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I want rest limit sn; 002B04 676425


I want firmware vision 0.80 for remote starter and I want rest limit sn; 002B04 676425

I want firmware vision 0.80 for remote starter and I want rest limit sn; 002B04 676425 For Mazda 6 2016 and how can I make doors close when I put driver mode and when I put parking mode doors open


Toyota Pavlo (130Pts.)


Corolla 2005 guide#84861 advice to install 79(65) min firmware, Flash link advice to install 79(59)

Corolla 2005 guide#84861 advice to install 79(65) min firmware, Flash link advice to install 79(59). What firmware I need to install? Would you able to describe for me 32.3(Dk blue (GWR) shut down after ) ?How it works? I have just one dark blue wire A8 from evo-one for the driver door pin. Is it mandatory to connect this wire? Thank you.


Honda jenom (340Pts.)


Checking for the latest Bypass Firmware version ?

Thar-One-Hon8 manual (Guide #99801 rev:20201228) shows Bypass Firmware Version 73.[38] does it have newer version? anywhere I check if a newer version available? is it recommended to update to newer version if older version works? Thank You !


RFK 942 antenna not recognized by Flashlink 4 and Intermittent key fob operation

I've just installed a Evo All and RFK 942 on my 2015 GMC Sierra. No issues at all during install or programming and the system is working (sort of). The problem I'm having is this: intermittently the unit does not seem to receive commands from the remotes and/or no confirmation is sent back to the remotes. About 1/2 the time when pressing a button on the remote, I get the multiple blue LED flashes followed by the red LED and the beep indicating out of range. Or the vehicle responds but the key fob does not confirm it (no beeps or LED flashes on the key fob). It happens with both key fobs and distance from the vehicle does not matter. I can be 6 feet from the truck or 200 feet - same result (I haven't tried from any further away yet). I was thinking maybe there's an issue with the antenna and then I realized that the antenna firmware can be updated. I connected the antenna to the Flashlink 4 and it does not detect it. Does this confirm that the antenna is bad? Or am I doing something wrong? Just for context, I'm a professional Automotive Technician at a GM dealership and have some experience installing remote start systems. This is the first Fortin system that I've worked with. Edit: I tried again and managed to connect the Flashlink to the antenna. The antenna firmware is already up to date.


Cannot update firmware

Hi there, been trying to update firmware, current firmware version inside showing is 0.[00] for both bypass firmware and remote starter module. SN: 002B04240342. 

In addition to the above, when attempting to update the firmware of the flashlink updater, after disconnecting and reconnecting the updater, flashlink manager simply  returns with 'No updates available at this moment for the Flash-Link Updater'. Upon clicking on Flash-Link Updater tab at the bottom of the screen, it shows

Module Status: Connected

Hardware Version 5.0

Firmware Version <blank>

Service # 002505095209

Preload Date 2/2022

Your help is greatly appreciated. Thank you.


Cannot update firmware

Hi there, been trying to update firmware, current firmware version inside showing is 0.[00] for both bypass firmware and remote starter module. SN: 002B04240342. 

In addition to the above, when attempting to update the firmware of the flashlink updater, after disconnecting and reconnecting the updater, flashlink manager simply  returns with 'No updates available at this moment for the Flash-Link Updater'. Upon clicking on Flash-Link Updater tab at the bottom of the screen, it shows

Module Status: Connected

Hardware Version 5.0

Firmware Version <blank>

Service # 002505095209

Preload Date 2/2022

Your help is greatly appreciated. Thank you.


Does the Bypass Firmware matter for DCryptor to work?

I have a 2020 Toyota 86, and followed all of the programming procedures from the provided guide, but was on the incorrect firmware (I was using 84.xx instead of 79.xx). All the programming steps were successful and I finished with the red and yellow alternating lights. After getting those lights, I unplugged the module to start the DCryptor process but got an error saying no data found. Could this be due to using the incorrect firmware? I am using an EVO-ONE.


Firmware Download Error when trying to flash Evo-One Bypass

Does this mean Fortin server is down ? Simply wait? Tried two modules, same results each time. My FlashLink is up to date and so is the FlashLink 4 Firmware.


Connection to server from Russia

Hello, I want to buy EVO_VWT1 kit for my VW Scirocco 2012 (Golf 6 identical) and I've heard there is some connection issue to server from Russia. Actually no dealer here can install it and I just want to do it by myself. So, will I have the problem with connection using Flashlink updater?


Ford G M (16170Pts.)


2015 fusion. firmware version 4.01

Hello. I want to install evo-all (standalone) on 2015 Fusion version 4.01 (96151). Isn't it in the manager? It says 7152


Evo-one keeps disconnecting from Flash-link when trying to program remote starter options

Flash link not detecting Evo-one when trying to access remote starter programming. Bypass features program correctly but can't access remote starter options. S/N 002B04 134160 Every time I try to access remote start settings on Flash-link, it auto selects special unit and Evo-one red led shuts off then loses connection.


Lexus RX350 2009 Firmware in Manual is not an option in Flashlink Manger 4

I have Flashed the INT-SL+ with 0.17 via the instalation manual Guide#90081 It says to load Firmware 79.65 to the EVO-ONE. The highest option available is 79.56. I cannot get he INT-SL+ to program to the car via the lock button. The EVO-ONE will learn the key and flash red 10x, but when I go to the next step to hold the programming button on the INT-SL+ then connect connector 1 and keep holding while connecting connector 2. The Led is supposed to light up, but nothing happens.