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Evo start Lte not working

Need some help. Bought Evo start. Programmed it correctly I'm sure as the blue light is solid. If I remote start or unlock/lock the doors with my fob it shows on the app. But I can't get the app itself to remote start, unlock or lock the doors. It will say it was successful but it wasn't. I'm lost. SN: 81043369783


Can you confirm that my EVO-Start subscription is active?

I'm having an issue getting my EVO-Start to function properly. Can you confirm that my subscription is active? SN 81043369828. Thank you


Evo-one & Evo-start LTE

Hello can you please kindly help me. I have Evo-one & Evo-Start LTE installed on 2022 Toyota corolla push start last summer everything worked perfect with auto door lock & relock when i walk away, 3 days ago i try to set bluetooth PKE setting signal sensitivity on Evo-start LTE now door lock work away doesn't work any more, also look at option 9 in remote start for active or passive arming and try but no luck. do i need to do master reset and start over again ? Thank you very much and have a great day.


App controls don't work

I installed an Evo One with a Mazda C5 harness. In addition i installed the Evo Start LTE module. The remote start using the remote control works perfectly, but no controls work when i try to send them from the app. I am able to see the car location, so the GPS reports correctly and the state of the car changes correctly in the app when i use my remote control (i.e. opening and closing the door). But if i try to open/close the doors using the app, or try to start the car, the app states that the command executed successfully, but nothing happens on the car end. In addition, the fuel state is shown at 0%, while battery charge does show. Any help resolving this issue is appreciated, TIA.


EVO-START LTE not working properly

Help me. There is an EVO-ONE device. Remote start works with a standard key. I also decided to connect EVO-STAR - LTE. When I connected the module on the phone, only the temperature, voltage and open doors are displayed. startup is not displayed. Also, only the red and blue indicators are on on the LTE module. The green one does not light up. I did the programming according to the instructions. What could be wrong?


EVO-START LTE not working properly

Help me. There is an EVO-ONE device. Remote start works with a standard key. I also decided to connect EVO-STAR - LTE. When I connected the module on the phone, only the temperature, voltage and open doors are displayed. startup is not displayed. Also, only the red and blue indicators are on on the LTE module. The green one does not light up. I did the programming according to the instructions. What could be wrong?


System setting auto dark or light mode in app

Will Fortin update the evo start apps to have a auto light or dark mode in the app?


Smart lte installation

Hello, I will install the evo-all-lte with the thar-aud2 on an A4 2018 of a customer who is close to me. I have a few questions because this is the first time I use your brand. The steps are not very clear in your guide, but with my experience, I managed to understand most of it, but I have questions. 1. For the configuration, is it of the smart lte, I have to program the evo-all first and then connect the smart lte and program it? 2. Your guide asks for an RFA2A “sold separately” to connect the smart lte to the evo-all, but I do not need an rf kit since I use the application and the original key. On the other hand, instead of the RFA2A, is there a connection kit provided in the box?


evo start lte on autostart 1780

Hi does anyone know if the new evostart lte works with the autostart 1780 remote start? if it does can you please explain how to program it thanks


Toyota zdp (130Pts.)


How to bind the device in Evo Start LTE app?

Hi, I have installed Evo-One with Evo Start LTE (EU version). In the Evo start LTE blue led id solid, red is blinking (SIM card inside, activated). In the EvoStart application I'm trying to bind the device using Device ID from qrcode, Device passcode = 888888, Vehicle name = Sienna. The result is always "Repeat request". Is hardware status proper one? What I'm doing wrong?


FAQ Chitos (450Pts.)


EVO Start LTE what Evo RF kits will work together

Hello people: What EVO RF kit can be combined with EVO Start LTE on an ALL or ONE unit with no issues in the operation in both APP and remote. Thanks,


FAQ Chitos (450Pts.)


EVO Start LTE what Evo RF kits will work together

Hello people: What EVO RF kit can be combined with EVO Start LTE on an ALL or ONE unit with no issues in the operation in both APP and remote. Thanks,


FAQ Chitos (450Pts.)


