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Audi Q7 dizel 2016

Привет. Как подключить EVO Q7 TDI 2016 Cтандартний ключ и есть кнопка . Каким руководством рользоватся ? Спасива.


Windows will not go up, or down from the app

21' Audi SQ5 - Evo-One with Remote Start and Thar-AUD2 Harness. The windows will not go up or down from the app. The app say Aux5 should put the windows up, and Aux6 should put the windows down. When pressing function Aux5 on the app, it says "Windows Closed", but nothing happens. When pressing function Aux6 on the app, it says "Aux6 Command Sent" and makes a sound of the windows going down, but nothing happens to the car.


I have the EVO-One (was installed in my 17 Q3)does adding the 4-Button 1-Way remotes require programming of the module?

This was previously professionally installed - only uses factory remote at this time (Lock three times)


2012 A7 key not recognized.

I've read the other answers and unfortunately haven't found the fix. Setting up Evo one in 2012 a7 will not start without key inside car even though setup as no key required setting. When I set it up using a sacrificial key it works without issue so I assume the problem is with my IMMO link somehow. Has anyone figured out the fix? Im kind of stuck with this unit and don't really want to spend $400 on a new spare key. Does the wire to the black/purple have to be a certain gauge? Thanks to anyone with some pointers. Much appreciated.


2013 Audi A7 Wont Start, key not recognised

I'm currently using an evo one SN: 002B04 079929 I'm trying to program this for an audi a7 2013. I've upgraded the correct firmware as per the manual however i'm getting an issue when attempting to remote start. It shows on the dash key not detected every time. I've done this 3 times now and the 3rd time the Decryptor limit has been reached. Can you advise and then reset please? The programming went fine, all the lights appeared as shown. If i leave the key in the car and remote start it, its fine. but if i do it outside the vehicle it displays key not recognised. Thanks


2013 Audi A7 Wont Start, key not recognised

I'm currently using an evo one SN: 002B04 079929 I'm trying to program this for an audi a7 2013. I've upgraded the correct firmware as per the manual however i'm getting an issue when attempting to remote start. It shows on the dash key not detected every time. I've done this 3 times now and the 3rd time the Decryptor limit has been reached. Can you advise and then reset please? The programming went fine, all the lights appeared as shown. If i leave the key in the car and remote start it, its fine. but if i do it outside the vehicle it displays key not recognised. Thanks


2013 Audi A7 Wont Start, key not recognised

I'm currently using an evo one SN: 002B04 079929 I'm trying to program this for an audi a7 2013. I've upgraded the correct firmware as per the manual however i'm getting an issue when attempting to remote start. It shows on the dash key not detected every time. I've done this 3 times now and the 3rd time the Decryptor limit has been reached. Can you advise and then reset please? The programming went fine, all the lights appeared as shown. If i leave the key in the car and remote start it, its fine. but if i do it outside the vehicle it displays key not recognised. Thanks


2013 Audi A7 Wont Start, key not recognised

I'm currently using an evo one SN: 002B04 079929 I'm trying to program this for an audi a7 2013. I've upgraded the correct firmware as per the manual however i'm getting an issue when attempting to remote start. It shows on the dash key not detected every time. I've done this 3 times now and the 3rd time the Decryptor limit has been reached. Can you advise and then reset please? The programming went fine, all the lights appeared as shown. If i leave the key in the car and remote start it, its fine. but if i do it outside the vehicle it displays key not recognised. Thanks


2013 Audi A7 Wont Start, key not recognised

I'm currently using an evo one SN: 002B04 079929 I'm trying to program this for an audi a7 2013. I've upgraded the correct firmware as per the manual however i'm getting an issue when attempting to remote start. It shows on the dash key not detected every time. I've done this 3 times now and the 3rd time the Decryptor limit has been reached. Can you advise and then reset please? The programming went fine, all the lights appeared as shown. If i leave the key in the car and remote start it, its fine. but if i do it outside the vehicle it displays key not recognised. Thanks


