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Robert T

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Sep. 9, 2011





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Ram RCMAuto (160Pts.)


2013 ram 1500 tip key chrt7 harness

at step 8 I can get the blue light to turn on but it will not flash rapidly to move the next step.it just goes out i do have 2.5V on both can bus wires. what steps can i take to diagnose what to do next?


LED's just cycle thru the three colors, dose not stop when button is released.

2011 Ram 2500 Diesel. The three LED's keep cycling after button is released. EVOOne date: 10-2024 sn: 001a07663936


2014 Chevy cruze: Can I just remove the EVO-GMT7 and replug in my wires to remove the remote start kit?

Wondering if this can be removed and wont mess with my cars programming.


Can the remote start be programmed if I only have one factory key

It says to program after first key use second key then remote start the vehicle I only have one factory key


Ford f150 2011 Evo all standalone that-for4

Evo all 06/2023 Sn 001A07511495 Ford f150 2011 Evo all standalone that-for4 Doesn’t no program, I have been trying different times and ways and I don’t get it. Only get that the red and blue lights flashing 10 times but the blue light never come back, waiting long time and it doesn’t flash back. Of course using 2 working keys. I tried using a video that says, press the programming button after uses the second key but it didn’t work either. I tried without connect the red connector but it didn’t. Then I don’t know what more to do. Could you help me please. Thanks.


Evo Start 2

Bonjour J'ai un Toyota Avalon 2019 avec un evo start 2 et le démarreur fortin evo one. Le tout fonctionne bien. Je peu barré et débarré via l'application également. Mon problème est avec le Statut du véhicule dans l'application. La demande statut ne fonctionne pas souvent et les informations de température sont erronées. Par exemple, il fait -10 mais il indique 20 degré dans l'habitacle alors qu'il n'a pas fonctionné de la nuit et on ai le matin au réveil. Le voltage lui me semble plausible. Je sais qu'il y a une façon de réinitialisé l'antenne evo start 2 mais je ne me souviens plus de la fonction et de la bonne procédure. J'ai tout de même essayer de débrancher l'antenne, de rebrancher en maintenant le bouton sur l'antenne jusqu'à ce qu'elle clignote orange rapidement puis jai essayé chaqu'un des mode de clignote bleu 1 a 5. Il y a un mode que je crois que c'est pour vérifier le signal ignition. J'ai réussi a refaire fonctionné le démarreur en mode 2 flash bleu puis appuyez sur le bouton. Jai pas tenté de redémarrer le moteur mais les door lock fonctionne. Cependant maintenant j'ai 8 volt de batterie et -37 degré donc j'ai empiré ma situation car la même le voltage est erronée (batterie sur la charge et en santé). Qu'elle est la procédure de réinitialisation factory reset de l'antenne evo start 2 que je puisse enfin avoir une bonne communication avec l'application et de bonne donné? Merci


2005 Toyota Camry Starts but factory alarm gose off

Hello Everone We installed a EVO One Sin# 002B04690023 with 411 RF kit on this 05 Camry with installation guide # 84961 we folowed it to a T the vehicle starts fine but when the factory alarm sets it gose off with it running. Do we forget or need to set something in the evo one to disable or bypass the alarm we can't find any setings for this Please help. Thanks,


THAR-ONE-SUB3 compatible with a 2012 Subaru Forester Keyed ignition ?

Documentation goes from 2014, but compatible vehicles list just states Subaru. Looking to pair with evo-one.


Hood pin installed but not functioning properly.

We installed the supplied hood pin and is not functioning properly. Starts with hood open and does not kill when started and popping the hood. Not sending trigger to EvoAll. Programming seems to be correct. Everything else works just fine.


Evoall no longer starts car

Hello, I have been using an Evo One Fortin kit to start my car for the last 3.5 years. I have a 2020 Honda Accord with manual transmission. It just recently started to fail to remote start my car. When I start it manually, it works and doesn't struggle to start. I noticed that all the functions like heated seats, blower fan, rear defroster all work and the engine turns over, but the engine does not start when I attempt to start it remotely. It does this three times before shutting down. It seems like the module is not giving the car the bypass code. I am using the 3X lock function with the OEM fob and not an RF kit with stand alone fob. Any suggestions will be greatly appreciated. Thanks


Mazda 3, 2018 step 13, solid blue light

I have EVO-ALL and T-HARNESS Maz1 at step 13 the blue indicator is constantly on, there is no reaction to the key, does not change color to yellow Mazda 3, 2018, automatic


Why blue and red flashing LED after programming 1st key bypass on Evo All on 2014 Mazda CX5?