EVO Start LTE what Evo RF kits will work together

Hello people: What EVO RF kit can be combined with EVO Start LTE on an ALL or ONE unit with no issues in the operation in both APP and remote. Thanks,


Getting the Evo start app to use km instead of miles

Hi, Is there a way to change the settings in the EVO app (for android phones) to use KM instead miles? I can't seem to figure out how to get the mileage display changed to use KM (in Canada) Thanks


Fuel level Evo start LTE showing 0% on 2017 CX-5

Hi, on the 2017 Mazda CX-5, the EVOStart LTE displays 0% in the app for the fuel level. Is there a fix for this or it’s not available for the vehicle?


FAQ Chitos (450Pts.)


With EVO Start LTE how do I add more users?

Hello Everone In the info of the EVO Start LTE it mentions you can have multi users and only one owner. On the owner phone we found under settings/shared User Management you have Vehicle name, Authorized name, Authorized Users Email, the start date, the end date and a button that says Permit. We have tried it numerous times and nothing are you supposed to receive an email or do you sign in with your newly created account with the same info setup in Shared User Management on the second phone with the same app and do what? Thanks for the help Guys


FAQ Chitos (450Pts.)


Evo Start Lte after installation With EVO ALL How do I Test before handing it to custmer ?

Evo Start Lte after installation With EVO ALL How do I Test before handing it to customer? Is there an App to test the product and configure if?


Does? Evostart LTE disable gps when car is off?

Hi does the EVOStart lte disable gps when the vehicle is off? I noticed in the app when the vehicle is running the gps symbol in the app is red meaning active. When I park the car and check the app like 10 minutes later I noticed the GPS symbol is black meaning no signal/off. Is that normal or is it a power saving feature when the vehicle is off and periodically checks gps every so often? Or is it off the entire time the vehicle is turned off?


How do you renew your evo start lte when included plan is almost expired?

How do you renew your evo start lte when included plan is almost expired? I don’t see the option.


This device has no network temporarily...

Daughter went to remote start with Evo Start and Evo One via iPhone app and the app says "This device has no network temporarily, and the remote start is invalid!" I am assuming a signal issue but any info would be appreciated for troubleshooting.... Hyundai Santa Fe pts, factory 3 Lock start with iPhone app Evo Start LTE and Evo One installed. I am awaiting her arrival to check led status on both units. 3 lock start worked fine. Thank you!


Evo Start LTE with Fortin Evo All & 2022 RAM 1500!

Dear all, Can someone please share with me what are the 2022 or newers RAM 1500 Evo Start LTE functions are operational? For me I cannot get the Gas guage, roll windows, open trunk or use panic options and I wonder if that is a firmaware update or some other programming issues! Please advise.


Does LTE module control turning heater/AC on/off, heated seats on/off, temperature control? 2010 Audi A4 Key-Port

I just installed the AUDT harness and Evo All module for remote start into my 2010 Audi A4 with key-port. I want to add LTE. Do I just purchase the Fortin Evo start module and program and connect it to my existing EVO All with T-harness? In addition to App control of remote start, GPS, will I be able to turn the heat and AC on and off, control the temperature, and also turn the heated seats on and off? I just want to know the additional features / controls I can have in the app. Thank you.


Placement of the EVO Start LTE

I'm thinking of adding a EVO Start LTE but i'm wondering of the placement, the manual seems to state that it should be under the dash with a clear "sky view". At the moment, my Evo all is tucked behind the ventilation on the left of the streering wheel. Would that place be acceptable or i'll need to "remove" the whole top of the dash to add it? In the same line of thought, I cannot seems to find the device size is it somewhere on the web?


Evo One LTE will not remote start, unlock and lock doors from phone.

Hello, I recently installed the Evo One LTE USA. The oem remote works fine to remote start the vehicle but anything to do with the evo start module won't work. It shows the doors being unlocked and opened, battery voltage, and temperature. I configured the RF kit as the Evo Start 2 when flashing my Evo One, could that be the issue? I also could not find a wiring diagram anywhere on either of your websites which would probably help me. I could only find the wiring diagram for the canadian version with the antenna. Vehicle is a 2015 Chevrolet Silverado 1500. Using Gm7 T-harness.


Evo-Start LTE North America network question.

I'm considering having an Evo-Start LTE installed. I already have an Evo-One unit in my 2020 Mazda CX-5 and it works fine but the OEM remote doesn't reach far enough while I'm at work. Before I take the plunge, I was curious if anyone knew what cellular network the system uses in North America so I could get a more detailed coverage map from that provider, as the coverage map on the Evo-Start site isn't very helpful with just a bunch of stylized red dots.

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