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2015 Legacy Security LED is on dimly

I successfully finished the install on a 2015 Subaru Legacy 6 speed manual Evo-One with the t-harness and rf kit. Everything went well and works okay, but after the install the red security light in the cluster stays on all the time while running but its very dim. When the car is off its blinking as its supposed to, but when it blinks "off" its still slightly light up when it should be totally off. Seems almost like its getting a constant back feed from somewhere. I'm not sure if this is a wiring mistake or possibly a bad unit?


Programing won’t flash 10 times help

2020 forester when programming when I start the vehicle it won’t rapidly flash 10 times. Help


how do i program EVO-ONE sn# 002B04 667448

trying to figure how to program evo one for a 20p23 subaru crosstrex push to start


Battery Drain day after install Subaru Forester 2022

Installed Evo-One on Subaru Forester 2022 PTS (US) with THAR-ONE-SUB2 T-Harness and Linkr-LT2. Battery keeps draining with fortin connected. T-Harness was a simple installation with 2 connectors behind cluster on the Keyless access ECU. All recommended setting selected. It seems the car is not going to sleep. Any idea to solve this problem?


2015 Subaru Outback EVO ONE - can't use OEM standard key?

Hi, when programming with flashlink manager it does not allow me to use OEM key and prompts me to select an RF key like RFK912 or RFK411. According to the EVO-ONE page it should remotely start with my OEM key. Am I missing something?


can you make the key fob turn car off if you change your mind and want to cancel remote start after starting

is there a setting in the programing to make the car turn off with the remote after you have started it if you change your mind and are leaving at a different time


2009 forester manual transmission

Instructions for the Evonne don't call for it but why is the emergency brake, brake pedal not wired as well. And what happens if the car is left in gear?


Removed computerstar 5200 installed evo one. Has oem security

2009 forester manual transmission. Has factory alarm security. Compustar 5200 looked after market so I removed it. Installed eco one system, flashed to latest firmware. Steps 5 thru 9 fail and with the key.. the engine cranks with no start. Need direction please. Thanks


Subaru G M (16110Pts.)


subaru crosstrek and take over

Hello. I installed evo-one (3x lock) on 2018 Subaru Crosstrek. When opening the door the engine stalls... What could be the reason?


Subaru G M (16110Pts.)


2015 impreza

Hello. I installed Evo-One on a 2015 Impreza. Does the Evo-One have an input line to lock and unlock the doors? If I put another remote.


Subaru G M (16110Pts.)


2015 impreza

The car is Japanese, right-hand drive. I installed the evo-one and it worked, but after a while it stopped working. The engine will start and shut off shortly. The immobilizer LED flashes on the panel...


2015 Forester (push to start) , shut down immidiately after remote started.

2015 Forester (push to start) , shut down immidiately after remote started (after 1 or 2 second), what im missing here?


Subaru ReLyt (210Pts.)


2009 Subaru Manual unable to Lock/Unlock during remote start

Good evening, I am trying to get a 2009 Subaru Forester manual transmission functioning with an EVO-ONE and an Excaliber RF kit (listed under compatible remotes). Reference: First of all, the option for RFLF remote within Unit Options does not exist on any of the remote start firmware options (tried 0.44, 1.26, 1.16 and several others to check). I did attempt to pair the remotes and had mild success with the default RF kit setting. Lock and Unlock seem to work intermittently depending on the state of the vehicle, remote start does work with reserve mode for the manual transmission as long as a lock command is accepted to turn off the engine (configured option to keep engine running until door lock). Currently running remote start firmware 1.16, but had similar results with 1.26 and 0.44 as well. Primary issues: 1) Unable to use factory or Excaliber remotes to lock or unlock the vehicle after a remote start command was sent from Excaliber remotes (regardless if the vehicle was able to successfully remote start or not). What options exist to resolve this? What firmware should be used? Are there any option settings to adjust? 2) Flash limit was reached while trying to test different remote start firmware versions. Can this please be reset? (EVO-ONE, 04/2022, SN: 002B04 271047) Secondary issue: 3) Sometimes when a door is opened after an unlock command, the alarm is triggered and can only reset when unlock is pressed twice on the factory fob (not tested with Excaliber remotes). This was not tested thoroughly so I do not have clear steps to reproduce this case. It did seem to happen more often after any action was made relative to remote-starting (either attempting to enter reserve mode with engine running or after attempting remote-start).
