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2011 Nissan Rogue - Auto headlights stay on

2011 Nissan Rogue w/ Intelli-Key EVO-ONE with T-Harnesses. When headlights are set to AUTO and a 3x Start is triggered the lights stay on after the remote start either times out or is manually stopped via the key fob or brake input. Door trigger wire (Dark Blue) doesn't seem to have any effect on this. I even tried to ground it out directly to see if it would turn the lights off. Anything else to try?


2013 G37 Automatic Lights

I just installed my Evo-All and THar-Nis1 in my 2013 G37xS Coupe. Everything works flawless except for the timed shut off, and when I use the key fob to shut off the engine. My running lights stay on.


Lexus Dat Vu (260Pts.)


Autolights, foglights and high beams stopped working after installing EVO-RS TOY6 on 2017 Lexus NX200t

Just installed EVO-RS TOYT6 (EVO-ALL + TOY6) on 2017 Lexus NX200t for OEM remote start (3xLock) and works fine. The only issue is that autolights do not work (lights do not turn on even if it's dark outside) and foglights do not work, either. EDIT: Also noticed high beams won't turn on, either. The "symbol" indicator shows up on the dash but the physical beam lights do not turn on. Anybody has a fix for this?


Lexus Dat Vu (260Pts.)


Autolights, foglights and high beams stopped working after installing EVO-RS TOY6 on 2017 Lexus NX200t

Just installed EVO-RS TOYT6 (EVO-ALL + TOY6) on 2017 Lexus NX200t for OEM remote start (3xLock) and works fine. The only issue is that autolights do not work (lights do not turn on even if it's dark outside) and foglights do not work, either. EDIT: Also noticed high beams won't turn on, either. The "symbol" indicator shows up on the dash but the physical beam lights do not turn on. Anybody has a fix for this?


2010 Toyota Sequoia Auto Lights Not Working

I recently installed the Evo-one along with the rfk942 remote/antenna. I wired the Evo-one as per The auto light functionality no longer works when the vehicle is started using the command start and the key override is used. Is there a setting I need to change in the firmware?


No Auto headlights with EVO ALL 2019 Elantra GT

Installed a RS using the EVO ALL as the bypass. Everything connect as per instructions. Verified twice the correct wires and connections. Module programs as per instructions. Everything works, tach signal, brake,hood status, start, lock, unlock, arm, and disarm. But now the Auto Lights feature of the car does not work. Disconnected the parklight Mux wire but the problem still existed. Studied the intall guide and decided to reconnect wires labeled Cut 1 and Cut 2. With these two wires not running into the EVO ALL the Auto Lights feature works. The only issue I found with this is that the fatory remote will not work on the door locks. My questions is why is there interfence with the Auto Lights when Cut 1 and Cut 2 are connected to the EVO ALL?


Lexus losmt2 (380Pts.)


2016 Lexus IS200t auto headlights not working after Evo One install

*FIXED: leave option 7 to None on remote starter side I have the Evo One installed with the THAR-TOY6 T harness. After the installed the auto headlights do not work anymore even when pitch black outside. I have also noticed that the remote start would take 4x lock to remote start. The red LED inside the Evo One will be lit up and the 1 lock will turn it off then the RS will start the car. The biggest issues it the auto headlights. I even added the optional push start wire so install was done to the letter from the instructions. On my trip tonight I .noticed after 20 mins or so the center console light will turn off like of the headlights were off but the headlights were still on actually. It's almost like park light were switched off. Please advise




Automatic lights do not work after install on 2018 RAV4

I've just finished installing the wiring on my 2018 RAV4 XLE Hybrid and now the automatic lights do not work.


NOTE: I've only connected the wires and the EVO-ONE is not connected yet.


I'm using the Fortin THAR-TOY6 harness and I've connected everything exactly as described in the manual:


1) Purple wire to (+) STARTER.  (soldered connection)
2) White/Black wire to (-) START/STOP.  (soldered connection)
3) +12V and GND wired to OBD2 per manual.  (used Posi-Tap connectors;  there is absolutely no way to pull OBD2 connector far enough out to solder wires behind connector)
4) "A" harness/passthrough connected to Main Body ECU.


I do not have an EVO-ONE yet but I wanted to finish the wiring.  All car functions still work properly except the automatic lights.


What can I check to see why they are not working?  I was extremely careful during installation and can't imagine why it's not working except that I don't have the EVO-ONE installed yet.







Honda Ed S (130Pts.)


2017 Accord "Auto" headlights, Door lock/unlock. EVO-ONE

i am looking forward to installing the EVO ONE with T-Harness in my 2017 Accord CVT Standard Key. i keep my car's headlights set to "Auto" i know the headlights will turn on automatically if i remote start the car BUT, will the lights automatically turn off if the remote start timed out or if i turned off my car with the remote? 2.can the EVO-ONE be programmed to press unlock once to unlock all doors? 3.will my car's door auto lock/unlock when i turn the key in the ignition ON or OFF? 4.will the EVO-ONE need to be re-programmed if my car battery dies or the car battery gets disconnected?
