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PTS vehicle w/manual transmission can be driven w/o the key when remote started.

Hello, I installed a EVO-ONE stand alone on a 2023 VW Jetta GLI PTS manual transmission. I had to bring the key to my girlfriend this morning because she succeeded (unintentionally) to leave with the car that she had remote started with the OEM key (3x lock). In the past, she once forgot to bring the key, but when she pressed on the brake pedal to release the parking brake, the engine has stopped. But this time the engine kept running, and she had no message stating that the key was not in the vehicle in the cluster. -The module has been programmed with Flashlink manager and a Flashlink 2 on March 27th 2024 with the most recent firmware at this time. -The battery of the sacrified key has been removed, and it has been tied far enough from the transponder antenna located on the steering column. -The module was installed in accordance to the guide #99681. Is there any chance that a firmware reflash could resolve this issue? Thanks!


Le véhicule PTS transmission manuelle peur être conduit sans la clée lorsqu'il est démarré à distance.

Bonjour, j'ai fait l'installation d'un EVO-ONE stand alone sur un 2023 VW Jetta GLI PTS à transmission manuelle. J'ai dû aller porter la clée de la voiture à ma conjointe ce matin parce qu'elle a réussi (sans vouloir) à partir avec l'auto qu'elle avait démarré à distance avec la clef d'origine (3x lock). Il lui avait déjà arrivé d'oublier d'apporter la clée, mais en appuyant sur le frein pour relâcher le frein de stationnement, le moteur avait arrêté. Ce matin l'auto n'a pas arrêté et n'a pas mentionné dans le tableau de bord que la clef n'était pas dans le véhicule. -Le module à été programmé avec Flashlink Manager et un Flashlink 2 le 27 mars 2023 avec le plus récent firmware à cette date. -La pile de la clée d'origine qui a servi à l'installation est retirée et il est attaché suffisament loin de l'antenne de transpondeur de la colonne de direction. -Le module a été installé en suivant le guide # 99681 à la lettre. a-t-il possibilité qu'une mise à jour du firmware puisse corriger le problème?


VW Jetta 2015 - No Key even after Decrypt seems to have worked fine

I have installed a EVO ALL on a Jetta 2015 TDI (Push Start - Automatic).  I have the EVO ALL, THAR-VW1 and TB-VW installed as per instructions (I decided to skip the trunk release wiring as I didn't find the feature useful for me case).   The EVO All is programmed with Diesel Option enabled and it went through the Decryptor without any issues.  

When I press the 3 lock sequence,  the dash lights up (I had a previous problem that now brought me up to this point) but the dash says 'NO KEY'.   The car starts if I get the key in the car,  but not if the key is not in the car.   I was wondering what could be the problem.  The only item that I was wondering is that I reprogrammed (changed options) on the EVO ALL but didn't run the decript after,  would this cause this issue?   The car is store off site so I will drive in the morning and try this.   But what other issues could this be?


Signs of a decryption issue (Bypass) on a VW Jetta 2015

I have installed a EVO ALL on a Jetta 2015 TDI (Push Start - Automatic). I have the EVO ALL, THAR-VW1 and TB-VW installed as per instructions (I decided to skip the trunk release wiring as I didn't find the feature useful for me case). The EVO All is programmed with Diesel Option enabled and it went through the Decryptor without any issues. But when I press the 3 lock sequence. It doesn't start or crank. I see the red light turns on, and then the yellow light turn on... and it repeats this procedure twice (as per the options programmed). The dash of the car doesnt come on (as expected) during the sequence. I will check the brake lights when I have time but I was wondering if there is possibly something wrong with the bypass. Thanks


EVO-ALL will no longer go into Solid Blue Key programming mode after programming button is released?

After an almost successful key programming where the Decryptor completed successfully with the EVO-ALL, Unfortunately, I did not replace the R-LINK with the TB-VW first before I reconnected the EVO-ALL. When I replaced it after it did not successfully start and gave 5 Red Flashes/Beeps. So I am trying to start over at key programming step 1. When the programming button on the EVO-ALL is released on the Blue LED flash, the Blue LED just goes out instead of staying ON solid. After reconnecting the remaining connectors to the EVO-ALL and pressing start button the yellow LED comes on. It seems like the EVO-ALL is damaged if it will not go into key programming mode or perhaps the RLINK is no longer functioning, This is not a wiring problem since key programming worked the first time. I have no way forward can someone please help?


2015 VW GTI Manual, remote start worked once but now just cranks

Just finished installing an Evo-one LTE in my 2015 VW GTI, manual with push to start (mfg. in 2015) using the TB-VW and Thar-vw1 I had some issues with the first iteration of programming but eventually hard reset the Evo module, reflashed it, re programmed with R-link. Installed back in the car and the remote start worked! Buttoned it all up, got the car in ready mode just to test it and it just cranks, but won’t start. my connections and programming were all fine if it started the first time so what would cause this?


Compatibility with 2016 Volkswagen GTI

I'm confused with compatibility regarding the 2016 VW GTI. I see options listed for the standard MK7 Golf and Golf R, as well as the MK6-generation GTI. Would the systems for the MK7 Golf or Golf R work with my GTI?


