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Subaru G M (16420Pts.)


2015 impreza

Hello. I installed Evo-One on a 2015 Impreza. Does the Evo-One have an input line to lock and unlock the doors? If I put another remote.


Evo all Prostart 3271

08 Impreza manual trans. Wired up the evo all and pro start together,w2w connections made and double checked. The evo all is programmed for dycryptor with key successfully programmed. Flashed the suggested settings, the pro start remote programmed as well as the pro start. I can control locks etc, and it confirms ready mode on the r/s when set. If I remote start right away after shutdown, it will start fine as it should. If I set ready mode and shut down with r/s confirmation, after a min. Or so in ready mode, it will flash park lights 3 times when trying to r/s it will flash the park lights once and not try to start.


Evo all Prostart 3271

08 Impreza manual trans. Wired up the evo all and pro start together,w2w connections made and double checked. The evo all is programmed for dycryptor with key successfully programmed. Flashed the suggested settings, the pro start remote programmed as well as the pro start. I can control locks etc, and it confirms ready mode on the r/s when set. If I remote start right away after shutdown, it will start fine as it should. If I set ready mode and shut down with r/s confirmation, after a min. Or so in ready mode, it will flash park lights 3 times when trying to r/s it will flash the park lights once and not try to start.


Turn on rear defrost when remotely started Subaru Impreza 2013

what wires to use on evo one? what wires to hook to in car? also wiring guide for 2013 Subaru Impreza is missing A1 pin on 20 pin connector(yellow) on module to Ignition. without it car will not start after installing evo one unit


Relay needed for 2010 Subaru Impreza Starter2?

I have installed an EVO-ONE on 2 subarus so far, 2009 WRX and 2009 Forester. When I went to look at installing one in my 2010 STI i re-loaded the settings from my 2009 WRX as a good starter as I know it worked well. In Setting 2 (programmable output) I noticed the setting I had programmed 2.1 (which was likely suggested before) was not the one with the thumbs up icon which was 2.4. The wiring instructions still show using a relay for (+)STARTER2 and (+)ACCESSORY, however the suggested setting shows (+)STARTER2 connected to a direct wire from the EVO-ONE and no (+)ACCESSORY wire listed. Why does the suggested option not seem to match with the instructions? Has anyone used the thumbs up selection 2.4 and NO RELAY at all and just NOT connect ACCESSORY?


THAR-ONE-SUB2 on US 2015 Subaru Impreza guide

It appears this particular T-harness isn't as plug and play as it is compared to T-harnesses for other makes and models. Does anyone have a guide to locate the plugs for this car? The guide only helps so much because it's not made for use with the T-harness and none of the plugs it points to fit the harness except 1A. Any inputs or available guides for this particular T-harness would be helpful.


Subaru ZC (160Pts.)


Remote start refuses to start after 3 attempts, no accessory or ignition. Evo All 2008 Subaru Impreza manual.

I installed and programmed this module correctly with an encore remote starter almost a year ago and it was working fine. Recently, my car would not remote start after 3 attempts were made and refused by the remote starter. The clutch is correctly bypassed, I've triple checked the wiring and made sure I have good grounds. I did notice that the positive input coming from the remote start to the Evo all is at 10.5v while the positives to the remote starter are all 12.5+ The yellow LED comes on with ignition and there is NO red LED. I tried a different source for the 12V+ that was a known good constant with no good results. The RS still refuses to start after 3 attempts with the key in either acc or run positions. During the attempts, the dash faintly lights on and off each time. Accessory does not come on with any of the attempts. I've exhausted all other resources that I have available to me, and any help would be greatly appreciated. Thank you! Edit: I forgot to mention that after unplugging and plugging back in the module that my Check Engine light has come on, related to Camshaft Position Sensor.


Subaru M B (490Pts.)


