F150 all lights flashing

2011 F150 -EVO all. Went to hook it up today, connected the yellow to the yellow and black. Then held button while plugging in main black power plug and all lights were flashing, would not stop. Please help. thank you


EVO ALL - 2014 F150 when you lock /unlock interior lights stay on . also radio turns on briefly

wondering if there is a way to wire so that the interior lights shut off when locked using the aftermarket remote fob


F150 EVO ALL Strangeness

Hello, I am hooking up an EVO-ALL to operate my OEM remote starter via a CARLINK ASCL6. I am also attempting to add a shock sensor and blinking LED. I am using t-harness THAR-FORT4. It took quite a bit to get the ASCL6 to talk to the EVO-ALL. I could only get it to "talk" by sending a lock command during the learning process. For some reason I did it on a whim after trying all sorts of plug combinations etc. However, now it has no confirmation of the commands it sends. It send 3 separate pulses for the lock and unlock commands. I had to wire the Lock [(white/black) to BCM (blue/green)] and Unlock [(white) to BCM (yellow/violet)] for the lock commands to send. Why am I not getting a status reading? Do I have to wire the Driver Door Pin? I thought this would be mostly plug and play, but it seems like there is some wiring that needs to be done. Also, LED is wired to 12v+ and negative to white wire on the 20 pin but it is not working. I also have a shock sensor on the way and need help with that. I've been at this for 3-4 days off and on. Programmed as standalone remote start and EVO alarm via Flashlink. HELP! Thanks


What is the actual run time of the FORT3 kit

2017 F150. I do not have the options enabled in the dash for remote start. I do know that if the options are not enabled in the dash technically the trucks BCM will still run the truck for the default time of 10 minutes. I set the Evo All to run for 20 minutes. Will it actually run for 20 minutes or will it still be the default 10 minutes the truck has?


What kind of rf remote can I use with the evo all


will not program 2013 f150

2013 F150 using EVOFORT4. While trying to program,when I get to putting the 1st key back in the 2nd time, nothing happens. Red and blue lights stay on. When I turn the key off, the IGN stays on until I unplug the red plug from the Evoall. Any help would be greatly appreciated. Date: 10/2019 SN:001A07 082676 firmware 71.49(flashlink recommended. PDF says 71.50, but it is grayed out in the firmware list).


2019 F150 install issue with Fortin EvoAll install and MyCar Controller

7- The RED, YELLOW & BLUE LED’s will be ON. 8- At that same moment the RED & BLUE LED’s will blink once to confirm that the MyCar ID has been learned to the Evo-All. I am installing the MyCar module and make it all the way to step 8 but the lights never blink to confirm. What might be another step not included in the install guide?


ftx 64 remote will not unlock 2013 f150

Ive installed the evo all with the t-harness and the ftx 64 remote. I can remote start the truck with the fortin remote. The module locks the doors after the remore start. It monitors the door pin. It will shut the truck down with the fortin remote. I can un lock the doors with the fortin remote but the truck will not lock with the fortin lock button. It arms the factory alarm but does not move the locks.


F-150 2011 Key Programming No Blue Led Flash

Hi all. I have an EVO ALL with the Ford1 T-harness that I'm trying to install into my 2011 F-150 standard key for remote start. I have followed all the instructions and when I get to releasing on red + blue like the instructions state the programming does not go as described. The instructions say after putting key 1 back in I should get 10 blue flashes and 10 red flashes. In my case the truck locks and unlocks and then I get 10 red flashes only, blue stays on. After this, all LEDs turn off and pressing lock 3 times only makes the blue led flash and nothing else, no start. Any ideas? Thanks in advance.


2011 F150 XLT, Is the tap into pin 6 BCM required? If so, is the diode required?

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