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Mazda Waheed (130Pts.)


2023 Mazda CX-5 Auto Hold & Cruise Control Does Not Work When Vehicle Started Remotely.

Hello everyone I just installed the Fortin Evo-One in my 2023 Mazda CX-5 and everything works fine except the Auto Hold feature & Cruise Control works but get warning lights. but only when the car is started remotely. When started normally, it works just fine. how i can solve this?


EVO-ONE - failed MA inspection after install 19 Mazda cx-5

Went for a state inspection a few days after install failed because weak battery that was my fault a light was left on in the cabin, went back a couple hundred miles later and massachusetts state inspection lists certain systems as not ready. Anyone else seen this caused by the evo install? Could I temporarily remove the evo and the harness for the purpose of the inspection and put it back without damage?


Manual CX-5 Crank no start

2014 Mazda CX5 ; manual push to start ; Evo-one w/MAZ THAR ; SN 002b04 638289

Cranks but doesn't start. All fob functions work, car runs normally, and it goes into ready mode and shuts down after exiting. Won't autostart after getting out of the vehicle - what am I missing? Valet mode off.

Using default settings with the plug&play harness.

Firmware 85.14

A1 through A-10 : ON

A11 OFF ; B1 OFF ; C1 ON


D3-D5 : OFF ; D6 ON

Firmware 1.26

2 through 15 : option 1 (default)

16.5 ; 18.1 ; 19.1 ; 20.8 ; 21.2 ; 24.1 ; 25 (off) ; 26.1 ; 29.1 ; 30.1 ; 31.1 ; 32.1 ; 33.2 ; 34.1 ; 35.1 36.3 ; 37.1 ; 38.1 ; 39.1


2017 CX-5 Doesn't Get Yellow Light When Ignition Turned On

Installing Evo-All & THAR-MAZ1 on 2017 Mazda CX-5. Followed the guide (62391/66311... different guides if going through troubleshooter vs Flash Link guide) for firmware & options (tried firmware 85.12 & 85.11) THAR-MAZ1 only has Start/Stop 2nd connector (24 pin) & no 32 pin connector. So I am using the recommended wiring connections minus Data Key & Door Lock Data (A10 & A20) When programming I cannot get the module to recognize a key (blue LED, no yellow LED illuminated when ignition is turned on). Is the Data Key (A10) required? It is not in the THAR-MAZ1 harness nor is it populated in the OEM female connector. One of the keys to this vehicle was lost previously & only have 1. Is it possible to program with only one key? (the Flash Link Manager notes that 2 keys are required. I don't quite understand why)


Cx-5 without datakey failing remote starting

Hello, I have a mazda cx-5 2016 with automatic transmission push to start. but unfortunately my car doesn't have a DATAKEY pin in the CAN . I'm using evo-all with RF kit (EVO RM942). As per my understanding with DATAKEY not available I'm only left with the setup "Regular installation-1key programming" GUIDE#63601 I have made all the connectivity as per the guide and configured the module as per the guide...but never got the module to start my car...I got it only to lock and unlock my car using the RF remote or original remote. when I try to start my car the evo-all module just starts clicking multiple time but the car never starts. below is a link of a video for the behavior of EVO-ALL when I attemp to remote start the car. Any idea or suggestions please? Thanks in avance. Regards,


Cx 5 steering column cover removal.

I have a 2018 Mazda CX 5 . Can someone explain the proper way to remove the steering column cover without causing any damage? Thanks for any help.


Mazda J. Mac (160Pts.)


2019 CX-5 Cruise Control & Brake Auto Hold not working

Fortin Evo-One with THAR-ONE-MAZ3, everything updated to latest firmware. When I remote start Brake auto hold does not work & Cruise Control works but get warning lights.


EVO-ONE - failed MA inspection after install 19 Mazda cx-5

Went for a state inspection a few days after install failed because weak battery that was my fault a light was left on in the cabin, went back a couple hundred miles later and massachusetts state inspection lists certain systems as not ready. Anyone else seen this caused by the evo install? Could I temporarily remove the evo and the harness for the purpose of the inspection and put it back without damage?


Does Evo one cause cruise control issues once remote Started.

I'm installing an Evo one using the Maz3 t harness in a 2018 Mazda cx 5. Are there still issues with cruise control not setting after remote Start or has that been fixed in firmware updates? Thanks for any help.


Does Evo one cause cruise control issues once remote Started.

I'm installing an Evo one using the Maz3 t harness in a 2018 Mazda cx 5. Are there still issues with cruise control not setting after remote Start or has that been fixed in firmware updates? Thanks for any help.


Support pour Mazda CX-5 2019

J'aimerais savoir si ou quand la Mazda CX-5 2019 sera supporte. Je viens d'acheter le vehicule et aimerais pouvoir installer un EVO Si necessaire, je peux etre le "ginnea-pig" :-) Merci


Cannot get past solid blue light when attempting the second pass after Dcrytor

I have started from fresh multiple times on a 2015 Mazda CX-5,I get through steps 1-12 ok , hook up to laptop, do the Dcryptor program, go back to vehicle hook up the module , data link first then other connectors, then disconnect data link , then all other connectors. Then start at step 1 again, get to the solid blue light but when trying the step 5 with the OEM remote again the blue light stays on solid no matter how many times I retry the steps, I have an EVO-MAZT1, and have done the evo all Master reset numerous times as well to get back to a fresh starting point, enabling this vehicles recommended options as instructed. I always get everything to work as per instructions but cannot past the second pass solid blue light. I tried downgrading the firmware as suggested by someone else that was having the same problem. This is a push to start vehicle. This is not the first Evo that I have installed but just happens to be the wife's.


Fortin unit blinking red - Mazda CX-5 THAR-MAZ1

2013 CX-5, no OEM alarm, automatic After completing the entire process I can't start it (OEM key, hit lock 3x). So I tried the process again and no dice. Q1: After step 12 I get red blinking light. Doesn't go out until I pull the power to it. What now? Q2: From the fuse box - is the connection from ground on 11-pin conn to pin11 on 18-pin conn REQUIRED?