2018 Subaru Impreza Regular Key with T-harness - Evo-ONE 3x Lock doesn't work

Hi Guys. I have a 2018 Subaru Impreza Premium trim with regular key start. I have updated EVO ONE to the latest software (both, Bypass and remote options), selected recommended options from the latest manual. After connection all the wires and harnesses today (i have used a T-harnes for the ignition) . After programming the EVO-ONE successfully, I went home, ran Decryptor, then waited for the update to finish, and unplugged when the message said it is save to do so. Went to the car, hooked all harnesses back and... car doesn't respond to 3x Remote start. It would start normally with the key and all functionality is there, just doesn't remote start. Please, advice. P.S. I did cut the yellow loop for Automatic Transmission, but have changed 1 option in remote settings to have the car on only for 7 minutes. Also, I didn't connect the hood pin switch, because I never work under the engine bay and in my previous fortin installs it worked fine without it Thank you, Michael


2018 Subaru Impreza Key start - Evo-one w/T-harness instruction about IMO wire.

THAR-ONE-SUB THARNESS INSTALLATION guide (Guide #64451) Rev20170427.

Page 3

"IMO wire On the green 20 pin connector"

RED/WHITE wire is not present on this vehicle.

Is there an updated instruction guide?



Update: 07/14/2018

I just found the IMO wire.  It is the White/Lt.Blue wire on the 20 pin grey connector, on the back of the fuse box. lists it as the "Body Integrated Unit, connector Q, 20 pin connector, pin 14, White/Lt. Blue"

This White/Lt.Blue wire is much easier to get to than the  "Red/White wire on the green 20 pin connector, on the Junction Connector" that is listed in the THAR-ONE-SUB1 THARNESS Installation guide, Rev. 20180627.

Maybe Fortin can update this Installation Guide to include a Note that says:

"if the Red/White Wire is not present on the Junction Connector, then use the White/Lt.Blue wire on the grey 20-pin connector on the back of the fuse box."

The installation was a success and the Remote works great.


Subaru ZC (160Pts.)


2008 Subaru Impreza Evo All + Encore E1 not working

Encore E1 "Tries" 4 times, yellow LED on Evo lights each try. There is no 12v on any of the ignition outputs when the E1 is trying. The Evo firmware is up to date, and the key data was successfully decrypted. Manual transmission, clutch is switched.


2011 Subaru Impreza manual transmission won't remote start

Unit programmed and key dcryptor worked as well but it does not remote start as it should. The red light comes on when attempting to start but it shuts back off. If you hold the clutch in it works as it should. I tried a different unit and relay but it doesn't seem to make a difference


2018 Subaru Impreza Key start - Evo-one w/T-harness instruction about IMO wire.

THAR-ONE-SUB THARNESS INSTALLATION guide (Guide #64451) Rev20170427.

Page 3

"IMO wire On the green 20 pin connector"

RED/WHITE wire is not present on this vehicle.

Is there an updated instruction guide?



Update: 07/14/2018

I just found the IMO wire.  It is the White/Lt.Blue wire on the 20 pin grey connector, on the back of the fuse box. lists it as the "Body Integrated Unit, connector Q, 20 pin connector, pin 14, White/Lt. Blue"

This White/Lt.Blue wire is much easier to get to than the  "Red/White wire on the green 20 pin connector, on the Junction Connector" that is listed in the THAR-ONE-SUB1 THARNESS Installation guide, Rev. 20180627.

Maybe Fortin can update this Installation Guide to include a Note that says:

"if the Red/White Wire is not present on the Junction Connector, then use the White/Lt.Blue wire on the grey 20-pin connector on the back of the fuse box."

The installation was a success and the Remote works great.


EVO-ALL driver's door won't lock

HI, please help. I have exact same problem as described here: except that I installed the remote start (Compustar CM7200 remote starter + DR3100 cellular Drone module + Fortin EVO-ALL immobilizer bypass) on my daughter's 2009 Subaru Impreza sedan. (I'm not a pro installer, just a DiY'er) The driver's door won't lock. It won't lock when commanded from the Compustar keyfob, it won't re-lock after remote start (I enabled the unlock-start-relock because otherwise the alarm would go off every time when remote started). it won't lock when commanded from the Drone app. Every time the doors are supposed to lock, all doors lock fine, except the driver's. I hear the driver's door lock locking, and then immediately unlocking. So, what should I do? Cut wire A10 (it seemed to help the guy with the Kia)? Or wire A20? Or do something else? It has to be fixed, I can't let her leave the car with engine running and unlocked driver's door, especially when the car is out of sight (which was the whole point of going for the Drone) Please advise. Thank you! (P.S.) everything else works just fine

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