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À rejoins en date due:

Oct. 21, 2014





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2017 F350 Super Duty Evo all 1 key programmed successfully but won't remote start

Upon trying to remote start the red and yellow come on and blue blinks 1 time but not start. Stick key and turn forward, yellow light comes on. What am I missing?


2016 Nissan Altima PCM humming sound and park lights staying on

Installed compustar alarm with remote start using a EVO-NIST4 and diagram75491, d2d cable being used. For some reason the PCM is humming and the park lights are on, what can be the issue? Do I change out the power wire fuse to a 1 amp since it comes with a 30 but I am not using those, just the D2D as the diagram says.


2020 Honda Accord PTS EVO-ONE Smart Key warning upon remote start

Upon remote start car displays smart entry problem see dealer, issue does away after car shuts down when opening door and starts with smart key. Shutdown upon door open is set, what other issue could there be?


Module not compatible with flashlink

I have purchased a EVO-ALL Module and When trying to connect to program it says module is not compatible. Can this be added to the database if not already there?

Flashlink has firmware version: 4.51-1.1.15

Module is 10/2021 SN:001A07 304791


Does the lock and unlock wires go into the listed empty slots on a 2019 Nissan Armada using the Evo-Nist1?

The guide says that the lock and unlock wires go into an empty slot.


2010 Toyota Camry EVO All with Scytek Alarm

Installed an Evo All with a Scytek Astra and everything worked fine but the bypass started unlocking the doors via the datalink cable as if a button was being pushed and it disables the aftermarket remote functions until the bypass is unplugged. Does anyone know the protocol that the bypass should use for a Scytek system or does it need to be hard wired completely as the guide calls for wire to wire since scytek isn't listed?

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