2013 Audi A7 Wont Start, key not recognised

I'm currently using an evo one SN: 002B04 079929 I'm trying to program this for an audi a7 2013. I've upgraded the correct firmware as per the manual however i'm getting an issue when attempting to remote start. It shows on the dash key not detected every time. I've done this 3 times now and the 3rd time the Decryptor limit has been reached. Can you advise and then reset please? The programming went fine, all the lights appeared as shown. If i leave the key in the car and remote start it, its fine. but if i do it outside the vehicle it displays key not recognised. Thanks


Audi a6c7 problems rmf411

I need help realy!!! I installed it evo-one + rm411, starting with the OEM key works.3 item close is car in run. I wanted to install rm411, the programming of the key fob is successful, but it does not react to open, no close, no run engine... how should it be???maybe you need settings??? I have 2 of them, here is one of them, the other is in the car, bought this year. on this block 002B04 650369 need to reset the decryptor because I didn't understand what was wrong and tried many others...please help me to do it right...and to work rmf411, really needed maybe somewhere in the settings you need to put a point that there is an additional remote control and not OEM


A6 c7 2016

I installed it evo-one + rm411, starting with the OEM key works. I wanted to install rm411, the programming of the key fob is successful, but it does not react to should it be???maybe you need settings???


Reset evo-one dryptor


A6 c7 2016

I installed it evo-one + rm411, starting with the OEM key works. I wanted to install rm411, the programming of the key fob is successful, but it does not react to should it be???maybe you need settings???


Dcryptor limit reached Evo One please reset

2012 Audi A7. Trying to diagnose why the remote start doesn't work, I reprogrammed the key a couple times. Now it says Dcryptor limit for this vehicle has been reached, and the module flashes red and yellow and is unusable. Please reset the limit. S/n: 002B04 625377


2012 Audi A7 won't start

2012 Audi A7 using Evo One. The entire setup was successful, I was able to program the remote. After install, lock3x did nothing. Looking through Remote Starter options in flashlink, and "System Control by OEM remote" was disabled by default. Ok. Set to lock3x. Reinstalled, now pressing the button turns the ignition on, but does not start vehicle. It does its starting attempt, then turns off and relocks itself. What am I missing here? I'm sure there are other options that I need to change that were not shown in the instructions. Any help would be great.


2012 audi a7 evo programing successing but car wont romove start

instation and programing done succesing but when try start car pushing button 3 times whit oem key the blue led flashing when pushe lock button and noting happend


EVO one remote compatibility evo-one and RM442

Have an EVO one working on an Audi A4 It's currently configured with a STX64-2W remote ( cassing is broken ) If it possible to replace the remote by an RM442 ? They are both 2 way, buit will it be compatible ? BTW Distance dosen't matter Thanks


While trying to decrypt audi key it just turns off and the evo one just flashes red

I have a 2014 audi a6 and an evo one. I downloaded everything and everything went well while programming until the last few steps when the module was flashing red yellow and blue and supposed to turn on and off the ignition I heard the ac turning on and off then the ignition turned off and instead of the LEDs flashing red and yellow it just flashed red and did not read the key


2014 Audi RS7 EVO ONE with Carlink ASCL6 4G

What remote start firmware should I used if I am adding a ascl6 carlink to my Evo-One?


Can you please reset the flash limit for S/N 002B04134120?

Can you please reset the flash limit for S/N 002B04134120?


Audi G M (16420Pts.)


Trigger for remote start

Does the trigger for remote start on the evo-one also come from the yellow-black wire? 38.3


Audi G M (16420Pts.)


Audi A6 standalone remote start

GUIDE # 79791 How does this manual provide remote start?.. With an OEM remote control or an aftermarket one? (Not specified 38.2) I want a standalone (as a last resort, an impulse trigger or an aftermarket remote start).


2012 audi a7 evo programing successing but car wont romove start

instation and programing done succesing but when try start car pushing button 3 times whit oem key the blue led flashing when pushe lock button and noting happend


Why no remote start for 2008 A6

Just curious As to why remote start function is not a available for the 2008 Audi A6. I really do not want to rely on compustar or some other DEI product.

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