I am using guide 62951 to program the Evo-Mazt1 to an automatic push button start 2014 Mazda CX5. I have verified continuity to the door lock data and data key wires. When following the key bypass programming procedure it works fine until I get to step 6 on page 9 to learn the first key. Yellow LED lights up briefly then immediately starts flashing red and blue continuously. I have tried using the flasher to re-save the settings. Have tried taking the battery out of the key/fob. Sometimes it stays blue. Sometimes it flashes red and blue. Any help is appreciated. SN: 00A06 843321


How to fix purple blink light flashingon antenna while driving?

While driving, the light on the antenna blink a purple light. Sometimes, the car flashes light and honk at the same time and the light turn green and stop. How so I fix it?


Ford Seb (160Pts.)


eve one 912 sur mustang 2006

Bonjour je suis en train d'installer un module Evo one 912 sur une mustang GT 2006. Le véhicule c'est une boite manuelle , et sur le produit, c'est indiqué compatible avec les boites manuelles. J'aimerais obtenir une réponse car j'ai commandé le produit, je suis un garage et j'ai donc proposer le montage de ce produit à un de mes clients . En l'attente sebastien


Ford Seb (160Pts.)


Ford Mustang GT 2006 EVO ONE RM912 Pas de démarrage a distance

Bonjour, Suite à la pose d'un module RM912 sur une Ford Mustang de 2006, Transmission manuelle avec clé standard, impossible de programmer la fonction à distance pour le démarrage Etant un garage j'ai suivi le schéma de cablage fourni sur le site pour mon modéle, Guide 85601, les télècommandes repondent bien, le boitier clignote en permanence en alternance de 3 couleurs. Sur cette mustang, faut il passer par Flash Link pour programmer les fonctions ou un branchement supplémentaire est il nécessaire ? Cordialement.


evo one ne suporte pas la pedale d'embrayage

j'ai installé evo one sur toyota corolla 2009 manuelle. mais le module ne controle pas la pedale d'embrayage. j'ai du coucercuité la securité sur la pedale d'embrayage. Avez vous une solution plus convenable ? relais 5 pattes? merci


evo one programming 2010 mercury red light don't flash 10 times

i installed evo one as instructed by guide 22301 and all wires confirmed to be as on the manual, during programming the key the light dont flash 10 times I uploaded newer version and the recommended version by flashlink and didn't work . additional question, can i start it through oem remote 3X lock or not . thanks


All keys lost programed new fobs remote start cranks but not starting

Hired to do reprogram fobs 2014 infinti Q50 All keys lost reprogramed new fob all buttons work however now remote start problem car cranks but no start. Evo-all 2018, infiniti q50 2014.


Harness compatibility

Your website states two compatible harnesses for Ford Escape Hybrid 2008-2012 model years

THAR-FOR1 & THAR-FOR4 and documents indicate these work with both the Evo ONE & Evo All module

The question is .. Are these true plug and play or are splices still need to be done ? 

What are the differences between both harnesses Thar-For1 Thar-For4 ?

Would also like to use a EVO-START Original one.  Is this still fully functionable in Ontario Canada?


Battery Drain day after install Subaru Forester 2022

Installed Evo-One on Subaru Forester 2022 PTS (US) with THAR-ONE-SUB2 T-Harness and Linkr-LT2. Battery keeps draining with fortin connected. T-Harness was a simple installation with 2 connectors behind cluster on the Keyless access ECU. All recommended setting selected. It seems the car is not going to sleep. Any idea to solve this problem?


Kia ZA (130Pts.)


Hi there, need the technical document of the FORTIN 5-BUTTON XH29926 remote starter. Thank you

Hi there, need the technical document of the FORTIN 5-BUTTON XH29926 remote starter. Thank you


nombres d flash atteind

la limite de flash est atteinte ,est-ce que pouvez me réinitialiser svp # 002B04 689848


Autostart works only when the key is in the car

I installed EVO fort4 kit in my 2012 Ford Fusion. I used my two factory keys and programed them per the instructions. The auto-start worked for about two months. Now it will only start when I have the key inside the car ( it does not need to be in the ignition) The key works to unlock and lock the car normal. Can you tell me what I need to do to get it working again?


FAQ majix (130Pts.)



Would you please reset DCRYPTOR's limit for my EVO-ONE? - Thanks SN: 002B04 142189


Other G M (16320Pts.)


Happy New Year to everyone!

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