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How to Install Evo All on a 2017 Explorer Police Interceptor

I have a 2017 Ford Explorer Police Interceptor. I installed an EVO-All using a Thar-For3 t harness. I used guide 69061 with 4.01 firmwear and 7 hardware version. Hood pin (Pink/Black) connected to ground, A16 (purple and yellow) and A1 (yellow) both connected to ignition wire. The explorer has no alarm system and no transponder. I connect the power and release the button on blue, then connect the remaining connections. When i turn the ignition to the on position the blue light flashes quickly without turning off. I then turend the ignition off and use the seperate key fob (lock,unlock, lock). The evo responds to the locking and unlocking then the red light blinks 5 times and then nothing. I can turn the car on with the key, remove the key and the car continues to run. The only way i can turn it back off is unplug the evo. Any suggestions to try? Thank you


If I have an EVO-ONE and a RF642W does the 642 FOB replace OEM one for daily driving?

I am going to install a EVO-ONE (EVO-FORT3) and a RF642W 2 way remote start. When done do I still need to bring my OEM key with me to drive a round since its push button start and the EVO-ONE does key take over? It would be really nice to not carry two fobs around for daily driving and reserve the OEM FOB's for when needed.


ford explorer 2015 wont program the keys, lights stay blue and red, never flash or turn off

i have a 2015 ford exploder, i bought the evo all for it and the flash link, have all the connections and wires connected as stated in the wiring diagram, install the t harness and made my connections to the obd wires can hi and can low,, plugged in the 4 pin power connector, stopped the lights at blue and red installed all the other connections, did the key program as directed key 1 key 2 and then key 1, nothing ever changed on the module, lights stayed continuosly lit up, the only that ever happened was when key 1 was insterted for the 2nd time the doors locked. no lights ever changed on the module and the keys never programmed. i have the 3 button setting set on the flash link program


Troubleshoot key programming

I have a 2011 Ford Explorer I used the evo all with T harness install went great but I cannot setup the programming portion of the vehicle. I’ve tried the keys and the fobs that came along with it. I followed all 3 different setups lights do exactly as stated but the vehicle won’t start. I’ve noticed when I try to use the fobs the lights will light red on then yellow on but nothing will happen, thank you


How long will the car run for after remote start before a key is put in?

Dear All, I have recently installed the Evo fort1 with Tharness stand alone into my Ford Explorer 2015 (standard key). it works quite well. I have noticed though that it seems after a while the car shuts down. iw as wondering is this a configurable option or that is the way the module is designed?


ford explorer 2017 remote start

i had this suv apart 2 times can not find the gateway module or body control. can you give more more data on the location or, a better picture. thanks soo much


2013 ford explorer programing issue

Lights go off on unit when programing data link when key inserted. Light on unit also will go off when plugging up the 20 wire connection. I was told by fortin for stand alone I just need to connect cam hi cam low also the 3 wires for the data link to the 3 wires on the 20 wire connector.


2013 ford explorer programing issue

Lights go off on unit when programing data link when key inserted. Light on unit also will go off when plugging up the 20 wire connection. I was told by fortin for stand alone I just need to connect cam hi cam low also the 3 wires for the data link to the 3 wires on the 20 wire connector.


2016 pts ford explorer

what the big deal with one with a factory alarm ?


2012 Ford Explorer

Installed Evo-Fort1 stand alone on a 2012 Ford Explorer non PTS over past weekend. Car remote starts fine, and hvac works while remote started, the issue is when remote started and key fob is inserted for take over, the ford sync radio doesnt play sound/turn on. Customer has to turn car off and restart using key.


2012 Ford Explorer

Installed Evo-Fort1 stand alone on a 2012 Ford Explorer non PTS over past weekend. Car remote starts fine, and hvac works while remote started, the issue is when remote started and key fob is inserted for take over, the ford sync radio doesnt play sound/turn on. Customer has to turn car off and restart using key.


2016 Explorer Police Interceptor

Has anyone done one of these yet? Have 3 coming in, standard keys (no transponder at all) and no factory remotes? Will I even need an EVO-ALL or hardwire aftermarket remote start?


2013 Ford Explorer EVO-All Randomly Unlocks Doors by itself

Sometimes when I lock the my Explorer either via the door button or via the OEM remote, when I come back to the car it is unlocked. I've also noticed that when I unlock just the drivers door (1 unlock press on OEM remote and sit with the door open after a minute or 2 the other doors unlock by themselves. This is undesired behavior as unlocked doors are an open invitation for criminals to help themselves to property in my car that I want to stay locked. Fortin Evo-ALL with the T-harness The following options are ON, the rest are OFF A1-A11, B1, C1, D1, D1.1, D1.6
