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2014 acura rdx which t harness

Have a 2014 acura rdx with a push button start. The kit came with a THAR-ONE-HON1 T-Harness. However it seems that it is for key-to-start vehicles. Which T-Harness would work for my vehicle?


Honda jenom (340Pts.)


Checking for the latest Bypass Firmware version ?

Thar-One-Hon8 manual (Guide #99801 rev:20201228) shows Bypass Firmware Version 73.[38] does it have newer version? anywhere I check if a newer version available? is it recommended to update to newer version if older version works? Thank You !


for a acura integra is only available for the 2023 one can i use for a 2024??

i need one remote start that works on 2024 acura integra ,


for a acura integra is only available for the 2023 one can i use for a 2024??

i need one remote start that works on 2024 acura integra ,


Difficulty in programming EVO-one for Acura RL 2010

Firmware is updated to 73.[38] . When I insert the 6 pin connector the red light does not become solid for me to release the programming button. It keeps alternating the blue ,red, yellow and blue&red and I have done disconnecting and redone step one many times with no result.How can I fix it?


which model fit as remote starter for Acura RL 2010?

Hi As the info on your website, EVO-ONE and EVO-ALL fit ACURA RL 2010 but I prefer EVO-ALL becuse it is cheaper.So please let me know if it is fully functionl as remote starter with orginal fobkey of car (x3 lock). Thank you Nader Dana


2011 Acura MDX Help....

I installed two of these on my vehicles in the past and everything worked flawlessly. I love this product. However, today I installed this on my coworkers 2011 MDX (Acura) regular key, evo all, with T-Harness. I made all the connections as per the instructions. The hardest part was getting steering wheel column plastic off. HAHA I pressed the button and plugged in the 6 pin connector and it just continues to flash thru the colors. It never turns red like the instructions say. I did a trouble shooting form on the website and it says the firmware is out of date. So I just bought a flash link updater. Is there anything I missed?? Are there any hints to let me know about for the updater when I get it? THANKS


Alarm going off when I turn off car, Acura RL

I'm using evo-one and a omega OLRF42SST Omegalink 2-way remote, I have a 2005 Acura RL. The alarm is going off whenever I use the remote start the car and then when I turn off the car, the alarm goes off.


Flashing key on dash Acura RL

Hello, I'm using evo-one and a omega OLRF42SST Omegalink 2-way remote, I have a 2005 Acura RL. The car starts fine, however, the key light on the dash is flashing whenever I use the remote start. It does not flash if I don't use remote start. Any help is appreciated.


2010 Acura TL Push Start Evo One will not program

While installing the EVO One to my 2010 Acura TL (with Push-to-Start) I found that several of the wire colors called out by the installation (REV:20191022, Guide 19411) and the Wire Color guide did not match what the car has (on gray 32 pin connector and blue 36 pin connector).  I proceeded by connecting at the specified locations shown on the diagram.  Once the connections were completed, I attempted to program the module (which was updated and programmed with the Flash Link Updater).  Step 1-4 went OK, however, when I got to step 5 (Do not press the brake pedal.  Press the Push-to- Start button twice to turn on the ignition--  The RED LED will flash rapidly 10x times. -- Key bypass programmed. --The BLUE LED will flash rapidly. --CAN-Bus programmed.), the red LED extinguished and I could not complete the programming.  I tried this several time with the same results.  Your help with this issue will be greatly appreciated.


2011 Acura RDX Base 4cyl Turbo Gas Automatic Regular key Remote car start

2011 Acura RDX Base automatic with factory installed keyless door entr and Regular Key start.    1. Will EVO-One remote car start work ?    2. What Harness do we need to oder with EVO-ONE?   3. Appreciate link to Installtion video for this vehicle?


Immobilizer wire color and pin location do not match diagram downloaded from fortin website.


HELP can't find Ignition2, -Security Light, -Data (no connector or different colors)

Acura 2005 TL, Regular EVO one install.

1 - as per instruction it say ignition2 (yellow color) is on a green connector 5 wires... the problem there is no green connector at all with 5 wires.

2- (-Security Light, -Data) on the connector hold diffrent wires on the real car, I even checked wire-color website and its wrong.

Attached is what I have green color connectors on the car. 2 conectors. 




I have all-data and the digram it shows on Fortin Guide and wirecolor is wrong, my all data matches the real car color.

Now what, where can I fnd them?

