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evo one programming 2010 mercury red light don't flash 10 times

i installed evo one as instructed by guide 22301 and all wires confirmed to be as on the manual, during programming the key the light dont flash 10 times I uploaded newer version and the recommended version by flashlink and didn't work . additional question, can i start it through oem remote 3X lock or not . thanks


Solid Red Light even after using dcryptor/adapter

After installing, as per instructions provided, there was only a solid red light on my module. I notified tech support, and the person sent an dcryptor adapter. I followed the instructions in that video as well, but the program states: "the module was not able to sample the vehicles immobilizer data. Reconnect the module to the vehicle and follow the programming instructions from STEP 1 to sample the immobilizer data." Now I feel stuck, because it seems as though the module doesn't connect to my car. Please advise.


Key-Override-All, is the red light bulb on the module supposed to stay lit still even after programming is complete?

Remote start works perfectly fine even after red light remains on after programming


Key-Override-All, is the red light bulb on the module supposed to stay lit still even after programming is complete?

Remote start works perfectly fine even after red light remains on after programming


red light on all the time

red light is on all the time


EVO-All won't pass Red Light on programming (Step 5)

I've flashed the EVO-All multiple times using both the wizard and Pro versions of the flashlink. No success. I essentially flash the module and it won't program past step 5 where the red light is supposed to turn blue and flash. No clue where to go from here. I'm using the T-Harness as well so there's no direct wiring.


Programming 2012 fj cruiser solod red light

I have everything properly wired for the 2012 fj cruiser and I programmed the module on the computer. When It comes to plugging in the module the light is solid red like it's supposed to be but when you turn the key to the on position it just stays solid red. Maybe someone can reboot my module with the s/n?


Programming 2012 fj cruiser solod red light

I have everything properly wired for the 2012 fj cruiser and I programmed the module on the computer. When It comes to plugging in the module the light is solid red like it's supposed to be but when you turn the key to the on position it just stays solid red. Maybe someone can reboot my module with the s/n?


Ford ryk (220Pts.)


2011 Ford Escape red light stays on during programming - SOLVED

Vehicle: 2011 Ford Escape

Evo All #001A07260304 installed with T-harness THAR-FORD4; plug-n-play install, teed connections to ignition switch, immobilizer antenna and OBDII connector; no wires spliced

Can't get the unit to program.  Process: Hold program button, plug in data cable and release on red light.  Insert key and turn on until theft light turns out.  Remove first key and insert second.  Turn on for 3 seconds, theft light goes out, turn off and remove.  Last step says to press and release programming button within 5 seconds (this is where it gets stuck).  Red light should flash 10 times and blue light should flash 10 times and ignition comes on and turns off again.  When I press the button the last time, the red light blinks and just stays on.

I've tried the firmware downgrade listed in .  That link says to downgrade to v 0.99 but the lowest version for Ford appears to be 4.01.  I flashed 4.01, power cycled in vehicle, reflashed v 71.52, unlocked settings and reset the unit.  Still same results.

I've also tried testing the data bus.  Hold button, insert data link connector, release button on blue light.  Connected all other connections and turned key on.  Blue light stays solid.  Shouldn't it flash on data?

The yellow wire is not connected as it seems to be part of the T harness, but I've tested it for 12v on ignition and it is getting it.  I don't have the valet switch or hood pin switch connected.  What am I missing?  I'm wearing out the plugs with all these connections/disconnections.





Solid yellow and red light

So im installing the evo all with the tb-vw module in a 2008 vw rabbit. ive been fighting with this thing for a few hours now trying to get the thing to read the key so i can use the dcryptor. ive manage to get past the setup 3 diffrent times but each time i end up with a solid yellow and red light when i apply power back to the evo all. when i go to start it, the yellow will go off then the red starts flashing and wont stop till i unplug it. any advice would be great. also ive tried factory resetting, flashing diffrent firmwares and ive now hit the limit on dcryptor and i believe im one flash away from the limit


After programming - once red 6 pin is plugged in, red light on Evo all stays solid.

2014 Ford Explorer - Ford4 wire harness. Once I've completed programming and plug in the red 6 pin, dash lights and cabin fan comes on as though ignition is set to on (no key in ignition). Will not turn off until red 6 pin, hodd latch plunger or data cable is unplugged from Evo All unit. Something rattles inside of Evo unit which could be source of issue potentially?


After programming - once red 6 pin is plugged in, red light on Evo all stays solid.

2014 Ford Explorer - Ford4 wire harness. Once I've completed programming and plug in the red 6 pin, dash lights and cabin fan comes on as though ignition is set to on (no key in ignition). Will not turn off until red 6 pin, hodd latch plunger or data cable is unplugged from Evo All unit. Something rattles inside of Evo unit which could be source of issue potentially?


Red light stays on during programming and wont program the keys

I hVE 2008 Ford Escape. I installed the Evo all fort4 with the the t-harness. I have installed all connectors(1,2,3) and connected a relay to the lights as instructed in step 4. I plugged the black connector in while holding the button in and then let it go when the red light came on. I put in each key for 3 seconds each and then pushed the button in. It didn't start the vehicle. Red light stayed on teh whole time. It only blinked when I pushed the button in. What causes this and how can I fix it?

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