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Runs for 20 seconds then stalls

06 Impala standard key and regular install. Runs for about 20 then stalls out. Dosent seem to shut down, more of a stall out.Only starts once and then light flash 3 times


mazda 3 les portes debarre apres le demarrage avec loption 6 (lalarme ce declanche)

mazda 3 2012 les portes debarre apres le demarrage plutot que avant ( loption 6) donc l'alarme se declanche au demarrage puis quelques seconde plus tard les portes debarre et l'alarme cese que puis-je faire?


Nissan Titan 2013 T-harness connection, empty spot connection A2 and A3?

Ok, i got that, but since is an "empty spot" in the connector, the wire that i will insert there it will be conected with what ? That is what i don't understand. thank you


Nissan Titan 2013 T-harness connection, empty spot connection A2 and A3?

What is the purpose of connection A2 "arm" and A3 "disarm"  in an empty spot  at this location "Driver kick panel or BCM Green connector Driver kick panel or above the gas pedal"?

This is stated in  Guide # 17743 and it also shows in the "wirecolor" installation pictures and wire connection.

Thank you

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