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derek g

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Oct. 13, 2015





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Subaru G M (16420Pts.)


2023 forester pts

Hello. Does 3xlock remote start work on the 2023 Subaru Forester?


Installed evo one & LTE start on 08 Pilot, Alarm goes off when i remote start or unlock

Installed evo one & LTE start on 08 Pilot, Alarm is going off when i try to remote start or unlock doors. It only happens if car stays locked for long


Please reset Service # 001A06493252 R to 0


Problem in programming

Hi i have evo one and i change in settings on my flashlink 4 the number 6 option it says door lock before and after remote-start it was no so I chose Look after remote-start 8.3 after that when i run my car by the remote my wheels don't turn full only half but when i turn my car by the button it's work fine so I do the reset bypass side and return to the flashlink 4 and the same option number 6 door lock before and after remote-start and I put it back to no like it was and i did decryptor but nothing change the opinion didn't work when i turn the car by remote didn't happend like before it was like door open the closing then the car run 

My evo one SN#002B04108420

Flashlink 4 SN#002505 085445


Toyota mc141 (490Pts.)


2023 tundra no remote start chirp or flashing lights

I finaly got it installed and working and when when remote start acivates theres no flashing lights or horn chirp to signify its the truck has started. I went through wizard mode to program then went to pro mode looking for a setting. What settings are supposed to be activated to get the confirmation that remote start is engagiing/engaged. Ive had fortin evo one remote start in my jeep and the brake and side marker lights flashed when engaging and horn honked for 1/2 second when doors locked( i would think it would chirp on tundra




No heating/air when remote starting using EVO-START

So I just got the full EVO-START installed in my 2018 Toyota 4Runner this monday and whenever I remote start the vehicle, there's no heating/AC/air coming out until I get inside the vehicle, put the key in, and then move the heating/AC knob. I already had an EVO-START 2 on my previous vehicle and heating would turn on with the remote start. Please advise


Reset flash limit on EVO-ALL S/N 001A07 632473

Please reset the flash limit on my EVO-ALL S/N 001A07 632473. Thank you


Can I order a remote start lte custom model?

I have a Toyota car with evo-one. I lived in the US and moved to South Korea, but I found out that I couldn't use the remote start lte I used before. I confirmed that the remote start lte device has an ec21-a chip inside. Can I place a special order for the ec21-KL model and the Korean APN? The ec21-KL chipset can be provided.


RFK-442 - Evo-all install without RFA2A

Hello. I am trying to install an EVO-All with GMT1V2 T-harness in a 2014 chevrolet cruze. (remote starter is programmed and works with OEM remote) I have an RFK-442 kit I would like to install without the RFA2A adapter. I have 12v and ground present at the datalink from the t-harness. Am I wrong to believe that the antenna kit can wired into the Datalink plug? I have wired it as such, When I plug in the antenna. the LED will light for a second. but when I follow the RF kit learning prcedure for the EVO-All. the antenna LED does not respond. Is the RFA2A really required? Thanks





2017 Nissan Rogue Sport after start

I have an Evo all installed on a Nissan Rogue Sport 2017 I can remote start with the rfk411 antenna kit it all works the thing is that if I accidentally start or start without getting to the vehicle in time in shuts down which i chose in the setting but the alarm will go off after the shutdown any help thanks.


Can I use the A14 switch option for the parking light control when configuring the EVO-All?

Guide says for parking light control the A14 brown/white wire needs to be tied into the light blue wire of the second BCM connector pin 8. Didn't know if the A14 was turned on when configuring the module that would negate needing to tie into the pin 8 second connector on the BCM.


evo one needs a decryptor reset. SN#002804712339

greetings, evo one needs a count reset. ser#002804712339. tia


Remote programing with YELLOW light

2006 Chevy Avalanche EvoOne 441 remotes. Programed module to get the YELLOW light on with ignition. Trying to program remotes but no blue light on antenna and no flash/horn. YELLOW light just stays on.


Ram RCMAuto (160Pts.)


2013 ram 1500 chrt7 harness can not get module to work

ok Im still having programing issues, i can get to step 8 , i have only a solid blue light i have verified that i have 2.5v on each side of the can bus and i have 12v battery power on the yellow wire at the module with key in the crank position, yet i still only have the blue light on solid


Audi JW (190Pts.)


Suitable for 2023 A6

Is Fortin unavailable for 2023 A6? Why? Please let me know if you have any other similar product Just my wish that I can start the engine with lock*3.


Evo start Lte not working

Need some help. Bought Evo start. Programmed it correctly I'm sure as the blue light is solid. If I remote start or unlock/lock the doors with my fob it shows on the app. But I can't get the app itself to remote start, unlock or lock the doors. It will say it was successful but it wasn't. I'm lost. SN: 81043369783


2016 F-150 evo all can not program new key

I have 2016 F-150 my remote starter is Evo-all programed with Autostar fob. I got new Auto star fob or remote and I tried many ways to program it but it did not work at all. When I connect to Flashlink to my computer it does mention there is 1 key only. Please I need help ?


Evo all, Mazda 3, Thar maz1

The first unit was a fiasco. I decided to try with another, new fortin evo all, when programming keys at step 13 the red diode lights up. The firmware is the latest.


Skoda G M (16420Pts.)



Hello. I want to install autostart on 2024 SuperB. The brake pedal wire is located in the same place as in similar Volkswagens. When applying + to this wire, the brake light comes on... But it does not help with autostart. Is there another option?


EVO-ALL, 2017 Infiniti Q70, unable to get past step 7 (standalone with T-harness)

On step 7, brake pedal press turns on blue and red led, shortly after, red led does not stay on and turns off, only blue led stays on, unable to continue on to step 8. S/N: 001A07 670775


Audi A4 starts by itself after exiting vehicle and doors closed

Hello, I installed the evo all in my 2013 audi a4, with t harness. Programmed according to instructions. The issue I have is after driving vehicle, and exiting the vehicle, and closing door, without pressing the oem remote, the vehicle automatically starts by itself. I can turn it off with oem remote, but why does it start by itself?


Device flash limit reset request

Please reset Service # 001A06 555014 R to 0

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