Volkswagen Jetta gli 2014 doesn’t start

Hello, I just installed an evo one on a Volkswagen gli push to start 2014, with a TB-VW. Everything went perfect from connection to programming, without any problems. only until I wanted to turn it on (lock 3 times) because it does the process and turns on the dashboard lights but never gives starter. I tried to do it with the key inside the car to see if it was the immobilizer but it didn't start either. Evo one 05/2022 Sn 002b04274931


Firmware for VW with Virtual Cluster

Hello. Tell me, are there plans to release firmware for WT Tiguan or Atlas with keyless installation and with a virtual cluster installed? maybe it already exists? thanks in advance for your answer


Just bought a VW Tiguan 2017 push to start receive only oem key but discover that fortin remote start is installed. that

An electronic gadget is installed on windshield blue and red light blink and written evo on it. Can I link my oem key to 3x lock??


17 Tiguan PTS no dcryptor option in flashlink programmer

Trying to get everything prepped before install, have evo-vwt1 with tb-vw and when trying to program the module, it auto-fills the "installation method" step with "key in a box" and says 1 sacrificed key no decryptor. I want to use the decryptor, but theres no combination of settings that enables it as an option. running newest software and firmware, do i need to start the install and try to pull key data first? i didnt want to continue because i wont use this kit if i need to burn a key for it to work


2018 Golf Sportwagen Push-to-Start won’t remote start unless I press the brake pedal

I have verified all the wires, reflashed and reverified the software. I checked during remote start the brake lights don't come on. I've tried diesel mode. if I sit in the car and remote start it, and then press the brake pedal it will start. Evo-all with TW harness kit. also I have the Evo-Start 2, I can pair it to the Evo-all. But if I send it commands it receives it with a green flash, but then does a amber flash saying it can communicate with the Evo-all. D1 is on and H2 is on.


Under dash wiring.

Hey guys I'm in the us. I have a 2012 Volkswagen Jetta sportwagen, push to start. I have a evo all with the t harness and the tb-vw module so I don't have to sacrifice a key. I would like a step-by-step install pdf. What color wires go where from the module to the vehicle. The instructions that I've seen aren't really for keyless. It will be a standalone system. I'm trying to install it in sections. Basically to wire it, and then get the device to update it, and then get RF


2012 VW Jetta sportwagen keyless , remote start

I need to know what remote start works that has longer range and does not need a key fob in the car.


Neutral safety switch for a manual transmission so I don't have to use the sequence

I'm wondering if it would be possible to put in a neutral safety switch in my manual transmission so that I can remote start it I the same way as with a automatic transmission. I am using the Evo one with a t harness. Vw jetta tdi push to start 2012


Blue light won't flash in step 5 in guide 65321

Hi On my 2012 vw jetta manual transmission push to start. I connected everything it told me to connect on the wiring diagram but when I turn the ignition on the blue light turns of but won't flash Please help


2020 passat pts

Is there or not in the list from evo-all, Passat 2020 (pts)?


Can evostart2 go in VW Jetta?

Hi there. I have a 2011 Volkswagen Jetta SEL push to start that I’m looking to get a remote starter installed. A guy on Facebook marketplace said he can install the EVOSTART2 in my VW for $525 and I wanted to ask if it was compatible/recommended for VW Jetta’s or if there is a better option. (I also prefer the phone option to start).


2013 vw touareg no start except with brake pedal

sn: 002b04174651 version 60.11 first install was with thar-aud1 that didnt work ignition didnt come on and it was asking to remove key from ignition second install was wire to wire installation worked fine could program the key ect. tried remote start ignition comes on but no start at first ign on if i touch the brake it would stall soon after at second ign on (on same remote start attempt) it keeps running. verified yellow/red wire to black/red wire all seems ok. i got 12v at black/red if i touch the brake. at one time while trying car start even if yellow/red was connected. car is a diesel if that matters.


2013 vw touareg no start except with brake pedal

sn: 002b04174651 version 60.11 first install was with thar-aud1 that didnt work ignition didnt come on and it was asking to remove key from ignition second install was wire to wire installation worked fine could program the key ect. tried remote start ignition comes on but no start at first ign on if i touch the brake it would stall soon after at second ign on (on same remote start attempt) it keeps running. verified yellow/red wire to black/red wire all seems ok. i got 12v at black/red if i touch the brake. at one time while trying car start even if yellow/red was connected. car is a diesel if that matters.


2013 vw touareg no start except with brake pedal

sn: 002b04174651 version 60.11 first install was with thar-aud1 that didnt work ignition didnt come on and it was asking to remove key from ignition second install was wire to wire installation worked fine could program the key ect. tried remote start ignition comes on but no start at first ign on if i touch the brake it would stall soon after at second ign on (on same remote start attempt) it keeps running. verified yellow/red wire to black/red wire all seems ok. i got 12v at black/red if i touch the brake. at one time while trying car start even if yellow/red was connected. car is a diesel if that matters.


2017 jetta push to start manual trans no purple/black wire for clutch bypass in pin a5

There is no purple/black wire in pin a5 for the clutch bypass?


2017 jetta push to start manual trans no purple/black wire for clutch bypass in pin a5

There is no purple/black wire in pin a5 for the clutch bypass?


2013 vw touareg ignition key wont come on

Inst with thar aud1 car say to remove ignition key when its in doesnt do it when tharness is unplug


2014 VW Jetta Push to Start won't start

Followed guide 65301. Rechecked wiring everything looks good . Used TBVW. Harness tharvw1. Blue LED flashes with each lock button press. Vehicle does not try to start. Red Led flashes 3 times. Disabled all non essential options on module (hood pin, a6, hand brake, doors, trunk). Anyone have any ideas?

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