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Can I read the current settings from my EVO One?

Good day. I'm replacing the Evo One in my car, and I'm not sure how it's currently configured (THAR or not, configured options, etc). Can I read the settings on my old Evo One so I can apply them to the new one as a starting point? I have the FLASHLINK unit already. Thanks!


Toyota Pavlo (130Pts.)


Corolla 2005 guide#84861 advice to install 79(65) min firmware, Flash link advice to install 79(59)

Corolla 2005 guide#84861 advice to install 79(65) min firmware, Flash link advice to install 79(59). What firmware I need to install? Would you able to describe for me 32.3(Dk blue (GWR) shut down after ) ?How it works? I have just one dark blue wire A8 from evo-one for the driver door pin. Is it mandatory to connect this wire? Thank you.


A6 c7 2016

I installed it evo-one + rm411, starting with the OEM key works. I wanted to install rm411, the programming of the key fob is successful, but it does not react to it...how should it be???maybe you need settings???


A6 c7 2016

I installed it evo-one + rm411, starting with the OEM key works. I wanted to install rm411, the programming of the key fob is successful, but it does not react to it...how should it be???maybe you need settings???


evo-one will not save new change settings

evo-one will not save changed settings to module. I click save options and get confirmation and updating bar to 100% complete. but when I check current settings. the changes made are not selected and I have repeat the process. Then I uninstalled and reinstalled the flashlink manger and completed the programming a few times.Still no luck of the changes being saved to the module. How do I change and save setting to module.


Evo RS Evo-CHRT5

What is the dfault settings/configuration of Evo RS Evo-CHRT5? Thanks!


What settings with flash link work recommended setting not working? 2020 corolla hybrid EVO ALL

corolla hybrid 2020 hood pin not wired guide says a11 no guide 91651 thar-toy13 I need by pass keys data link wont work.service # 001a07044569 order 16-06710-20657


What settings with flash link work recommended setting not working? 2020 corolla hybrid EVO ALL

corolla hybrid 2020 hood pin not wired guide says a11 no guide 91651 thar-toy13 I need by pass keys data link wont work.service # 001a07044569 order 16-06710-20657


How do you save updates to "remote start" settings tab? save not working...

On evo-one I have tried multiple times to save 38.2 as yes. This is supposed to make lock x3 start the truck. However whenever I plug the device into the fortin flash module the software says 38.4. Again and again I try 38.2 save it, and when inspected it says 38.4. This is maddening. Do I save the settings then reflash the device, the instructions do not say this. The user is expecting when "saved" the module is updated, but from my experience it is not.


Impossible de débarrer mes portes

Honda fit 2015 , connait pas le modèle du module..pourquoi suis-je incapable de débarrer mes portes ( autant avec la manette d'origine qu'avec la manette Fortin ) ? *La voiture part*


Flashlink setup 2017 Jeep Wrangler Manual Transmission T harness

I purchased my Evo One prep with linkr from seller and adding a siren option I noticed this settings for remote start: 14 ALARM ON/OFF STARTER ON/OFF selected 14.1 (Alarm disabled. Remote starter enable) instead 14.2 31 SPECIAL APPLICATION PROGRAMMABLE OUTPUT (+) selected (Disable) instead 31.4 Is there any way to know if these settings are correct? Thanks Natalie


ne peut plus connecter mes remotes E400-c

bonjour , jai un mitsubishi RVR 2014 automatique push start model GT jai un EVO ONE remote starter & alarm AM compatible et j'ai un kit de manette E400-C a l'origine , le kit avait été installer par le concessionnaire a l'achat en 2013 et a toujours fonctionner correctement mis a part le fait que lorsque l'on ouvre la portiere , le demmareur coupe ... c'est pourquoi je voulait le mettre a jour via le flashlink qui ma couter 100$ ... et une fois mis a jour , plus rien de fonctionne ... jai reconfigurer le evo-one avec la synchronisation de la lumiere bleu lors du branchement et cela a fonctionner , mais lorsque vient le temps de configurer les manettes ... rien ne marche ! la procedure est : vehicule accesoire ON , appuyer sur le valet bouton 5 sec jusqua klaxon/bip (ce qu'il fait sans probleme ) ensuite appuyer 5 fois sur bouton valet (( ce qu'il fait sans probleme avec klaxon)) ensuite appuyer sur la pedale de frein (tout fonctionne jusqua present ) la DEL de l'antene devrait clignoter rapidement (ELLE NE LE FAIT PAS ) et ensuite appuyer/release trunk unlock et lock et la le voyan de l'antenne devrait scintiller une fois par manette ... (ce quelle ne fait pas ) et ensuite mettre l'adimission a OFF ... je me demande si en mettant la mise a jour dans le system j'ai pas canceller mon E400-C remote kit .... est ce possible d'avoir de l'aide svp ou si vous pouvez me donner le SF que je doit mettre dans le module pour etre en mesure de remettre le tout comme il avait été prpogrammer a la base question que j'ai un semblant de demmareur a distance svp ? merci